Say wat!?

137[CSi] wrote:

Vilham wrote:

-=]V[-i-n-i-o-n=- wrote:

ahh ok, thanks for clearing that up, appreciate it.
I just noticed you said you were in a clan. Im guessing that means you squad hop alot in clan matches like my clan, this change is going to completly change the way clans play.
You mean you would actually have to resort to playing smart instead of mindlessly spawn hopping on the guy good enough to stay alive and to get to the other side of the map?

Thats crazy I feel so bad for you.
Yeah guess you havent ever been in a clan match so plz dont comment on things you dont understand.


Sharqi - USA starts with 3 bases, MEC starts with 1 base. Instant drain on MEC

You move forwards and die for the first time and you have already lost 20 tickets. If there wasnt squad leader spawning the team with less bases WOULD lose, its not even debatable, with 5 people in your whole team you rely on squad leader spawning completly. You cant afford to have 2 members go all the way to TV station around the side and then die. Thats the eqivilent of 3v5. This means that most leagues will now stop matches being played on any map with imballanced starts that leaves like 3 maps on 16 player size.
+788|6969|Brisbane, Australia

Hmm, funny, I got a neg karma with the reason "adapt."

Why? Read the topic, I am supporting the removal of squad hopping!

Headshot Specialist
+104|7150|Woodland Hills, Ca

Vilham wrote:

137[CSi] wrote:

Vilham wrote:

I just noticed you said you were in a clan. Im guessing that means you squad hop alot in clan matches like my clan, this change is going to completly change the way clans play.
You mean you would actually have to resort to playing smart instead of mindlessly spawn hopping on the guy good enough to stay alive and to get to the other side of the map?

Thats crazy I feel so bad for you.
Yeah guess you havent ever been in a clan match so plz dont comment on things you dont understand.
Not for battlefield, I am CAL - O with the GNG clan thank you very much.
Say wat!?

137[CSi] wrote:

Vilham wrote:

137[CSi] wrote:

You mean you would actually have to resort to playing smart instead of mindlessly spawn hopping on the guy good enough to stay alive and to get to the other side of the map?

Thats crazy I feel so bad for you.
Yeah guess you havent ever been in a clan match so plz dont comment on things you dont understand.
Not for battlefield, I am CAL - O with the GNG clan thank you very much.
Completly different game, so that comment isnt realy relavent.
I'm looking forward to this change.  I used to play AAO alot and still talk to alot of guys that still play.  They are finally starting to look at BF2 now with these changes.  Hopefully that will mean an influx of new BF2 players from there.
I personally can't wait til its gone...certain maps and matches will last longer...I can't wait til it changes....some of these players and clans are gonna be totally buttfucked.  I do well enough and can hold my own and don't use it...course i have no clan...just me and my one bud play, but we manage to hold our own without it.  Besides come the fuck on, like you call for reinforcements in battle and a genie magically teleports them there, wtf is that ....too lame

{KAOS}DesertWraith wrote:

Besides come the fuck on, like you call for reinforcements in battle and a genie magically teleports them there, wtf is that ....too lame
+65|7006|las vegas
when i can i squad hop. especially if im on the mich. 80% of the time i dont use my mic though. i hate talking to most of you people out there lol

i do just fine without it

will be sad to see it go, ive had some good times hopping back and forth, especially on the essex. or other key points.

i will admit, people do Abuse it though, and ims ure i would ALOT more if i was in a Clan, which im not

ohwell if u quit playing over that, ur gay. bottom line.

the only reason i can see to stop playing this godamn game is the lack of new material
When I'm playing by myself, I usually squad hop to find a squad leader close to a flag or closer than the spawnpoints.

If I'm playing with everyone on TS, we just make a squad and run around and decimate everything. We usually squad leader hop, but only 'cause we're lazy.

I can easily adapt to not being able to squad hop. When I'm the SL, I usually hide in a corner until everyone spawns on me and then we can take the flag, or whatever.

I hate all the noobs that go SL and then run around like an idiot, so there's never a spawn point.
Junglist Massive
I know the patch isn't out so it's a bit early for people to start looking at ways to get round the squad hop to take distant flags thing, but what if you:

Join the squad.
Kill yourself.
Spawn on squad leader.

Would take an extra 15-20 seconds, and cost -2 points, but it'd work for getting behind enemy lines... couldn't they just only let you respawn on squad leader if you died within 20 metres instead?

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-05-23 02:19:48)

+6|7060|Blackburn, UK
Now you know thats gonna end up with people chucking themselves under team mates Tanks, Jeeps so they don't lose -2 for suicide - I can see fun & games ahead.

