eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom

Ilocano wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

Algebra as difficult subject = discredits author.
Andrew Hacker (born 1929) is an American political scientist.

He is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Political Science at Queens College in New York. He did his undergraduate work at Amherst College. This was followed by graduate work at Oxford University, University of Michigan, and Princeton University where he received his PhD degree. Hacker taught at Cornell before taking his current position at Queens.
Princeton, Oxford, Amherst, Cornell hmmm obviously a moron.
Political Science PhD =/= math expert.

But in general, Political Science expert commenting on the need for Algebra. 
now you know how i feel whenever you or jay or the other engineering wizards post
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

rdx-fx wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

derp derp engineering is the only thing that matters derp derp.  now lets talk about my incredibly strong opinions on political issues that i have no clue about
You didn't pass algebra either, huh?
did you not go to college?
Can't speak for current requirements, but back when I went, the only thing required for non-math related degrees was College Math, which did not even touch 8th grade Algebra.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
they have must have changed the requirements than.  I had to take stats
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

Algebra as difficult subject = discredits author.
Princeton, Oxford, Amherst, Cornell hmmm obviously a moron.
Political Science PhD =/= math expert.

But in general, Political Science expert commenting on the need for Algebra. 
now you know how i feel whenever you or jay or the other engineering wizards post
Nah, there is a place for Political Science.  They have their expertise.  It just isn't number crunching.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
and you had to be proficient at highschool level at least
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

they have must have changed the requirements than.  I had to take stats
Why kind of stats?  Did they include derivatives?  Differentials?  Basis of those algorithms?  Or was it just, "use this formula" to get this value?

eleven bravo wrote:

derp derp engineering is the only thing that matters derp derp.  now lets talk about my incredibly strong opinions on political issues that i have no clue about

rdx-fx wrote:

You didn't pass algebra either, huh?

eleven bravo wrote:

did you not go to college?
Did Algebra in 7th or 8th grade.
In California, even!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom

Ilocano wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

they have must have changed the requirements than.  I had to take stats
Why kind of stats?  Did they include derivatives?  Differentials?  Basis of those algorithms?  Or was it just, "use this formula" to get this value?
pussy distributions is about the only thing i remember lol
Tu Stultus Es
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom

rdx-fx wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

derp derp engineering is the only thing that matters derp derp.  now lets talk about my incredibly strong opinions on political issues that i have no clue about

rdx-fx wrote:

You didn't pass algebra either, huh?

eleven bravo wrote:

did you not go to college?
Did Algebra in 7th or 8th grade.
In California, even!
well you need to pass a college level math class in order to get your degree in california
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

they have must have changed the requirements than.  I had to take stats
Why kind of stats?  Did they include derivatives?  Differentials?  Basis of those algorithms?  Or was it just, "use this formula" to get this value?
pussy distributions is about the only thing i remember lol
So, were you as pissed as I was after taking high school level stats, that it couldn't be applied in Vegas?
Not everyone needs an extensive education in mathematics for their careers.

But, really, if basic algebra is an insurmountable educational obstacle - you've got a learning disability.

Even engineering degrees require you to take sociology, psychology, writing, and public speaking classes.
Touchy-feely opinion and perspective classes that your average autism-spectrum engineering nerd is going to hate, but they have to pass it anyways.

If we've gotta do Socialism 101 (aka Sociology), as taught by Laureli, the Witch of the Left Winds - y'all have to do Algebra!
Fair is Fair!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
all degrees require to have at least one hist/polisci/speech ect class.  funny thing is all these math nerds thinking they know wtf they are talking about because they took a couple of classes and read a couple of wiki entries.
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

well you need to pass a college level math class in order to get your degree in california
pfft.  easy enough.  Diff Equ or Linear Algebra count?

I'm going to have a fit if they make me take any more Sociology courses, though
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
its like these math geeks equate the strength of their subjective opinions with the amount of thorough knowledge they have on a subject
Tu Stultus Es
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

eleven bravo wrote:

all degrees require to have at least one hist/polisci/speech ect class.  funny thing is all these math nerds thinking they know wtf they are talking about because they took a couple of classes and read a couple of wiki entries.
You assume that 'math nerds' only read math books after they leave college. Anyone can pick up a stack of books and become proficient in history or politics or economics. The fundamentals aren't that difficult. Only super nerds and retards try to learn math outside of a classroom. You're comparing apples and oranges.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
you assume im making assumptions
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

all degrees require to have at least one hist/polisci/speech ect class.  funny thing is all these math nerds thinking they know wtf they are talking about because they took a couple of classes and read a couple of wiki entries.
"But.. that's just.. like.. your opinion, man.."

I was teacher's pet at an ancient literature college elective, in a class of 30 or so blonde impressonable SoCal coed's.  Fucking awesome times.

eleven bravo wrote:

its like these math geeks equate the strength of their subjective opinions with the amount of thorough knowledge they have on a subject

Well, yeah!

