War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
Well dilbert, Tribes did not rip off of Halo as Tribes came before Halo. I believe it was mentioned before by Uzique earlier.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Tribes ripped off Halo....
sometimes you are so transparently childish, it's stupefying.

do you really have nothing more exciting going on in your life? you really get kicks out of just saying dumb things on an internet forum so you can get some provoked attention? were you ignored as a child? is your sex-life lackluster? does your putative partner make you feel small? take a seat on the couch dilbert.
You have a special talent for misunderstanding whats written, try reading it again, with a focus on the dots at the end of the sentence.

I'm sorry if my posting here interrupted the flow of you telling people they're wrong.
how do i understand "tribes ripped off halo"? tribes was released 3 years before the xbox even appeared.

how am i misunderstanding you? try and say something intelligent next time, you mong.

and from the dots i inferred that you were trying to make some idiotic joke or riffing on fflink's initial dumb comments. which is why i made my post in the first place, asking why you want to just stir up puerile discussion like that. you were probably sat in your chair with your socially stunted version of a trollface or something. well done.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-17 09:43:02)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6098|Catherine Black

War Man wrote:

Well dilbert, Tribes did not rip off of Halo as Tribes came before Halo. I believe it was mentioned before by Uzique earlier.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin

Finray wrote:

War Man wrote:

Well dilbert, Tribes did not rip off of Halo as Tribes came before Halo. I believe it was mentioned before by Uzique earlier.
No shit, but I don't care.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6275|London, England

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6466|Vancouver | Canada
So I got 250 gold from the Facebook thing...can't decide whether to get the bolt launcher first or unlock infiltrator.
Fantasma Parastasie
bolt launcher kind of goes against the point of pathfinder, and only works if you go all-out tdm mode. you need a bunch of other stuff to make it work or you'll just be a weaker soldier

inf is fun, kind of unlock dependent though
the bolt launcher isn't that great, really. it's situational. don't be fooled into thinking it's a straight-upgrade. the spinfusors are some of the best weps in the game. likewise the inf class is very situational.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Lucien wrote:

bolt launcher kind of goes against the point of pathfinder, and only works if you go all-out tdm mode. you need a bunch of other stuff to make it work or you'll just be a weaker soldier

inf is fun, kind of unlock dependent though
wrong, the bolt launcher is actually used in matches by pathfinders that are dedicated chasers. bolt launcher + assault rifle is the best chasing set-up. but i don't see it used in many other situations. i still think the competitive community are trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Fantasma Parastasie
it's not even that great as a chasing tool, because you hurt yourself much more with it by boosting yourself. It's stronger in combat but worse for its utility. of course you have nitrons but only so many, and as a chaser you need to save them.

it gives you a window of time in which you're stronger, but with a 220 speed capper it's not a very big one
yeah i was going to say the spinfusor is invaluable for boosting yourself, really. though i have read/watched competitive players that say they prefer the boost of the bow. it just depends, really. if you're solely chasing then the amount of self-damage you inflict shouldn't matter that much - you don't need full health like a flag carrier or dm'er.

also 220 speed is lol even in pubs now. most competitive pick/carry runs go for 300. gotta go fast bro.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Aye up duck!
+440|7019|England. Stoke
Downloading now, see what it's like.

I can't seem to google any info about it, but playing as a tech today I had the ability to deploy 3 turrets during a game. Can't seem to figure out how that was possible though.
The X stands for
+1,818|6416|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Uzique wrote:

sometimes you are so transparently childish, it's stupefying.

do you really have nothing more exciting going on in your life? you really get kicks out of just saying dumb things on an internet forum so you can get some provoked attention? were you ignored as a child? is your sex-life lackluster? does your putative partner make you feel small? take a seat on the couch dilbert.
You have a special talent for misunderstanding whats written, try reading it again, with a focus on the dots at the end of the sentence.

