grass shouldn't have said that an israeli first strike with nuclear weapons might exterminate the iranian people because by stating that he is implying that israel might be planning to do so. if anything, israel will try to cripple iran's nuclear potential with conventional weapons. besides, it is the iranian government who says it wants to erase israel from the world map. grass is kind of mixing up cause and effect. other than that, he's pretty spot on (settlements, nuclear weapons control etc)

ps: grass was drafted into the waffen-ss in 1944 which is completely different to volunteering for the waffen-ss in say 1940/41
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
it is the iranian government who says it wants to erase israel from the world map
They've never said that.

Shocking wrote:

They're digging their own grave.
If you mean the Israelis, then yes, they had the chance for a homeland but have fucked it up and pissed off even their allies from day one.
Israel is not going to last, they can blame 'anti-semiticism' and evil arabs but the bottom line is its their own fault.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

it is the iranian government who says it wants to erase israel from the world map
They've never said that. … -iran.html

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Um no, if you read dispassionate reports what they have said is "it would be better if Israel were wiped from the pages of history".
There are many hysterical pro-Israeli mistranslations around though, and the Israelis are glad that people swallow them.

Equally it would be better if Nazi Germany had never existed, Khmer Rouge Cambodia and so on, it doesn't mean anyone is threatening to nuke Germany.

What Iran has not done is threaten to attack Israel - thats pure invention.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2012-04-07 21:13:56)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Um no, if you read dispassionate reports what they have said is "it would be better if Israel were wiped from the pages of history".
There are many hysterical pro-Israeli mistranslations around though, and the Israelis are glad that people swallow them.

Equally it would be better if Nazi Germany had never existed, Khmer Rouge Cambodia and so on, it doesn't mean anyone is threatening to nuke Germany.

What Iran has not done is threaten to attack Israel - thats pure invention.
so one of the world's largest producer of oil suddenly needs nuclear energy... lol ok.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cybargs wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Um no, if you read dispassionate reports what they have said is "it would be better if Israel were wiped from the pages of history".
There are many hysterical pro-Israeli mistranslations around though, and the Israelis are glad that people swallow them.

Equally it would be better if Nazi Germany had never existed, Khmer Rouge Cambodia and so on, it doesn't mean anyone is threatening to nuke Germany.

What Iran has not done is threaten to attack Israel - thats pure invention.
so one of the world's largest producer of oil suddenly needs nuclear energy... lol ok.
the us is a net exporter of oil. should they shut down their nuclear reactors too?
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Cybargs wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Um no, if you read dispassionate reports what they have said is "it would be better if Israel were wiped from the pages of history".
There are many hysterical pro-Israeli mistranslations around though, and the Israelis are glad that people swallow them.

Equally it would be better if Nazi Germany had never existed, Khmer Rouge Cambodia and so on, it doesn't mean anyone is threatening to nuke Germany.

What Iran has not done is threaten to attack Israel - thats pure invention.
so one of the world's largest producer of oil suddenly needs nuclear energy... lol ok.
Long term planning. The oil will run out, they need to spend the revenue on nuclear reactors now - not having coal reserves.
That and burning oil to produce electricity makes no sense, not even in Iran.
Fuck Israel
+52|7050|Cambridge, England
Iran are the good guys! duh!

They are also the people responsible for the IEDs in afgahn but shhhh

Last edited by Cheeky_Ninja06 (2012-04-08 03:20:30)


AussieReaper wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Um no, if you read dispassionate reports what they have said is "it would be better if Israel were wiped from the pages of history".
There are many hysterical pro-Israeli mistranslations around though, and the Israelis are glad that people swallow them.

Equally it would be better if Nazi Germany had never existed, Khmer Rouge Cambodia and so on, it doesn't mean anyone is threatening to nuke Germany.

What Iran has not done is threaten to attack Israel - thats pure invention.
so one of the world's largest producer of oil suddenly needs nuclear energy... lol ok.
the us is a net exporter of oil. should they shut down their nuclear reactors too?
so you really think iran won't develop nukes? really? US and Russia are already decomissioning a lot of their nuclear arsenal. Even the Saudi's and IAEA are uncomfortable with Iran pursuing nuclear energy. There's a reason behind that.
Why is it that a disproportionate amount of Iranian expats are non-muslims I wonder...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cybargs wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

so one of the world's largest producer of oil suddenly needs nuclear energy... lol ok.
the us is a net exporter of oil. should they shut down their nuclear reactors too?
so you really think iran won't develop nukes? really? US and Russia are already decomissioning a lot of their nuclear arsenal. Even the Saudi's and IAEA are uncomfortable with Iran pursuing nuclear energy. There's a reason behind that.
Is there a reason that Israel doesn't allow the IAEA to inspect their nuclear weapons?

Why does Israel refuse to sign the NPT?

You think perhaps Iran would be a little uncomfortable with that?

AussieReaper wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

the us is a net exporter of oil. should they shut down their nuclear reactors too?
so you really think iran won't develop nukes? really? US and Russia are already decomissioning a lot of their nuclear arsenal. Even the Saudi's and IAEA are uncomfortable with Iran pursuing nuclear energy. There's a reason behind that.
Is there a reason that Israel doesn't allow the IAEA to inspect their nuclear weapons?

Why does Israel refuse to sign the NPT?

You think perhaps Iran would be a little uncomfortable with that?
Yeah because Israel is really worried about an Iranian invasion rather than an Iranian nuclear holocaust. Then again Israel did get invaded since the day of its creation, and multiple times after and they kicked ass.

It does say quite a bit when the Saudis would lend airspace to the Israeli's to take out Iranian power plants... They did the same to Iraq , they'll do the same to Iran.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cybargs wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

so you really think iran won't develop nukes? really? US and Russia are already decomissioning a lot of their nuclear arsenal. Even the Saudi's and IAEA are uncomfortable with Iran pursuing nuclear energy. There's a reason behind that.
Is there a reason that Israel doesn't allow the IAEA to inspect their nuclear weapons?

Why does Israel refuse to sign the NPT?

You think perhaps Iran would be a little uncomfortable with that?
Yeah because Israel is really worried about an Iranian invasion rather than an Iranian nuclear holocaust. Then again Israel did get invaded since the day of its creation, and multiple times after and they kicked ass.

It does say quite a bit when the Saudis would lend airspace to the Israeli's to take out Iranian power plants... They did the same to Iraq , they'll do the same to Iran.
Not sure what crazy tagent you took off on there, but it didn't answer any of my questions.

Care to try again?

Why Israel doesn't allow the IAEA to inspect their nuclear weapons?

Why does Israel refuse to sign the NPT?
Israel has never confirmed or denied their nuclear status. That's their defense tactic to prevent another invasion. Israel should sign the NPT, but as a non-member they don't need to abide by the rules. But since Iran is, they should abide by the agreement they signed.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cybargs wrote:

Israel has never confirmed or denied their nuclear status. That's their defense tactic to prevent another invasion. Israel should sign the NPT, but as a non-member they don't need to abide by the rules. But since Iran is, they should abide by the agreement they signed.
That's their defense tactic? They do have nuclear weapons.

Israel should allow nuclear weapons inspections by the IAEA and abide by the NPT. What does Iran even have to do with these two statements?

AussieReaper wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Israel has never confirmed or denied their nuclear status. That's their defense tactic to prevent another invasion. Israel should sign the NPT, but as a non-member they don't need to abide by the rules. But since Iran is, they should abide by the agreement they signed.
That's their defense tactic? They do have nuclear weapons.

Israel should allow nuclear weapons inspections by the IAEA and abide by the NPT. What does Iran even have to do with these two statements?
Israel didn't sign the NPT, they don't need to abide by the rules. Iran signed the agreement, kinda a dickhead move to go back on it. I'm not saying Israel shouldn't sign, they should in the first place, but gl getting india and pakistan onboard as well
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cybargs wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Israel has never confirmed or denied their nuclear status. That's their defense tactic to prevent another invasion. Israel should sign the NPT, but as a non-member they don't need to abide by the rules. But since Iran is, they should abide by the agreement they signed.
That's their defense tactic? They do have nuclear weapons.

Israel should allow nuclear weapons inspections by the IAEA and abide by the NPT. What does Iran even have to do with these two statements?
Israel didn't sign the NPT, they don't need to abide by the rules. Iran signed the agreement, kinda a dickhead move to go back on it. I'm not saying Israel shouldn't sign, they should in the first place, but gl getting india and pakistan onboard as well
And allowing the IAEA to inspect the weapons?

Again, India and Pakistan or any other country, have nothing to do with Israel allowing independant safety inspectors into their facilities.
/then why you bring up israel when talking about Iran's nuclear program?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cybargs wrote:

/then why you bring up israel when talking about Iran's nuclear program?
They're assassinating scientists and bombing Iran's facilities?

What's Israels excuse for non-cooperation with the IAEA, the "threat" of Iran is non-existent and has nothing to do with the nuclear safety inspectors and regulatory commission.
+52|7050|Cambridge, England

Iran keep dismantling their facilities whenever the inspectors come but of course they aren't doing anything wrong.

When I came to the University three years ago, I had just finished a three-month internship at the National Journalism Center in Washington, D.C. My journey at the University really began on a whim. I was looking for apartments in New York City in mid-July to finish school at Yeshiva University. By the second week of August, I found what appeared to be the last open room in a Jewish apartment on Huntington Street. The rest is history.

It’s strange how life works out — prior to summer 2009, my career path seemed pretty straightforward. Return to Yeshiva, graduate in 2011, go to law school, become a lawyer and live happily ever after. But young journalists at the NJC dedicated to preserving freedom and exposing truth inspired me to do the same. While it is possible and important to do this on a state and national level, I found no better place to start than in my own backyard, and I haven’t stopped since.

Believe me when I say that I prefer non-confrontational discussion. However, at a University filled with mistruths and propaganda, there needs to be a group of people committed to exposing both facts and fallacies regardless of the consequence.

Unfortunately at the University, advocates for truth and challengers of the status quo have little, if any, voice. When I first came to the University, I found this to be a surprise. How could a campus filled with Jewish and pro-Israel students —many of which have spent extensive time in Israel — sit quietly while baseless attacks were lodged against Israel? It wasn’t until I became vocal in my support for Israel, a pro-Palestinian instead of anti-Israel movement and smaller, more efficient government that I finally understood their silence. Free speech is supposedly paramount at the University, but if you deviate from the norm, you are met with harassment, intimidation, violent threats and anti-Semitism from students and University officials alike. Now how many people do you know who will stand up to consequences like that?

Some of you mock this idea. You live in a bubble where anti-Semitism at the University doesn’t exist, and despite all evidence pointing toward the affirmative, you close your eyes and you shut your mouths. Calling for the destruction of a Jewish state in Israel is anti-Semitism. A University official calling a student a “Zionist pig” and then encouraging other students to post hateful messages about him in order to have their “voice” heard is anti-Semitism. A University official starting a petition to censor a columnist because of his support for Israel is anti-Semitism. Threatening to harm another student because of their support for Israel is anti-Semitism. The Medium stealing the identity of a Jewish student to write a pro-Hitler column that possessed zero comedic value with the sole purpose to spew hatred is anti-Semitism. In fact, The Medium supported this claim last week when their paper made a “serious” statement on the cover that “Virtually every article that appears … is designed to entertain.” Notice their usage of the word “virtually” — not every article but “virtually” all are intended to entertain. Clearly one of those exceptions was their anti-Semitic diatribe that praised Hitler.

If you don’t see this string of events as anti-Semitic, you either aren’t paying attention or hatred toward Jews — particularly ones who dare speak out — doesn’t bother you. If you fall into either one of these categories, there is serious cause for concern. We know that most University students don’t care in the least bit about University politics. Rutgers United won a campus-wide election just last week with resounding support from about 7 percent of the student body. So clearly, people adamant that anti-Semitism doesn’t exist aren’t those not paying attention — rather they are the people who aren’t bothered by hatred toward Jews. I do not believe that anti-Semitism is widespread at this school, but the University most definitely tolerates it, and that is the antithesis of an open and diverse education.

Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner Eli Wiesel gave a lecture a few years ago recounting the Jewish experience in the United States. One of the most memorable quotes taken away from that speech was, “in Jewish history, there are no coincidences.” Jews have for centuries experienced the aftermath of anti-Semitic rhetoric, and it is not something anyone should ever have to experience. It is my hope that the University takes a firm stance against anti-Semitism and truly protects the free speech of Jews on campus.

Dialogue is the most important thing to a productive world, but in order for dialogue to exist, civil discussion has to be accepted and that doesn’t include death threats, harassment and praising Hitler. I will graduate in a few weeks, and this is my last column for The Daily Targum, a publication I disagree with from time-to-time, but it really is a champion of dialogue on campus. They have allowed me to have a voice and more importantly, for my voice to be heard. For that, I will be forever grateful. I leave you with a saying from Ronald Reagan, a man I greatly admire and frequently reference, but this quote truly is the essence of my personal vision of the world. “I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph. And there is purpose and worth to each and every life.” To the University, the past three years have truly been a unique learning experience, and to the students remember to always, always, always search for truth.

Aaron Marcus is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in political science with a minor in history. Marcus has been a Targum columnist since fall 2009.
There are 9 Jewish campus groups. There is a center for Jewish studies. 16% of the schools population is Jewish. Largest jewish population and percent in the U.S There is a massive jewish dorm complex near the main campus. There is a also a huge Jewish group home on the same campus. That is just one campus. Rutgers has 4..

I wish I there was a way to tell this kid that he isn't doing any favors for the Jewish people by writing these articles without coming off as antisemitic.

I am extremely against antisemitism but when you live on the most jewish dominated campus in the U.S. shut the fuck up about how you are being oppressed. There is a ton more marginalized groups that don't have a bunch of building or make up nearly a fifth of the school.
your university seems pretty retarded.
my woolf professor did her graduate work there on a scholarship and i get the impression from her that it is pretty retarded.

she's one of my main sources about american higher-ed
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Macbeth wrote:

There are 9 Jewish campus groups. There is a center for Jewish studies. 16% of the schools population is Jewish. Largest jewish population and percent in the U.S There is a massive jewish dorm complex near the main campus. There is a also a huge Jewish group home on the same campus. That is just one campus. Rutgers has 4..

I wish I there was a way to tell this kid that he isn't doing any favors for the Jewish people by writing these articles without coming off as antisemitic.

I am extremely against antisemitism but when you live on the most jewish dominated campus in the U.S. shut the fuck up about how you are being oppressed. There is a ton more marginalized groups that don't have a bunch of building or make up nearly a fifth of the school.
They do seem to have a knack of putting the back up of the local population wherever they go.

But you can't say that because thats anti-semitism.
Fuck Israel

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