
Jay wrote:

I don't have any inferiority complex uzi, I've been rubbing shoulders with the wealthy since I was 14. Some things I picked up, like the importance of choosing a career which allows you to be able to afford to send your kids to good schools, and other stuff I've mocked. There's nothing sadder than old money types that hold onto past family glory, which is what you seem to be glorifying. Poor people that the wealthier people pity and snigger at behind their backs while they try to maintain the lifestyle of the country club. Whatever.

Besides, who are you trying to impress anyway? Where are you trying to fit in? So much social anxiety you have. Do you really think people will judge you based on the books you've read? If they do, why would you subject yourself to it? You really are a strange duck uzi.
i have no social anxieties. i come from an upper-middle class family. i went to one of the most prestigious schools in the country. i'm doing a subject simply because i love it and find it extremely intellectually stimulating, with zero real worry or consideration for "how much money" it will net me, or hw much of a "career" it will give me. i'm doing it because i enjoy it. how can i enjoy it so recklessly? clearly because i have zero social anxieties, jay. if i was worried about making it to the monied-class (which i'm not), i'd be doing an economics or management degree, so i could aim for that middle-management sweet spot.

ironically with your aims, if you save up all that money and send your kid to a good school, he could very likely turn out like me. how that would kill you. a youth born of choice and freedom to indulge his intellectual curiosities! what a dangerous thing.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England
Honestly, more power to him. As long as he's not short changing his own kids, he can do whatever he wants. I won't support him beyond paying for college.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I am all that is MOD!

I think happiness is posting on an Internet forum while I'm supposed to be working

Jay wrote:

Honestly, more power to him. As long as he's not short changing his own kids, he can do whatever he wants. I won't support him beyond paying for college.
i'm supporting myself now after college, too. doesn't that make me your model child? maybe this is why you have such issues with me. it's very convoluted and freudian. honestly i think you'll save up and begrudge middle/upper class people all your life, you'll send your kid to the phillips exeter academy or something, he'll go to harvard and will read english and film or something and will end up becoming a g.w. pabst scholar. you'll die an incredibly tortured man.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-09 09:39:32)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England


I think happiness is posting on an Internet forum while I'm supposed to be working
Happiness is being off from work the day after Easter
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

Uzique wrote:

Jay wrote:

Honestly, more power to him. As long as he's not short changing his own kids, he can do whatever he wants. I won't support him beyond paying for college.
i'm supporting myself now after college, too. doesn't that make me your model child? maybe this is why you have such issues with me. it's very convoluted and freudian.
No, because you're being a completely selfish twit pursuing a path that won't allow your own kids the same opportunities you had.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

I don't have any inferiority complex uzi, I've been rubbing shoulders with the wealthy since I was 14.
oh and how come, if you're such an arriviste into the circles of the classy and wealthy, you had to rely on the g.i. bill and a bunch of government aid in order to complete your education? sounds tres tres déclassement to me.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Jay wrote:

Honestly, more power to him. As long as he's not short changing his own kids, he can do whatever he wants. I won't support him beyond paying for college.
i'm supporting myself now after college, too. doesn't that make me your model child? maybe this is why you have such issues with me. it's very convoluted and freudian.
No, because you're being a completely selfish twit pursuing a path that won't allow your own kids the same opportunities you had.
i'll be making $100k a year if i stay on track and get to where i need to go in academia. and i won't even be deriving my life's happiness from said-money. it'll be an incidental part of the career i love because of loving the career's substance-itself, not the paycheque at the end of a boring week. i don't think my kids will have much to worry about, anyway. we're not so bad on inheritance over here in europe.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+1,716|7040|St. Andrews / Oslo

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Jay wrote:

Honestly, more power to him. As long as he's not short changing his own kids, he can do whatever he wants. I won't support him beyond paying for college.
i'm supporting myself now after college, too. doesn't that make me your model child? maybe this is why you have such issues with me. it's very convoluted and freudian.
No, because you're being a completely selfish twit pursuing a path that won't allow your own kids the same opportunities you had.
I think you're being a completely selfish twit holding a political view that won't allow everyone else's kids the same opportunities as your own.
sorry you feel that way
I've read through quite a few posts now and I still don't really get what you two are arguing about.

If it's that education should be available to anyone regardless of their social standing or wealth and that the government should (to the best of its ability) facilitate this, I agree.
inane little opines
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England
Which is why it bothers me that you're making it more difficult on your children when you've had every opportunity in the world not to. You don't give a fuck about anyone but uzi.

I had to deal with someone just like you all weekend, my fiancee's drunkard brother. He spent Saturday night haranguing his father because at 27, he's still resentful that his parents never bought him a car. They spent over $100k on his education at a private college, and tens of thousands more sending him to the best private schools before that. He just lost his menial job in IT customer service and decided to rage at everyone all weekend. Yesterday, after forcing us to drive him to his shitty one bedroom apartment in the industrial part of Queens, he threatened to break his sisters nose after she asked him not to get her freshly washed laundry dirty. I pulled over and let him walk back to his moms house.

I don't have time for selfish and entitled people uzi, it's why I've never liked you (or Macbeth, who is also squandering his family's wealth). But please, do go on about why the taxpayer should replace your father as benefactor.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
jay doesn't think that's the case, shocking, he thinks only certain education should be made available to certain people, based on its individual economic benefit and 'RoI'. i.e. what he basically means is that poor kids like him should be given every government hand-out he can take so he can study engineering. it's all just one big act of evasive self-validation. and then he has the temerity to mention that me, in defense of all higher-education completely without discrimination, suffers social anxieties. lol.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Jay wrote:

Which is why it bothers me that you're making it more difficult on your children when you've had every opportunity in the world not to. You don't give a fuck about anyone but uzi.

I had to deal with someone just like you all weekend, my fiancee's drunkard brother. He spent Saturday night haranguing his father because at 27, he's still resentful that his parents never bought him a car. They spent over $100k on his education at a private college, and tens of thousands more sending him to the best private schools before that. He just lost his menial job in IT customer service and decided to rage at everyone all weekend. Yesterday, after forcing us to drive him to his shitty one bedroom apartment in the industrial part of Queens, he threatened to break his sisters nose after she asked him not to get her freshly washed laundry dirty. I pulled over and let him walk back to his moms house.

I don't have time for selfish and entitled people uzi, it's why I've never liked you (or Macbeth, who is also squandering his family's wealth). But please, do go on about why the taxpayer should replace your father as benefactor.
gee whizz i must be just like him because i think people should be allowed to study arts and humanities! thanks for the meaningless anecdote. i'm sorry some parts of your life suck. don't know what it has to do with me though.

oh and how will i be making anything difficult on my children? academics get paid very handsomely here. they lead very upper-middle class lives. the children of almost all academics i know are put through private schools and given a very great start in life, because... quelle surprise!... academics value education. funny that. i have no idea where you're getting the idea from that because i have an interest in literature, i'm confining my children forever to the poorhouse.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-09 09:51:46)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

Jenspm wrote:

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

i'm supporting myself now after college, too. doesn't that make me your model child? maybe this is why you have such issues with me. it's very convoluted and freudian.
No, because you're being a completely selfish twit pursuing a path that won't allow your own kids the same opportunities you had.
I think you're being a completely selfish twit holding a political view that won't allow everyone else's kids the same opportunities as your own.
Says the guy forcing the taxpayers of his home country to pay the international student rate so he can play pranks in Scotland. People like you are precisely the reason I don't want public education. You are a complete waste of my money.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

Uzique wrote:

jay doesn't think that's the case, shocking, he thinks only certain education should be made available to certain people, based on its individual economic benefit and 'RoI'. i.e. what he basically means is that poor kids like him should be given every government hand-out he can take so he can study engineering. it's all just one big act of evasive self-validation. and then he has the temerity to mention that me, in defense of all higher-education completely without discrimination, suffers social anxieties. lol.
No, I said that if your 'social mobility' argument is anything more than meaningless buzzwords you'd advocate a scholarship system that would allow people to become socially mobile. You then turned around and said 'well, social mobility has nothing to do with money'. Lol.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
social mobility doesn't have anything to do with money. it's to do with opportunity and the chance to improve yourself. our definitions of class differ between the US and UK so of course the concept of 'social mobility' (mobility of which is up and down the ladder of a class system) is going to operate differently. social mobility here doesn't mean 'the ability to make more money' like it does in the US. it could even mean the opportunity to enter a middle-class and respectable profession, e.g. journalism or publishing, which would result in you making considerably less money than, say, an electrician or a building site foreman. the idea is that, by virtue of your education, and by merit of the fact your job requires an educated mind and sensibility, you have moved up the class-ladder. in america, according to you at least, your social standing is based almost wholly on your personal wealth. we're not so vulgar.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England
All of those terms are watered down. If a poll was taken of Americans, 90% of them would consider themselves to be middle class. I've known people making hundreds of thousands of dollars that considered themselves just 'upper middle class'. That's why I scoff at the term.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
again, different in the uk. middle-class connotes a whole different bunch of things here, e.g. professionals, privately educated, cultured and refined to some degree. we're not afraid of the term 'working class' because we're not so afraid of socialist connotations or the idea of our poor. according to exceptionalist logic, poor people in america are somehow unexceptional and not-worthy. it's the dark side of the rhetoric of the american dream: anyone not grabbing their slice of the pie must have some defect or be lacking in some way. hence nobody wants to term themselves 'working class', because to do so would imply that they are not realizing themselves and their potential. here our 'middle-class' isn't as vague and nebulous a term as the american 'middle-class'. and to be upper-middle class here is a very small percentile of people that went to very specific schools, have a very specific and unique set of mannerisms, and consist largely of the networks of the landed-gentry and past men of importance to british society. this is the subset of society that, sometimes, marry into the minor nobility and become fully 'upper' class. the british system is much more stratified and hence social mobility is a much more potent term and controversial talking point here. in america, where everyone that lives in the suburbs considers themselves 'middle-class', vague terms do not signify.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-09 10:04:23)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
sorry you feel that way

Uzique wrote:

jay doesn't think that's the case, shocking, he thinks only certain education should be made available to certain people, based on its individual economic benefit and 'RoI'. i.e. what he basically means is that poor kids like him should be given every government hand-out he can take so he can study engineering. it's all just one big act of evasive self-validation. and then he has the temerity to mention that me, in defense of all higher-education completely without discrimination, suffers social anxieties. lol.
Having switched from sciences to humanities there's something I did notice though.

In the sciences, when a faculty member explained to me the research that he was doing, I always got the point. In 99% of the cases at least, the few times I didn't get it was because it was too difficult for me to understand what the respective faculty member was actually doing. Nevertheless, research in these fields always has a purpose of sorts and in almost all of the cases, it helps technological advancement which in turn translates itself into more comfortable living, cheaper stuff or progress in some far off but productive goal (such as fusion).

In the humanities, sometimes I really wonder what the point is in what people are doing. Some guy I know is writing a biography on some insignificant member of Parliament who lived in the 1920s. Does this serve any purpose? Not really. He didn't seem particularly enthusiastic about his research either. Besides this there's a lot of "research" being done in the social sciences and fringes of psychology that make you seriously question whether it actually has any use whatsoever. Not only that, there are courses and studies available that don't make sense at all.

Even though research in the humanities only costs a fraction of what research in the sciences costs, there's still a price tag attached to it and sometimes there's no "RoI" to speak of. I did state that the government should make it so that anyone can pursue any sort of education they want, but the reality is that there's no unlimited pool of funding that can be tapped into to support any quest for knowledge someone might have. Hence I said... the government should try to the best of its abilities. If there's a shortage of money, choices have to be made.

You can argue over budget allocation and state that funding for some other ministry ought to be cut rather than that of education, but, given that the government exists for the betterment and safety of the collective, how can you justify throwing money at the essentially worthless pursuits of an individual? That money could instead be used for the good of the collective.

Last edited by Shocking (2012-04-09 10:12:32)

inane little opines
we've already had this about 5 pages ago. the point is that the academic and theoretical research done in science/math is often just as abstruse and esoteric as in the humanities. of course humanities research has no technological benefit - well done. but that's not the only purpose of academia and research. we don't have universities solely for the function of inventing more stuff or boosting material wellbeing. they are there because they catalogue and study the entire corpus of western knowledge - culture and intangible things included. if you just had one side of the picture you would have an entirely deficient country and academy.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+1,716|7040|St. Andrews / Oslo

Jay wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

Jay wrote:

No, because you're being a completely selfish twit pursuing a path that won't allow your own kids the same opportunities you had.
I think you're being a completely selfish twit holding a political view that won't allow everyone else's kids the same opportunities as your own.
Says the guy forcing the taxpayers of his home country to pay the international student rate so he can play pranks in Scotland. People like you are precisely the reason I don't want public education. You are a complete waste of my money.
My country does not pay the international student rate. It pays £4k pr year. The rest is given through cheap loans.

The £4k grant is given because:
a) Having citizens who have studied/lived abroad is good (bringing in ideas from overseas, for one, and not to mention cultural tolerance, diversity, etc), so we encourage it.
b) I'm not using the universities at home, so am not inflicted a cost there.
c) Equal opportunity - your parents wealth should not at all determine where you can go to university. Connected to this is social diversity.

Which is why the system is so great. No matter what your parents earn, think or want, you are completely free to study whatever you like, wherever you want. And guess what? It helps our economy as well. And society. And culture. And academia.
oh and frankly, shocking, in the wider globalised macro-economic paradigm shifts that are occurring right now w/r/t china and other countries coming up economically... we'd profit well to consider the intangible benefits of culture and academic research. in a world where very shortly (should things continue as they are) we will no longer be able to boast the biggest economy or the best technology/industry, of course the importance of our own individual culture and intellectual knowledge cannot be undervalued. how does the uk retain such a large influence globally, despite its waning economic and military might? culture. ideas. intellectual forces. france is arguably one of the finest nations in the world for this sort of tradition - france is world-leading for philosophy. some of the most influential ideas and concepts in the history of mankind come from france, a place that has decidedly not been a world-leader since napoleon's attempts and hubris. but it still dominates the discourses of thought today, in 2012. this is why it is 'important'. if you put all of your resources and funds into the science/industry pot, you're going to be outstripped by china and co. in no time. of course people will debate and deny this small fact of china's rising supremacy - it's an uncomfortable fact, after all - but the principle stands. not every country can be world-leaders in tech and industry. every country does, however, have a rich culture that should be celebrated, and an intellectual tradition that should be furthered. it would be a tragedy to lose those because you are only interested in the material.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
sorry you feel that way

Uzique wrote:

we've already had this about 5 pages ago. the point is that the academic and theoretical research done in science/math is often just as abstruse and esoteric as in the humanities. of course humanities research has no technological benefit - well done. but that's not the only purpose of academia and research. we don't have universities solely for the function of inventing more stuff or boosting material wellbeing. they are there because they catalogue and study the entire corpus of western knowledge - culture and intangible things included. if you just had one side of the picture you would have an entirely deficient country and academy.
Furthering social advancement by contributing to cultural or intangible things is not something I have a problem with - it's for the good of the collective. The tricky part is trying to distinguish between what does benefit this purpose and what doesn't. There's a lot of 'useless fluff' in the humanities which doesn't, the 'abstruse and esoteric' research in the sciences you're talking about, deserves to be cut as well (imo).

I'm really not trying to argue that the sciences are the only fields of study worthy of public funding, history, for example, is of equal importance to me.

Last edited by Shocking (2012-04-09 10:24:25)

inane little opines
well then what's your point? all disciplines have esoteric and far out stuff that gives no immediate payback - right. the idea is that research and academia progresses laterally, in a protean mass, in all directions, with no specific logic. academia and intellectual research is not a logical process of ever-advancing progress. you're asking the wrong things of it. a far-out science PhD in high-level astrophysics today which is by all means 'useless' may shed some light or lead the way to a technological breakthrough in 200 years. science makes leaps and bounds like this all the time. similarly the research done in arts/humanities may shape our view of the past or our understanding of the present in multiplicand indefinable ways in the future. you just cannot say. and yes, funding bodies do have arbitrary and rather difficult means of distinguishing between "what benefits the collective and what doesn't". remember, over here 95% of funding applications get turned down because they do not supposedly satisfy this tricky and elusive requirement.

although, of course, the implication is that everybody in every subject that has received funding and is doing high-level research has had it deemed 'worthy' by the govt. or the people with the money to hand out. which is what i am fully behind, principally: all subjects being deserving of funding, even in tough times. jay and dilbert and co. are effectively trying to say that some subjects are no longer worthy of funding, and/or that the funding body is wrong to grant research money to history or english researchers. this i fundamentally disagree with.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-09 10:27:21)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Jenspm wrote:

Jay wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

I think you're being a completely selfish twit holding a political view that won't allow everyone else's kids the same opportunities as your own.
Says the guy forcing the taxpayers of his home country to pay the international student rate so he can play pranks in Scotland. People like you are precisely the reason I don't want public education. You are a complete waste of my money.
My country does not pay the international student rate. It pays £4k pr year. .
Jay knows how that is. He did abuse a government program designed for the poor after all. He got $6k out of it.

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