Or climb the nearest High building and jump.   sort of makes the game Boring though.   Better to try adjusting to the new rules maybe.
Junglist Massive

A$$kicka wrote:

Now you know thats gonna end up with people chucking themselves under team mates Tanks, Jeeps so they don't lose -2 for suicide - I can see fun & games ahead.

Or climb the nearest High building and jump.   sort of makes the game Boring though.   Better to try adjusting to the new rules maybe.
"Suicide squad spawning" would be adjusting to the new rules, just like squad hopping was people adjusting to the new ones.... and remember where you heard the term suicide squad spawning first

Roof jumping?  That'd take too long.... noobtube would be the quickest, but thinking about it, i bet loads of people only want to cap the distance flags (i.e. play to help the team win) so they can get their ratio up for WCR... so if the rumours about removing the ratio requirement are true then squad hopping would probably decrease anyway....


Actually "suicide hopper" has more of a ring...

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-05-23 03:07:31)

I think you are way off base here. Squad Hopping is the best way to keep the action fast and furious. You are just pissed off that you were not able to defend against it effectively. The best way to counter squad hopping, is with another squad hop.  Take the time to get a few of your friends together on an unranked server and PRACTICE. When I was involved with BF2Combat they taught it, they also taught Halo and HAHO jumping as well as small squad tactics.

Spent the 9 bucks and have them teach you how to do it if you can't figure it out.
Junglist Massive

[2MC]Golarin wrote:

I think you are way off base here. Squad Hopping is the best way to keep the action fast and furious. You are just pissed off that you were not able to defend against it effectively. The best way to counter squad hopping, is with another squad hop.  Take the time to get a few of your friends together on an unranked server and PRACTICE. When I was involved with BF2Combat they taught it, they also taught Halo and HAHO jumping as well as small squad tactics.

Spent the 9 bucks and have them teach you how to do it if you can't figure it out.
I'd say that's false advertising for BF2Combat, because you are one of the few players I've seen with a WLR worse than mine, and mine's piss poor.

Don't get me wrong, I squad hop like a hero, and more often than not to stay with the action... but there is no need to swap squads if your squad leader leave/rejoins and passes over to one of the live players. That won't be affected, except the ex-leader will have a long slog back to the action (which they would have had anyway, if they had remained as leader).

I'm trying to point out that the stated reason for the change:

"Allowing squad mates to spawn on the squad leader was intended to provide an easy way for squads to stay together during chaotic battles. Unfortunately squad leaders have been used by some to launch team wide attacks on remote parts of maps with little thought to actual team unity beyond these maneuvers."

isn't completely addressing the issue of that type of attack, merely an additional 15-20 second / -2 point deterent.  Give me 9 bucks if you can't figure it out.

Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-05-23 06:21:11)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

I am not so sure this is a good idea. Good teamplay isn't very common on public servers, and although I support the idea to somehow make people commit to teamplay, I don't think this will help much.

What will most likely happen is that SL's will be totally removed from the battle, out of fear they might die and put the mobile spawn point at risk. We should see a lot of sniper SL's in the future.

One work-around could be the suicide, but I don't think the standard gamer would be willing to sacrifice 2 points just for a mobile spawn point. People are just to stats-crazy....

I guess we will just have to look out for our SL's better in the future.
+31|7002|Phoenix, AZ

joker8baller wrote:

EA is just noobyfying the game.
whatever. by taking out instant magical teleporting form a semi-realistic game makes it noobified?

your a teleporting, 2132 halo3 loving mechwarrior bjing 10 year old.
Thump the ARTY finder!!

Sarrk wrote:

Hey, dont get me wrong, I love to squad hop, its fun to attack uncaps and hit things like tv station, but I do feel that it is wrong,
You love to do it but you feel it is wrong?!?!?!  Doesn't make much sense! 

[2MC]Golarin wrote:

I think you are way off base here. Squad Hopping is the best way to keep the action fast and furious. You are just pissed off that you were not able to defend against it effectively. The best way to counter squad hopping, is with another squad hop.  Take the time to get a few of your friends together on an unranked server and PRACTICE. When I was involved with BF2Combat they taught it, they also taught Halo and HAHO jumping as well as small squad tactics.

Spent the 9 bucks and have them teach you how to do it if you can't figure it out.
AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Like I'm going to pay someone anything to learn how to use tactics in a video game.    LMAO.  I'm in no way that serious about this game.  I just want to play and have fun.  Wow...I have tears in my eyes.  That was funny.

chittydog wrote:

So how is that different from when the SL just hangs back and acts as a spawn point?
Thanks, now the next patch will "fix" this issue by banning your cd key if you're stationary for more than 1 second...
Junglist Massive

Thump-GoA- wrote:

Sarrk wrote:

Hey, dont get me wrong, I love to squad hop, its fun to attack uncaps and hit things like tv station, but I do feel that it is wrong,
You love to do it but you feel it is wrong?!?!?!  Doesn't make much sense! 
Smoking, drinking, drugs, pizza....
On Karkand 64 me and my buddy were makin our way on top of the factory to hit them with some anti-tank to prepare our team for a frontal assault and the idiot commanders like "Everyone spawn on squad 5 and hit factory!" I opened up squad menu and locked the squad... He got mad.
is drunk and crazy
removing this has destroyed the game.

