I don't know if this subject has ever been discussed or not, but i have noticed as of lately there are allot of aircraft/armor hogs on some various servers, my request is that they re spawn aircraft/armor/vehicles immediately after they are destroyed in order to allow other player to fly etc.. right now when a helo for example is shot down the pilot has plenty of time to re spawn and camp/hog the plane before it re spawns, there is really no reason why there should be any delay after a vehicle is destroyed for it to re spawn immediately, too many games are lost do to camping and poor pilots etc, true, noobs need to learn but thats what the single player mode is for...tell me I'm not the only one who can never get a plane/helo/tank etc because there's always someone re spawning to run back and get there vehicle when it re spawns?

Last edited by devilcat (2006-05-24 13:22:29)

+25|6813|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
that would suck there would not be any idea in blowing them up then they would just be back in a moment
were talking about a matter of seconds
+79|6785|Las Vegas
What is even worse than people "hogging" a vehicle all people standing around waiting for vehicles.  Go play the game and contribute to your team instead of being a useless stationary target for artillery/jets/snipers

i think they should just get rid of the tanks,jets, and helos and make a bf2 with just them !!
Over the line!
+70|6910|Mark it zero.
how about it spawns one of every vehicle per person? problem solved....
Cant the server owner change the vehicle respawn time now?
+163|6808|Odessa, Ukraine

TwistedX wrote:

Cant the server owner change the vehicle respawn time now?
ranked - no

screwystewy wrote:

i think they should just get rid of the tanks,jets, and helos and make a bf2 with just them !!
Are you serious? It wouldn't be BF2. No, better to just make a single map with transport vehicles being the beefiest armor you can get. Throw in a bit of spice without drastically ruining gameplay.
+14|7002|Atlanta, GA
Concur with crowd, instant respawn of vehicles = bad
Frosties > Cornflakes

Hmmm if you did that, after some noob kills you with an anti-tank missile, he would end up crashing the respawned F-15 into the wreckage of the old one............ITS A WONDERFUL IDEA!!!!!!!! lol
a fly
+105|6806|The netherlands

Bell wrote:

Hmmm if you did that, after some noob kills you with an anti-tank missile, he would end up crashing the respawned F-15 into the wreckage of the old one............ITS A WONDERFUL IDEA!!!!!!!! lol
get your brain checked, or read the first post BETTER

the noob would not get the chance to get back, since the plane spawns in, lets say 15 seconds, the respawn time is 15 seconds, ow, and wasent there a walk time involved?

good idear but make it better, if you die in a chopper or plane, you get a long respawntime
Frosties > Cornflakes

Ehhh read my post better before u charge off undermining me.  As I said, some noob, e.g AT private, blows u up with the missile, then the AT noob takes the immediately spawning F-15, and crashes that into the wreckage of the old one.

Phhhhhht some ppl

Learn to shoot then you don't need a jet. Getting a jet is kinda like winning the lottery. Its nice to win but you shouldn't over exert yourself trying to win I.E. pitching a tent at the air field in hopes that they guy that just died in the jet won't just kill you to get HIS newly respawned jet.
Decepticons forever!
i think the respawn times of such devastating things as planes or attack helos shud be longer than it is now, to make it shorter would imo ruin the game
If EA was really interested in overall balance they would either:
1) quit making AA even harder to succeed with on every patch
2) quit putting bombs or tv missiles on every aircraft

It gets really annoying when the other team has two decent pilots and are able to saturation bomb almost at will, and nothing on the ground can shoot them down in two passes, let alone one.

Make one jet type purely air to air and the other a ground attack, so the air to air boys shoot each other and the bombers.

Or make the jets have to land and stop to reload/repair....

but it'll never happen since they are catering to the leaderboards these days...

The idea that more powerful vehicles should cost more in tickets could work...maybe then pilots wouldnt use hundred million dollar aircraft as one way guided missiles for long since it would hurt team score...

Just some random ideas...whaddaya think?
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6727|Area 51

screwystewy wrote:

i think they should just get rid of the tanks,jets, and helos and make a bf2 with just them !!
I think u should play another game then

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