Jay wrote:
Mutantbear wrote:
why would saying that jews are successful in the entertainment industry be antisemitic
Because it's not PC to point out truths. Like, you can't say that most people who live in public housing in NYC are black, even though it's true, because that makes you a racist
but you didn't say jews are successful. you alluded to the oft-repeated misconception (that is routinely a talking point of anti-semites) that jews run hollywood. it has nothing to do with being PC, and everything to do with you being an idiot. Just like that comment you made in the girl problems thread about j_5869's choice of women not being able to afford nail polish. Just like that thread about black people being poor and uneducated. Just like that thread about you making fun of jews for wanting their groceries bagged. You do it once, no bid deal. Twice, not that big of a deal. When you consistently make idiotic, stereotypical statements its hard not to recognize a pattern and call a spade a spade.
But no, we're being PC because we don't make retarded fucking statements and call you out when you do.
But I don't care that Jews are the majority in Hollywood. It doesn't make me stop watching movies or anything like that. It's just a fact. I tend to wiki actors and actresses quite often when I watch a movie and the fact is that the majority tend to be Jewish, way out of proportion to their numbers in society. It's just the way it is.
Yes, I often use stereotypes because I think it's healthier to laugh about them than it is to sweep them under the rug. Is it a stereotype that black people like fried chicken? Yes, but for most black people I've known in my life, it's also been a truth. So what? I'm intelligent enough to know that stereotypes aren't fact and that you can't lump all people together. There's exceptions to every rule.
The difference between me and people who tend to get uppity about shit like this is that I've undoubtedly had a broader range of experiences in my life than they have. My wife gets horrified at some of the stuff I say because she's been trained all her life to be polite and never say those things. She's also been very sheltered. "I can't believe you said that and he didn't punch you in the face" etc. Instead, we're laughing and having a good time. My personality isn't for everyone Ken, and I'm sorry that you take issue with the things I write here, but it is what it is. I'm brash, I make people uncomfortable, but I also make them laugh, which is probably why I have so many friends instead of enemies irl. Whatever.