BF2s' little helper

Raxor wrote:

one thing to notices

'spawn camping is fun when it isnt happening to you'
got that off some flash movie somewhere...

oooohhh yeah... good ol' flash movies.. they are the real teachers of lifes greatest mysteries
I don't see why there is all this hub-bub about cow raping.  In my opinion cow raping is quit a lot of fun.  Growing up on the farm we used to cow rape all the time.  Even my grandparents would join in the merry-ment.  Cow rapping taught me a lot about life, friendship and love.

Wait, what were we talking about?
noob on tour
As it was already mentioned even war has it´s ROE according to the International Humanitarian Law.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internatio … tarian_Law
soup fly mod

we're not talking about war guys...we're talking about a game...

i started this thread...but forgive me if my quote about "all's fair in love and war" misled some because I didn't mean to say that bf2 is war.  its just a game meant to be played in order to 1) win 2) get stats 3) have fun.  everyone can decide the order of importantance...

all i am saying is that what some call baseraping is actually part of the game so we shouldn't make any efforts to criticise it or complain about it.  just accept it because it can just as easily be considered tactics in winning a game.  look, EA made a game...there are weapons, vehicles, physics, stats...based on this people will play the game.  what some call "baseraping" is a result of the game EA has created.  if it helps you win then you will, should, must do it.

its like saying that its not okay to drop c4 on a tank if you are hovering above it in a black hawk because his turret cann't aim that high!  here's another analogy, imagine if you're playing chess and the other team has lost their queen and both rook...well to criticize base raping whould be to say that the player with queen and rooks should limit the movement of these pieces to make the game more fair.

if you got a problem with baseraping complain to ea cause they made a game where it is part of the action.  i know it sucks when it happens to you so use it as incentive to not find yourself in that position...
people who use the roe/ihl/geniva convention as defence against base raping are idiots... at the end of the day its a fucking game...

its not going to say in any of those... anyone taking part in hostilities on an online videogame, sould not take part or spectate in the act of baseraping/basecamping/spawnraping or anything of the sort

so shut up and take it...

and as ive siad before if your last base/ucb is being pummled just dont give the other team an easy kill... dont spawn, its bloody common sense

some people take this game WAYYY TO SERIOUSLY

its actually scary

sorry about the spelling/grammar... im just very lazy

and superfly_cox... extremely good way to put it

Last edited by Major-Numb-Nuts (2005-10-28 17:18:46)


Lawk wrote:

Tegerian wrote:

Lawk wrote:

Tegerian wrote:

Or they all disconnect from the server and you have to find another one.  If its a capturable base go for it and kill away but if its a non-capturable base you're just being lazy.
I respect your opinion even though it is quite moronic.  When I bought this game, I had no intention of playing fair.  Overcome and adapt.  Dont whine like a fuckin mule.
I respect your opinion also retard, now that the pleasantries are done with I said it was lazy I didnt say anything about it being fair.
Yeah sorry about that.  I somehow lost the name for the other quote and it makes is seem like you said EVERY stupid thing there.  If it makes you feel any better, you and the other poster are moronic to the same degree.
And you're still a retard all by yourself.  BTW if theres nothing wrong with "BaseRaping" why do people get so defensive about doing it?
ArmChair Warrior
+4|6764|NH - USA
I see both sides of the coin on this one. (Its a blessing, its a curse)

On one side, it is part of the game, if you were not supposed to do it, you wouldnt be able to. (and all the other yadda yadda) Pulling the trigger is easy, and fun. (Its just a war game, right?)

On the other, if I continually get raped on a map/server I just move on. You cant rape someone thats not there. There is no fun if you cant play and you dont have a chance. Screw that. Im onto the next server. Retreat is also part of war...and in this case I think its logical.

Last edited by VirtuaLResistancE (2005-10-29 02:56:48)

noob on tour
Chess has certain rules about how to strike or move, so even if you got the opposite Queen your King can still be in check mate. There are no planes, choppers or tanks that destroy your peons in the first turn so opponents towers that came via BH right into your second line destroying anything that defends your king...