Maps such as shongua, zatar etc are even more boring than they used to be, no longer can you help a squad capping a base, but you have to wait around for a car and then go.

+45|7056|Toronto, Canada
I was all for change, but this is one of those changes that hampers gameplay.  It denies players options on how to play. It makes being a squad leader an unthankful and boring job of just hanging around out of the way.

It prevents invasion maps like Sharqi, Karkand, and Wake extremely difficult to play and a much slower and frustrating pace. Wake was bad enough with the J10's denying anything through, but now it is almost impossible to make a dent.

This patch has incouraged players to suicide once or twice to join and spawn in on a squad.  Sure it makes defence more fun, but attacking isn't as fun anymore and more of a chore. 

I know I will adapt to this, but I don't agree with this change being needed and I dislike it. Clans are the ones that pay for the servers you play on.  If they go, no more server to play on.  Less revenue for EA, which is what really matters to them.  If a lot of clans do decide to quit, I think this will actually teach EA a lesson to let Dice mess with such a game mechanic.

If you deny a player a freedom, obviously that is one less thing that they can do in your game.  Why try to prevent them from having fun? Oh well.

The vehicle drop is indeed cool and actually helps out a lot on some maps and the P90 sound makes it sound like a mean gun and psychologically makes you think you are doing more damage with it.

Is it me or do the FAV's seem to handle a little differently? They seem a little less twitchy and responsive as well as powerslide a lot more than usual.
considered squad hopping an exploit, but rather a useful tool for spawning. THis was discovered since Day 1 of the BattleField 2 series. They change it almost a year later as they consider this an exploit(?)...

Squad hopping is used in all scrims/clan matches. The necessity of a CONSTANT mobile spawn point is very high, and losing an entire POSITION just to give this a greater spawn point eliminates most of the teamwork required. On Sharqi Penisula, the MEC start off with 1 ticket, with their score bleeding. By the time you reach construction site, begin to take it, or more commonly die. Your already down 20 tickets and your in grave danger of losing the battle. A mobile spawn point ensures the squad they can spawn higher up, right into the action.

-This will impose more teamwork

Since when do you find teamwork in a pub. In a pub most players are noobs, punishing for unintentional team kills/shooting pilots out of planes. They are found in the game, because BattleField 2 appeals to their "noob ness"  Those who have been playing BattleField 1942 know how to play, and know what it truly means. Most of the time in the pubs you get idiots that wait all day on the carrier for a plane and get their asses arties. Squads now have to stay tight together, if one dies, the entire squad will fall apart under heavy fire... It's just impossible

To win Wake, you gotta squad hop. Or else you will just get spawn raped.

I have never EVER since a complaint against squad hoppping so EA is currently changing KEY parts of the game, many months later, to change the style of gameplay... Did they just realize that squad hopping isn't what they wanted? They have time to code this code to prevent squad hopping, but do they fix other bugs? Umm... the 1.3 patch installed SOOOO MANY bugs/glitches to those who play BattleField 2, causing Crashes to  Desktop, Constant Connection Problems (Not clientside, but rather due to netcoding), and complete screw-ups leading to re-installing BattleField 2.

Along with this new patch, it brought new stuff such as air-dropped vehicles which is a brand-new feature that nobody wanted and used to exploit and kill other vehicles...

Along with this EA noobifyied all awards, so every fucking noob can get award I worked DAMN hard to get (Expert Knife). It wasn't impossible, it was pretty easy, but EA needed to market to very unskilled players. All veteran players promptly got screwed by this.

If you ever played 1942 back when it first came out then you would know what BattleField is. Although coming from your UGLY generalizations, I must assume that you yourself are 11 or so, if not, then your a highly immature adult that is obviously very new to the gaming community.

It doesn't really matter. The patch hasn't screwed too much *cough* Every other download results in a screw-up on someone's conputer.

The world's best BattleField 2 just quit because of the patch. People are quitting and thank god moving to new mods. BF2Pro is most likely going to be used in CAL, seeing that 1.3 is going to be ruled unsuitable for competition play.

Last edited by joker8baller (2006-05-23 21:02:13)

+788|6969|Brisbane, Australia

Now thats an idea, the CAL matches could be run on a modded version!

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