
rdx-fx wrote:

The larger the Leviathan of a bureaucratic government, the bigger the asshole needed to lead it.

Fundamental problem of large government.
Look at Russia.
You need a ruthless asshole like Putin (or Stalin) to keep that mess of corrupt self-serving bureaucrats in order.

This, to me, explains why the US ends up with a parade of egotistical megalomaniacs for President.
Last time we elected a 'nice guy', the DC political sharks ate him up like he was chum in the water.

Also explains why the only functional governments in the middle east are centered on individuals.
Their social structure needs a strong dictator, or strong monarch to lead their inevitably corrupt (bak'shish driven) governments.
A weaker head of state ends in stagnantly ineffective government, and a horribly corrupt patchwork of petty feifdoms based on bribery and influence peddling.
sounds to me like you're asking us to re-invade you

god save the queen!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
2011 Undergraduate Ethnic Breakdown [17]
Black (Non-Hispanic)    6.2%
Asian or Pacific Islander    18.1%
White    9.2%
Hispanics    51.8%
American Indian or Alaskan Native    0.1%
International    5.0%
Ethnicity unreported/unknown    9.5%
Tu Stultus Es
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Russia doesn't need a ruthless asshole. They need a leader who will actually make it not-ok to be corrupt.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5697|Fuck this.
The South will rise again, etc.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom

Superior Mind wrote:

Russia doesn't need a ruthless asshole. They need a leader who will actually make it not-ok to be corrupt.
not gonna happen.  there are probably less than 10 people who own like 90% of russias wealth
Tu Stultus Es

Superior Mind wrote:

Russia doesn't need a ruthless asshole. They need a leader who will actually make it not-ok to be corrupt.
do you have any idea of the history of the oligarchs rise to power? even the supposedly 'good' rich guys in russia that are trying to oust putin got to their positions of power through complete crookery. even if it was only buying up state stamps when the russian currency collapsed for fractions of their real-value. russia would practically take another revolution to get rid of all the crazy and crookery.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-10 08:49:19)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

rdx-fx wrote:

Also explains why the only functional governments in the middle east are centered on individuals.
Their social structure needs a strong dictator, or strong monarch to lead their inevitably corrupt (bak'shish driven) governments.
That comes off as a little racist. Just a little.
the degenerate arab requires a crook!

it is kinda true though, but probably more on spiritual grounds than racial. to a lesser extent it is the same thing in russia, where peasant mysticism and russian spiritualism are still a huge part of the nation's character. this lends well to despotism. the arab world, largely obeisant to a monotheistic cult, probably doesn't have too much of a quarrel in submitting the physical realm to one crazy dude.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Corruption was so rampant under the USSR that is seemingly part of the culture now. But it is not. You are probably right, they do need another revolution. Russian superstitions shouldn't affect this.
various forms of christian cult-crazy and unorthodox spiritualism are still very strong in the peasant and impoverished classes of russia today. it has a very strong hold, to be honest. superstitions shouldn't affect a revolution, no, but when you have an entire class of entirely defeated people that are sold onto a worldview that basically says "save it all for the next life, sister", it's hard to really see how the great emancipation of the russian peasant is going to come about. tolstoy's time was more promising for them.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I'm not exactly envisioning the rural poor to emerge from the steppe with pitch fork and rifle in hand. Surely the modern urban populace is somewhat removed from the rite of spring.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
removed from the rite of spring but entranced by the rites of capital. as if they give a fuck about their poor people. they want a bentley!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

Superior Mind wrote:

I kinda wish I went to SUNY Maritime. I've always wanted to work on the open ocean. I guess it's not too late. fwp.
They have a graduate program that's fairly easy if you want a deck license.

Last edited by Jay (2012-04-10 09:05:33)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Urbanites aren't all rich, nor do they all seek extravagant riches. Some families are just happy to have an apartment.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2012-04-10 09:06:26)


Superior Mind wrote:

Urbanites aren't all rich, nor do they all seek extravagant riches. Some families are just happy to have an apartment.
I think that's because their credit cards have lower limits than they'd like.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
russia has a great middle-class journalistic group of citizens that are all about using their newfound social and cultural capital to try and effect change. the problem is they keep ending up getting poisoned or shot.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Maybe my view of Russians is incomplete, since most of my knowledge comes from ex-soviet immigrants.