VirtuaLResistancE wrote:

On one side, it is part of the game, if you were not supposed to do it, you wouldnt be able to. (and all the other yadda yadda) Pulling the trigger is easy, and fun. (Its just a war game, right?)
BTW: There are several servers with the rule that base raping is forbidden and as long as there is no admin online nobody really cares.
This is the bottom line, if its a flag that can be contested and taken by my side then its fair game. Taking over all the flags is the entire objective of each round. It doesnt matter if its the last flag the opposing side has. All that says to me is there is my final objective - a flag held by the opposing forces that needs to be in control by my side. Sure it sucks to be on the recieving end of this, but your side screwed the pooch somewhere during the battle to get to into this situation. My side has as much right to that contestable flag as your side does and you'd be wise and prudent to make that leap of faith and bet your left testicle that I will come in there and do everything I can to take it, all the while ordering a squad i'm commanding or encouraging my squad to take said flag. As far as "raping" flags that can't be contested, and are therefore not of any strategic value to my side, I agree that these areas should be left alone, and the other flags defended.
I keed :P
As has already been mentioned - STFU with "This is war!", BF2 is a game.

With that out of the way...
There is a difference beween basecamping and spawnraping - imo basecamping is hanging around in uncapable bases while spawnraping is camping the spawns of a capable flag without trying to cap the flag (which is really not that much of a problem because most flags have multiple spawnlocations).

So... the only rules (beyond the gamemechanics themselves) have been set down by EA - and apply to ranked servers: No cheating or statspadding (as per their definition). Everyone is free to make their own server, and make expanded rules for that server. If you are enjoying the privilege of being a guest on someones server, you need to follow their rules. A lot of servers specifically forbid attacking noncapable bases and kiling teammates - because this in their opinion destroys the fun. Those are the servers I play on, because thats how I like it. If you don't like those rules, go play somewhere else - we are not interested in your idea of fun, and it isn't whining when we tell you to follow the rules. Then I won't cry when being basecamped on your server

I don't even want to discuss whether one or the other ruleset is "best" - I like my rules, you like yours, and if they don't match we will play on different servers. It is after all quite unlikely that you can't find one that fits you among the 5000+ online servers.

If I had the money and time to get my own server, it would be something like this:
No basecamping (as per the above definition)
No teamkilling
Everyone must join squads
Vehicles are not your personal taxi to the airfield
Pick up passengers when they ask for it
VoIP must be enabled
Be nice, work as a team... fun is #1

Nametags off (if that's possible)
Spawntime ~1 minute
Friendly Fire on

I know this kind of server would not be for everyone (it would probably only be for a small percentage) - I did something similar in Söldner and had a helluva time.

So - instead of the neverending "my rules are better than yours!!!" discussion - what would be the perfect rules and settings for your battlefield server?

-=256=-Evo_Wales wrote:

Ok, so my first post!

For me and my clan server we don't have a single definition of spawn camping due to the contorversy it causes. However, we only allow Spec-Ops into the uncap to destroy commander assets. The enemy is not allowed to come in with a tank and blast away, nor snipers or anything. Only Spec-Ops, and they can only stay if waiting for a crate or to steal some wheels. We have a warning on the server not to spawn camp, but if we find people doing it we warn them, then kick them.

This only applies to UNCAPS, we have no probs with players camping other points, within reason of course, they cant land a chopper on they roof of a building, go in the gunner seat and kill when the AA cant get to them.
Nicely put and thats the exact rule in our server too..........
+10|6782| Going Feral
The idea is to play to win. 

There's nothing wrong with risking a long trek across the map to the uncappable base (or a main base with all the air power and armor) to wreak a little havoc.
Thats the beauty of playing on your own clans server. If someone is baseraping & it is irritating, you can just kick & ban them. Problem over= Happy days of gaming for all.
i'd like to point out that if you are spending that much time, waiting that long for frendlys, then maybe you need to slow it down a little, and quit triying to be a rambo.
Mass Media Casualty

See all I'm saying is that sure, baserape if you wish, but you are going to be complained at. It's that simple. I think it's fair to say that you're allowed to baserape, and you're allowed to complain about it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I bought this game knowing full well what was going to happen. Your an idiot to think that getting hammered at your last flag was never going to happen.

Go play a console game. Stop whinng about a great product that was CREATED FOR YOU. People will find fault in anything and not enjoy what has been created for there enjoyment.

GOD DAMN whinners ! I get an M203 in the face all the time. I never whine about it. I get smoked by a tank that is parked by a spawn point all the time. I don't whine. I get TK'd and don't punish unless it's the 3rd offense by the same individual.

You people need to have your PC taken from you for 5 years. Maybe then you can appreciate what has been set before you.