The strength of your opinion should be, in part, based on your knowledge of the subject at hand.
An informed opinion is based on the quality and quantity of the information you bring to your opinion, no?

We're not going to take Shifty's advice on sex & women, now are we?
Or dieting and nutrition advice from Dilbert or Jay?

11B may have a more informed opinion on ground warfare, where FEOS might be more current on zoomie officery things (whatever it is that they do)...

Last edited by rdx-fx (2012-07-30 13:26:24)

Dreads & Bergers
+364|7030|Riva, MD

rdx-fx wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Algebra is the reason I dropped out of college tbh, it's just too mentally exhausting to keep doing and if you don't understand one part, you're pretty much fucked for the rest of the semester.
That describes any STEM degree.

Each successive class builds on the foundations of the previous classes.
If you didn't understand the material in the previous class, you're going to be absolutely lost in the next class.

If you have a lousy teacher, or an unmotivated student, any class can be impossible.
If you have an excellent teacher (think Richard Feynman, for a standout example), even bleeding edge theoretical physics can be fun.
Yeah, my teacher sucked, it was this fat black lady with an obnoxious fake street attitude that she put on to make herself fit in better with the majority of the class, something she obviously learned from her prior job as a high school teacher to survive without becoming a target.  She would repeatedly remind the class of the possibility of failure if we didn't learn the material in an effort to motivate people through what some would consider tough love I guess.  Her teaching style just didn't work for me but I'm glad she would at least drop the bullshit and take me seriously when I came to her with a problem.

I'd love to have another good math teacher like in 9th grade but it's very unlikely to get even a halfway decent teacher at that college; I had a senile old lady for an English 102 teacher that would just freeze, say "ummm" and then move onto the next part of the class if you tried to ask her to clarify anything at all, ever.  I just ended up dropping that class halfway through

Jay wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

I think our education system is just a little too rigid, still. Basic algebra is something everyone should be expected to learn, yes. But higher levels of math are worthless to you if you do not plan to go to college. Even if you do decide to go to college you probably won't need all that higher level math you were taught. I like how the universities treat math. You take your 2 or 3 mandatory math classes picked from a list of different subjects, levels, and topic and then go do whatever else you want. High schools requiring you to take 4 years of math, like I did, when you have no aspirations to be an engineer is silly. The higher levels math courses aren't even useful to some math orientated degree paths either. Accounting majors don't need, and won't be forced, to take high level math classes.

I'm not suggesting having a two tier high school education system that prepares some people for college and others for careers in grave digging. Instead of having a one size fits all everyone needs to take xyz classes, there should be more flexibility in what you have to study at the high school level. Colleges shouldn't (and to a part already don't, it is a mixed bag for better or for worse..) set the price of admission at 4 years of math, 2 years of a foreign language, etc. Students who are great at math can pack their high school schedule with math classes and when they apply to college the colleges judge them on how good their math grades are and if they could hang at the math heavy engineering, comp sci etc. classes. Someone who is creative can pack their day with classes having to do with art and the colleges judge them on those grades and if they are able to keep up with the BFA curriculum. Students who are interested in the social sciences can pack their day with classes in that field and be judged on those grades and if they could cut it in the social science programs. Of course they still have to take their 4 years of English, 1 or 2 of math/science/history but they have a lot more freedom.

As long as there is an opportunity to move from the math to art or art to math degree tracks during college (dependent on grades, classes, ability,) there shouldn't be problem. 

jay wrote:

They've already dumbed down the English side greatly by removing the spelling and grammar components because 'they were too hard'.
I think think your education may have be sub par.
Everyone is forced to take classes in college and high school that don't directly correlate with their field of study or have applications in the real world. Do I really need to know what occurred on July 1-3, 1863 or know who Telemachus was? No, not in the slightest, but someone somewhere decided that everyone that enters college should exit with at least the effort of creating a moderately well rounded scholar being made. A lot of people bitch about their non-core requirements, it's not unique to social science students and math classes.
I highlighted the parts where I said people have to take at least a basic level of classes not unlike how colleges already force students to. Just in case you didn't see it. Oh preemptive you are welcome.

Electives do an ok job in allowing students to pick and choose what they want to take, but math is a lot like philosophy in that it's extremely difficult to pick it up in the middle without having the foundational readings that everything has been built upon in the back of your mind.
No not really. You don't have to learn Greek philosophy to understand Marxism. Apples and Oranges. Delicious oranges.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
How could someone even say Algebra isn't necessary?
You can't say "I don't need gravity" either.

The question is if you care to understand it at least at a basic level, or if you want to stay a shoveller in a ditch.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I taught myself algebra from a couple maths books when I was 12-13

Yeah, I was homeschooled for a couple years... only a couple though, I did complete my formal at school for the last three years and attended the first seven.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
But yeah, everyone should learn algebra. It's a fundamental part of maths that is used in everyday life.

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