"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
Last edited by Adams_BJ (2012-04-08 06:40:35)
Blade4509 wrote:
KB link or it didn't happen...
I agreed about the whole "click on missile, wait to die" thing until I fought other people. I know back in the day you kept on comparing it back to WoW and arena and what-not, but intense pvp (a la arena style pvp) is every bit as complex, if not more. Ingame wise and out of game wise.Uzique wrote:
from the perspective of someone that has tried about 11 eve trials, i can safely say that the UI is - in comparison to most other mmo's - total fucking suckage. it's a major thing that puts new players off the game. it's indecipherable. the text fails and sucks miserably (or it did for me, anyway, total squint-o-vision). it's also ugly looking and makes you feel like you're playing an elaborate version of microsoft excel, or some other part of the office suite. furthermore the way your ui interacts with combat, i.e. click one missile button and leave it on, is totally fucking boring and not really very engaging at all. as someone that has tried at eve many times, loving its macro-gameplay concepts and design principles, i can safely say that the ui is shite.
Learning curve is ridiculous as well. I played the game for 5-6 months and I really understood only a tiny bit of how everything worked. Not to mention that it takes at least a year to become remotely useful in pvp.Uzique wrote:
from the perspective of someone that has tried about 11 eve trials, i can safely say that the UI is - in comparison to most other mmo's - total fucking suckage. it's a major thing that puts new players off the game. it's indecipherable. the text fails and sucks miserably (or it did for me, anyway, total squint-o-vision). it's also ugly looking and makes you feel like you're playing an elaborate version of microsoft excel, or some other part of the office suite. furthermore the way your ui interacts with combat, i.e. click one missile button and leave it on, is totally fucking boring and not really very engaging at all. as someone that has tried at eve many times, loving its macro-gameplay concepts and design principles, i can safely say that the ui is shite.