Figures, all you people would take another object for granted.

You fkin ppl make me sick. I hope your PC burst into flames and you go without the net for a few weeks.

Shut up, quit whinning and enjoy what hundreds of people have spend ( in hours of one's life ) going to school so they could create there dream for the massses to enjoy.

Fkn whinners.

Great site.

Calm down and take your meds psycho.
Ok, my first post on these forums.

For those of you that keep claiming this is war, this is far from war, this is a game and a pretty shitty one at that.

As someone else said, its fun to baserape and spawn camp aslong as you aren't the one that it's getting done to.

I have played on a few servers with people that have posted here and said "This is war, we can base camp" and the next round when it's happening to them, they sit there and whine. 

Camping an uncappable base is pathetic, the only time someone should be there is to steal a vehicle or blow up the commander objectives.

My point is that bf1942, BFV both suffered from this same flaw and obviously EA and DICE can't get their heads out of their asses long enough to listen to the majority of the players and implement a system to punish spawn killers/base rapers.

This is why bf2 won't last, most people that buy the game and play it get spawn camped and leave, never to return to bf2 again.
True Kingswat, if you look at the BFHQ league table & statistics, its full of people who have played briefly in the game died a lot & never come back. In fact I believe there are more of that sort of player than there are actively playing people :s . Speaks for itself really.
+18|6790|Your six is my twelve

=KHA=Pryvate_Pyle wrote:

who has the war college ribbon?
I beg to differ:
1. http://bf2s.com/player/phantom0701/
2. http://bf2s.com/player/48375184/
3. http://bf2s.com/player/irondentist%20/

Only spent about 2 min looking those guys up, i'd say theres about 10k people that have it tho.
I keed :P

luckybaer wrote:

The idea is to play to win.
Where does it say so?
I am looking at the gamebox right now, and I'm really sorry - but I can't find it... could you help me perhaps?
It isn't in the manual either, and it doesn't say so in the game.
I might have been mistaken, but when I bought the game I was under the impression that the point was for everyone playing it to have fun. Trying to win is definitely part of that, but while it might be your priority no. 1, don't assume it is everyone elses.

Heretic wrote:

[some whining...]
Stop whinng about a great product that was CREATED FOR YOU. People will find fault in anything and not enjoy what has been created for there enjoyment.
[some more whining...]
It's not the game that spoils my fun, it is people with your attitude.


If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
dude !  the "MAN" at the top ^ is right' iv'e done it so many times in apc/tank its pathetic ...LOL... you lose your flags or what have you ! 
guess what ? ,....... you deserve to be  tapped like a prositute who has her thumb out  an broadway street' LOL

fukin cry baby's who yell   BASE RAPE ! .....it's their fault  that they did not "act as a team"

I cant tell you how many times iv'e seen  these little "wanna be rambos" whom run into a flag just fraggin away
then before you know it they've lost every flag but one ore two then "yours truly VIKING " will be at the flag
with a apc  drilling you little BARNEY LOVERS a new ass ..lol

I say its all fair game in the round'

ohh yea ! your the type of guy who most likely puts c-4 all over the  jeep and osama binladens it right into a tank or apc aint you  ? then cry's of base raping ? ...lol
ArmChair Warrior
+4|6764|NH - USA

Tigg@lot wrote:


VirtuaLResistancE wrote:

On one side, it is part of the game, if you were not supposed to do it, you wouldnt be able to. (and all the other yadda yadda) Pulling the trigger is easy, and fun. (Its just a war game, right?)
BTW: There are several servers with the rule that base raping is forbidden and as long as there is no admin online nobody really cares.
More specifically, I was referring to the game dynamics allowing it, not the server "rules".

(Of note: I do show respect for the host and follow the server rules, unless its an accident.)

Last edited by VirtuaLResistancE (2005-10-30 02:56:32)

"ohh yea ! your the type of guy who most likely puts c-4 all over the  jeep and osama binladens it right into a tank or apc aint you  ? then cry's of base raping ? ...lol"

Nope I am not that type of player........by the sound of it, you are the type to sit and hide in a spawn spot and shoot people as they spawn to add up your kills and points to make rank quickly because you have no tactics or skill to be able to actually play the game.........come on get some real game play going and get out of your little safe haven APC and play the game like a real man..........
i totally agree, ure team gives the other a whooping and shoud finish them off by any means

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