it basically boils down to;
not insane
gunsafe on a standing wall
ammo in a seperate safe (don't think this has to be a standing wall)
some forces require the bolt seperate (although not many)
member of a gunclub is a pre-req unless you shoot for sport (hunting/competition) or own over a certain amount of land (aimed at farmers)
for general use, no pistols or automatics. shotguns and rifles are fine. depending on the force, you can own or use at home or at a club a shotgun or a rifle from the age of 18 to 21. it gets really convoluted. so for me, if i put my main address as cheshire i can fire a rifle at 16, and own at 18 i think. same for shotgun. yet if i put it down as ireland i need slightly more checks, and cant own anything til 21 unless employed on an estate with a certain amount of land.
this all gets thrown out of shape if you're a member of the armed forces cadet groups too.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella