No, I support it because it's effective. We have two houses. One is a democratic representation of the population, the other is a republican representation system. It's a check against the Tyranny of the Majority. I'm not a fan of democracy in general, as it's too easily to rile up a mob and lead them down a bad path with effective propaganda. Under your system, a charismatic leader could propose and push through legislation that would say, force farmers to halve their food prices, or only grow organic food, or prevent oil drilling etc. The way the senate is set up allows those states that would otherwise stand a very good chance of getting steamrolled, to have an equal voice in negotiations. Democracy sucks, but I think that the system we have set up now where we have two houses with different setups is just about the best compromise that man has adopted as a system of government.
About the only tweak to our government I really want is a change in how the electoral college votes are distributed. I dislike winner-take-all because it disenfranchises so many voters. Obama would've still won if college votes were distributed in proportion to vote percentages, but the margin would've been much less and would've been more reflective of how the population feels. Those 30% or so of voters in New York that cast their vote for Romney shouldn't have their voices ignored.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat