yea yea i know this much about beer \_/
so mad
Raichu Girls on Tour
they be ak'in like they drunk
akin akin like they drunk
My name is Jenny. I am 16 years old and have dark blonde hair. NOW THAT YOU HAVE STARTED READING YOU MAY NOT STOP! I was murdered July 14th with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. If you do not post this on 20 other pages I will come to...... your house in the middle of the night and kill you with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. You have 5 hours to complete this task. Don't believe me, *maria m...arshall, Pelham, Texas 1998, was showing and went to bed right after, found dead the next morning. * keisha jones, Nashville, Tennesee 1995, fell asleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream, found next morning lying on the floor. omar wilkionsin, milwaukee, wisconsin 2002, reading a book to go to bed and was shot and stabbed through the book after he fell asleep. Still don't believe me? google their names....Trust me I did not want to paste this. But its kinda scary so I did it just to be sure
Tu Stultus Es the panic room! Jenny will never touch me there!eleven bravo wrote:
My name is Jenny. I am 16 years old and have dark blonde hair. NOW THAT YOU HAVE STARTED READING YOU MAY NOT STOP! I was murdered July 14th with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. If you do not post this on 20 other pages I will come to...... your house in the middle of the night and kill you with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. You have 5 hours to complete this task. Don't believe me, *maria m...arshall, Pelham, Texas 1998, was showing and went to bed right after, found dead the next morning. * keisha jones, Nashville, Tennesee 1995, fell asleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream, found next morning lying on the floor. omar wilkionsin, milwaukee, wisconsin 2002, reading a book to go to bed and was shot and stabbed through the book after he fell asleep. Still don't believe me? google their names....Trust me I did not want to paste this. But its kinda scary so I did it just to be sure
Hear a gunshot and a scream? Everything must be fine, I'll check in the morning.eleven bravo wrote:
keisha jones, Nashville, Tennesee 1995, fell asleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream, found next morning lying on the floor.\
It is better to do a tame thing with style, than a dangerous thing without style.
Doing a dangerous thing with style, is what I call art.
I have seen dogs with more style than men, though not many dogs have style.
Cats have it with abundance.
Style is difference. A way of doing. A way of being done.
I have met many men in jail with style.
I have met more men in jail with style than men out of jail.