Middle of exam times, so not had time to read anything for fun, but lying ready on my desk is Meiksins Wood's 'Liberty and Property', and Rushdie's Midnight's Children.. Will probably end up reading those two after exams.
On a separate note, I'm going to Washington for three weeks in June for some seminars on US politics and foreign policy, and was wondering if anyone knows of any books that are good, quick introductions to the political system (e.g. power structures, elections, traditional stances on specific issues, etc)?
I've been looking at this:
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=344656 , but I'm not sure I can be bothered to read through an entire text book before going there.. Something less textbooky would be nice.
That said, the description gives a pretty good idea of what I'm looking for: "This new text, written by a team of leading authorities, assesses the state of American politics in the Obama administration. It looks both at the institutional framework of government and at the policy dilemmas facing the United States today and it analyzes the major controversial issues that shape American political debates in the 21st century."