
So here is the results from this years gallup survey. This is for the U.S. obivously. … rally.aspx
I'm morally cool with all of those though that doesn't completely explain my views. For instance, I'm morally cool with polygamy though I'm against it based on the legal and social arguments against it.

So, where do you stand compared to the rest of America?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
morally acceptable but catholic institutions still shouldn't pay for it

Birth control - acceptable and more importantly responsible. Stupid hicks saying otherwise.

Divorce - well marriage is an antiquated concept anyway. Do away with divorce, but also do away with marriage. I'm on the bleeding edge of the future here.

Gambling - stupid people tax. Fine by me.

Animal fur - fine so long as the rest of the animal is being used and they aren't being raised in shitty conditions.

Stem cell shit - perfectly fine. It's fucking technology, it's the future. Stupid hicks saying otherwise.

Testing on animals - meh, I'm fine with it, though some of the conditions and methods may seem questionable. I do think it's important, advancing science and technology and whatnot.

Gay/lesbian relations - I don't give a damn what people do in their private lives. Stupid hicks worrying about shit that doesn't affect them.

Baby outside of marriage - sure, fine. As long as both parents take care of it. Marriage is on the way out.

Doctor assisted suicide - yet again, more hicks and religious freaks telling other people how to live their lives. I'm all for it. Stop worrying about what other people do.

Abortion - totally fine with it. Would rather have an unwanted baby get disposed of before it's born rather than grow up in a place he's not wanted and become a problem to society in the long run.

Cloning animals - sounds good, easier to make food and other animal products.

Pornography - Fine. Who cares if people are willing to get naked for people willing to pay.

Suicide - I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't ruin someone else's day. People can do what they want.

Polygamy - Meh, if they're all into it, fine. Still don't see how I have a right to tell other people how to live their lives if it doesn't affect me.

Cloning humans - Now this, despite being all for science and technology, I'm mildly against. Humans are sentient beings and not rodents with minimal thought process. But hey, if parents lost a child and wanted another one and would be willing to care for it, then clone it, sure. Let's just not go crazy and make clones of Big Boss to use to fight shadow wars and such.

Extramarital affair - Against. Even if they're not married, still against.

the things I do when I'm bored at work...
+3,936|6786|so randum
people are more in favour of the death penalty than porn
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
mmmf mmmf mmmf
porn question is prolly skewed
Mass Media Casualty

I think some people surveyed didn't understand the difference between what they feel is morally wrong and what they just didn't think was a good thing. I seriously don't think that having a bastard has any moral stigma attached for it any more but people consider the situation and think about the unwed teenager mother who has to sacrifice her education to take care of an unexpected child. They're certainly not thinking about the dedicated unmarried couple who just want to have children.

Not too much interesting although the birth control results when look at the fairly small difference of opinion between Catholics and non-Catholics probably suggests that Pope Palpatine XVI should probably stop telling Catholics in Africa that AIDs is bad but condoms are worse. Those are the problems you get I suppose when a man is told he is comletely infallible.

I'd be interested to see some more moral questions on the survey.
[Blinking eyes thing]

Oh I missed the death penalty. I'm not morally against out, but it does cost more and is a bigger pain overall. Like what Ty mentioned, its something I'm not morally against but I don't support it practically.
+2,187|6855|Mountains of NC

Birth control - totally acceptable and should be more available to the masses, to many retarded teens getting knocked up so they get on that retarded MTV show

Divorce - everyone deserves a do-over ....... but you get what you put in ..... if the chick sat on her ass and didn't do shit, then demands a divorce but also wants 50% of everything .. fuck off bitch

Gambling - if they want to, fine by my me ..... they earned the dollar and they can spend how ever they want ...... also tax the shit out of it

Animal fur - wear it with pride

Stem cell shit - welcome to the future ..... their is way to much potential in new discovery's for us not to take this opportunity

death pen - smoke em, light em up, hang em high ..... just don't keep their ass on the row for 30 years before getting around to it

sexy time - ITS SEXY TIME

Testing on animals - for medical, scientific research .... just don't be torturing for some sick fun 

Gay/lesbian relations - fine by me, its not hurting me any ......... JUST DON'T SHOVE THE SHIT IN MY FACE, I don't want to see the wack job parades or fucking gay ass " proud " march

Baby outside of marriage - love it, take the best care you can of it and raise the best to your ability

Doctor assisted suicide - some people get to the point to where they are like fuck it, I'm out of here ............ just make sure you got your shit in order

Abortion - and this is where I draw the line .......

Cloning animals - cattle, sheep, goats ...... animals on the endangered/extinct list ............. if the tech got cheaper, possibly put a dent in the hunger 

Pornography - have fun

Suicide - totally fine by me ...... 1. don't fuck up someone else's day, by backing up traffic as you cry 30 floors up on the roof, walking into family home or school and decide to take a few out before capping yourself 

Polygamy - fine, do what you want ..................... but why the hell would you want to

Cloning humans - effy on this one ..... has some postives and negatives
Extramarital affair - theres those that love the " taboo " feeling but don't do it ...... if you're on that route, then just fess up that you want and cut ties with the other to save them the pain
+1,716|7018|St. Andrews / Oslo

Giving an absolute answer to all of these is near impossible - most things depend on the situation etc. But anyway:

Birth control: Fine

Divorce: Fine

Gambling: Gambling itself is fine, but a lot of gambling institutions (e.g. slot machines in petrol stations) are morally corrupt (much like tobacco companies, in many ways exploiting addictions).

Animal fur: Morally wrong. The animal is skinned alive and suffers a massive amount of pain, for something that for most people is a fashion accessory anyway.