I'm sorry if my posting here interrupted the flow of you telling people they're wrong.
how do i understand "tribes ripped off halo"? tribes was released 3 years before the xbox even appeared.

how am i misunderstanding you? try and say something intelligent next time, you mong.

and from the dots i inferred that you were trying to make some idiotic joke or riffing on fflink's initial dumb comments. which is why i made my post in the first place, asking why you want to just stir up puerile discussion like that. you were probably sat in your chair with your socially stunted version of a trollface or something. well done.
Why not calm down? I simply made a mild comment about a videogame which you and War Man both got the wrong end of and you went full mong.

It nice that people are getting excited about the re-release of a 14 year old game though. It was a blast when it came out, once I update my PC I might give it a go again.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2012-04-18 03:41:59)

Fuck Israel
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6985|Canberra, AUS
tried it. had a lot of fun, killed some people. hopeless at the jetpack/skiing mechanic though, spent half my time trying to work out how to get from a to b with any sense of urgency.

can see myself playing a fair bit of this tbh, understand why peeps are excited.

Last edited by Spark (2012-04-18 06:15:18)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Dilbert_X wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

You have a special talent for misunderstanding whats written, try reading it again, with a focus on the dots at the end of the sentence.

I'm sorry if my posting here interrupted the flow of you telling people they're wrong.
how do i understand "tribes ripped off halo"? tribes was released 3 years before the xbox even appeared.

how am i misunderstanding you? try and say something intelligent next time, you mong.

and from the dots i inferred that you were trying to make some idiotic joke or riffing on fflink's initial dumb comments. which is why i made my post in the first place, asking why you want to just stir up puerile discussion like that. you were probably sat in your chair with your socially stunted version of a trollface or something. well done.
Why not calm down? I simply made a mild comment about a videogame which you and War Man both got the wrong end of and you went full mong.

It nice that people are getting excited about the re-release of a 14 year old game though. It was a blast when it came out, once I update my PC I might give it a go again.
lol it's like it's literally impossible for you to participate in any sort of shared conversation without being condescending

"it's nice that people are getting excited..." ya ya. drink bleach you miserable cunt.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Spark wrote:

tried it. had a lot of fun, killed some people. hopeless at the jetpack/skiing mechanic though, spent half my time trying to work out how to get from a to b with any sense of urgency.
Did you play the tutorial first?  You can try changing your key binds with the jetpack/ski controls if you're not comfortable with the defaults.
remember to bind jump/jetpack and just jetpack to two different keys. they are useful in two separate ways.

most nooblers just use jump/jetpack as the default do-everything bind, which wastes lots of energy and speed.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
arrivederci frog
How does matchmaking work? Does it put me against people of similar level? Or is TDM like the noob mode because I go 18-1 every round...
+2,382|6988|The North, beyond the wall.

Aries_37 wrote:

How does matchmaking work? Does it put me against people of similar level? Or is TDM like the noob mode because I go 18-1 every round...
it puts you against people of your rank-bracket. of which there is currently a massive influx of new players to the game - it has just gone 'official' release, after all.

don't worry, i think we can safely assume from your earlier string of comments about the gameplay and having "never heard of tribes" that you're not quite the pr0 leetzor you like to think you are.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
arrivederci frog

Uzique wrote:

Aries_37 wrote:

How does matchmaking work? Does it put me against people of similar level? Or is TDM like the noob mode because I go 18-1 every round...
it puts you against people of your rank-bracket. of which there is currently a massive influx of new players to the game - it has just gone 'official' release, after all.

don't worry, i think we can safely assume from your earlier string of comments about the gameplay and having "never heard of tribes" that you're not quite the pr0 leetzor you like to think you are.
I'm currently rank 6, how long till the next bracket?
i'm not sure there are carefully delimited brackets, it's just in your general area. however the game does markedly start to shift when you get into the rank10+ areas, where people have at least a modicum of common sense and skill. when you get into servers with people mostly around rank20/20+, then it's an entirely different game. again, like the difference between two kids rallying a ball at school and wimbledon. the game's mechanics facilitate an entirely different level and strategy of play.

also i have no fucking idea why you're judging skill and ability in TDM. if you don't play CTF, you're not playing tribes.

also, also, lol at a rank6 saying the game is "broken" and making comments like "it can't be that good as i've never heard of it". remind me to automatically ignore anything you ever say about fps games again, scrub.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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