Uzique wrote:
hasn't this whole 'diss people for wanting to be different and unique' thing been around and complained about since the 1950's?
i dunno who is worse at this point... those striving to be typically teen and different, or those with the continual background noise complaining about one of life's many inevitabilities.
The desire to find one's own identity is a fundamental part of the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
The ridiculous part is the cognitive dissonance required to simultaneously conform to a particular group's norms of dress, self-decoration, and dogma (goth, punk, emo, hippie, etc), while simultaneously professing to express your unique individuality.
In other words, being
"different, like everyone else" is bullshit, and deserves to be called bullshit.
Teenagers get a pass, as they haven't been alive long enough to really find their own identity yet.
Conforming to a preferred distinctive group is normal adolescent social adaptation and differentiation.
Adults that are still stuck in that adolescent phase truly deserve to be called on their bullshit.