Stem cells: don't know enough about it.

The death penalty: morally wrong, full stop.

Pre-marital sex: Fine

Medical testing on animals: Morally wrong, in its current form. As Peter Singer puts it, if we are ready to test it on animals, then we should be ready to test it on ourselves.

Gay/Lesbian relations: lol, how is this bellow all the others. Fine, of course.

Baby outside of marriage: Fine. My girlfriend's parents only recently got married for tax reasons (stupid system). Makes no difference.

Doctor assisted suicide: Depends on the circumstances - morality comes from intention, not action/consequence.

Abortion: Fine.

Cloning Animals: Don't know enough about it.

Pornography: Fine as long as it is with consent and not based on exploitation

Suicide: Morally wrong, because of the effects it has on everyone else (again though, can be morally acceptable in some situations - impossible to give absolute answer. Situation is important.)

Polygamy: Fine, as long as everyone is consenting

Cloning humans: No thanks, just because I don't like the thought of it

Affairs: Doesn't matter if they're married - 'cheating' is morally wrong, but 'open relationships' are completely fine by me.
+3,936|6786|so randum
animal fur for the most part doesn't come from them being skinned alive lmao. some shitty chinese places yes, not the entire world.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

Medical testing on animals: Morally wrong, in its current form. As Peter Singer puts it, if we are ready to test it on animals, then we should be ready to test it on ourselves.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Looks like they did half the poll in the bible belt
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Oh and I'm not going to post all my views, I'm not that self indulgent and who really cares tbh
+1,716|7018|St. Andrews / Oslo

FatherTed wrote:

animal fur for the most part doesn't come from them being skinned alive lmao. some shitty chinese places yes, not the entire world.
Sorry, needs a qualifier: in some cases. And more often than not, people don't know where it's from, and there have been several cases of false labeling from factories (ie, it'll often not say 'made in China')

Furthermore, the conditions they live in at fur farms (globally) are outrageous and absolutely horrible - letting them roam freely doesn't give better quality, as it does with food, and so there's no incentive to do so. And the methods they use to kill them are, very often, extremely inhumane. And there's little legislation w.r.t. forcing factories to inform the consumers.

But more importantly, it's a fucking unnecessary fashion accessory nowadays in the West - what's the point in causing unnecessary suffering to an innocent being so that Mr and Mrs posh can wear their fur hats on a chilly day in Kensington?
+1,716|7018|St. Andrews / Oslo

Macbeth wrote:

Medical testing on animals: Morally wrong, in its current form. As Peter Singer puts it, if we are ready to test it on animals, then we should be ready to test it on ourselves.
Well if the argument is "It's worth the harm for the good it causes", then surely it'd be worth testing it on ourselves, no?
+2,382|6964|The North, beyond the wall.
Can you clone someone but change their chromosomes so they come out a different gender? I'd like to see what I'd look like as a female, and I'd also then like to fuck myself.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Jens quit while youre only a little behind
+52|7019|Cambridge, England

Jenspm wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Medical testing on animals: Morally wrong, in its current form. As Peter Singer puts it, if we are ready to test it on animals, then we should be ready to test it on ourselves.
Well if the argument is "It's worth the harm for the good it causes", then surely it'd be worth testing it on ourselves, no?
Jesus. No!

500 volunteers wanted for medical testing, high risk of death or serious long term illness / disability. No compensation available and no liability for ill effects. £50 paid.

Yeah, that will work.
+2,382|6964|The North, beyond the wall.
well yeah, it would actually. £50 isn't much to someone who has a PC and internet, but there are plenty of people out there...
+2,187|6855|Mountains of NC

we could shovel up the homeless ........ they might be cool with it

Jenspm wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Medical testing on animals: Morally wrong, in its current form. As Peter Singer puts it, if we are ready to test it on animals, then we should be ready to test it on ourselves.
Well if the argument is "It's worth the harm for the good it causes", then surely it'd be worth testing it on ourselves, no?
Humans are sentient rational beings. Dogs, monkeys, and mice aren't.

Speaking of dogs, monkeys, and mice... Did you know heart surgery was first practiced on dogs? If it wasn't for that research thousands, maybe millions of people would die from heart related issues.

Much cancer research is done by giving mice cancer. All those cancer treatments millions receive is done by testing out what works and what doesn't work on recently cancer infected mice.

Monkeys are given HIV/AIDS in order to test medicine. All of those drugs that prevent mothers from giving AIDS to their newborns was tested on intentionally infected monkeys.

It is not worth throwing away all of that life saving medicine in order to save all the cute animals.

Hey Jens you are against the death penalty right? So if someone murdered a child they should just get life imprisonment right? I am just trying to see if I got your viewpoint right.
+2,382|6964|The North, beyond the wall.
You can't really put monkeys into the same catagory as dogs and mice. I'm fine with pretty much most of that list and I'm fine with testing cancer on mice. Animal fur on the other hand is just a pointless excercise in unnecessary suffering.

I'd be interested in hearing your views on it though macbeth as someone who has it out for the animal kingdom

(smiley face for jest)

Last edited by jord (2012-05-25 11:11:44)


On a personal level I wouldn't wear fur. I would feel bad. I would buy it for someone else though. Morally and logically I am cool with it.

Do you wear leather?
+2,382|6964|The North, beyond the wall.
It's about minimizing pain and suffering that isn't required and is outdated. Leather is a useful clothing product and cattle are killed humanely. I'm fine with owning 1 leather jacket (that I only recently got free with my motorbike), but I'm not fine with a lion being struck down in it's prime because someone wants a new rug... fuck that.

I guess it's a preference for different animals too, not cute and cuddly but endangered and rare.

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