Uzique wrote:

russia has a great middle-class journalistic group of citizens that are all about using their newfound social and cultural capital to try and effect change. the problem is they keep ending up getting poisoned or shot.
Which is why they need a gov't that aims to end corruption.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2012-04-10 09:09:28)

think you're in a chicken and egg situation. where's shahter when you need him? he'll tell us it's all perfect and we are the corrupted ones - morally, spiritually, financially, socially, ethically, philosophically, scientifically, literally, figuratively, metaphorically, entirely
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Stalin never killed nobody. There were no gulags! It was all western propaganda!

rdx-fx wrote:

Also explains why the only functional governments in the middle east are centered on individuals.
Their social structure needs a strong dictator, or strong monarch to lead their inevitably corrupt (bak'shish driven) governments.

Macbeth wrote:

That comes off as a little racist. Just a little.
Not intentionally.

Different social norms.

Western society reflexively follows the written word of law.
Even if the laws are obviously stupid, we tend to obey.
Western mind is trained to follow rules.
The Western military model is an extreme example of this.

Middle Eastern society follows the word of the man in charge.
"because it's the law, written down on paper" doesn't mean shit there.
"because the man in charge wants it that way" works.

Westerners tend to follow rules that are written down.
Middle Easterners follow rules that flow from a clear authority.

Western Bible is quoted "as written",
Middle Eastern Koran is the word of the Prophet Mohammed, as passed down by his 'boss', Allah.
Being written down doesn't mean shit - coming from a clear, distinct authority gives meaning.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
The corruption aside, Russian culture does contain a bounty of good qualities.

rdx-fx wrote:

rdx-fx wrote:

Also explains why the only functional governments in the middle east are centered on individuals.
Their social structure needs a strong dictator, or strong monarch to lead their inevitably corrupt (bak'shish driven) governments.

Macbeth wrote:

That comes off as a little racist. Just a little.
Not intentionally.

Different social norms.

Western society reflexively follows the written word of law.
Even if the laws are obviously stupid, we tend to obey.
Western mind is trained to follow rules.
The Western military model is an extreme example of this.

Middle Eastern society follows the word of the man in charge.
"because it's the law, written down on paper" doesn't mean shit there.
"because the man in charge wants it that way" works.

Westerners tend to follow rules that are written down.
Middle Easterners follow rules that flow from a clear authority.

Western Bible is quoted "as written",
Middle Eastern Koran is the word of the Prophet Mohammed, as passed down by his 'boss', Allah.
Being written down doesn't mean shit - coming from a clear, distinct authority gives meaning.
it's not the word of law that western society is bound to - though the law is pretty much a synecdoche for what we are truly bound to.

western society is bound to a religious reverence for Reason. to the point of ir-reason. we think everything can be dealt with within the realms of the reasonable, the rational, the logical. we have very little time since the enlightenment for irrationalism (or romanticism if you will), despite the evidence that is it clearly a large force in our economic-market system and everyday life. law is just an extension of our blind following of so-called reason (to the point where the laws and orders we follow are perversely irrational).

if you were continuing the generalisation, you could just simply say that the middle-east hasn't had a giant enlightenment philosophic tradition that places reason at the centre of human experience. thus they're far more comfortable with spiritualism and forms of social norm and government rule that don't follow western reason's handmaid, individualism*.

* a handmaid because an extension of our thought is that the rational, enlightened individual will do good. we're optimistic about reason being the answer to everything. educate a man and make him rational and he can be completely individual in a system and the system will still work. this is the overall ambit of systems such as utilitarianism (social and moral) and early free-market capitalism (economic). whether or not it works better than a system that is frankly suspicious of individualism's capacity to do good is another debate.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-10 09:23:42)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

the degenerate arab requires a crook!
No, the Arab requires a strong leader.
Weak men don't deserve power.

There's a passage in the Koran that enshrines deposing a weak leader.
Essentially, if you get overthrown, you deserved it for being too weak.
The strong rule the weak, and Allah smiles on this (as I understand it).

The corruption comes from the inevitable human weakness.
If you're strong enough to take it by force, why not take more than your fair share?

This would be better explained by an actual Arab, but the ones we have around here tend to avoid such topics...
i was being facetious with that comment. i guess the "degenerate" part didn't give the joke away.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

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