I applied like 2 days ago, wasn't really expecting much.
Vroom Vroom

Where did you apply?
Vroom Vroom

aerodynamic wrote:
Duh.  Thank you
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
The Russian server got 7.1.1 today and the devs tell them that a 7.2 public test will be released in a few days with these specific notes about 7.2: … nyeuMWf-pw

Apparently the Russian server has landmines 0_o
I think that's a translation error; I think it's supposed to be HE rounds.  So HE rounds in the next patch are going to be way more useful than they are now.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
The 7.2 test patch is officially here: … update-72/

Patch Notes wrote:


    Added 22 crew skills and perks (their details can be found in Personal File of a crew member). You can read more about them here.
    Added a new line of American TD with turning turrets: M8A1, T49, M18, T25-2, T28 prototype.
    American tank Т34 becomes a premium tank and is removed from the American tech tree. M103 replaces T34 as a tier 9 American heavy tank.
    American tank Т30 is moved to tier 9 American TD line of tanks with turning turrets. T110E5 replaces T30 as a tier 10 American heavy tank.
    Added two new maps Province (Italia style map) and Live Oaks (first American map).
    Added new camouflage patterns for tanks of all nations.
    Added two French premium vehicles for testing: tier 2 SPG 10.5сm leFH18 B2 and tier 3 TD  FCM 36 Pak 40. Once the update is released, the vehicles will be available on the main server only to players, partaking in the supertest.
    Added displaying clan logos on tanks. Clan commander can set a logo to be shown on the clan tanks.
    Added display of top experience earned on a tank (so-called “qualification badges”).
    Added in-garage tutorials for newcomers (available only for new accounts, i.e. for players who enter the game for the first time).
    Added name ‘Ilya’ for Soviet crews.

Tank Models

    Fixed or reworked visual models of IS, IS-7, T34, Panther II, А-20, Т-127, IS-3, ISU-152, AMX 40, B1, M3 Stuart, VK 1602, AMX 13 90, JagdTiger, JagdPanther.
    Following tanks resized according to historical dimensions: IS-3, IS-4, IS-7, ISU-152, Object 704, S-51.
    Fixed or reworked destruction models of the following tanks:
        Soviet: IS, IS-3, IS-4, IS-7, Object 704, Т-50-2, SU-5, Т-26, SU-100, KV-1S, SU-85, А-32, BT-2.
        German: VK 3601H, Hetzer, Pz V Panther, Grille, Marder II, PanzerJager I, Tiger P, Pz IV, Pz 38NA, Pz V/IV, StuG III, Pz II Luchs, VK3001H, VK 4502A, Pz VI Tiger, Pz 38H735(f).
        American: M3 Stuart, M3 Lee, T20, M4A2E4.
        French: B1.

Game mechanics

    Reworked algorithm of balancing tanks in teams in random battles. Implemented break of long series (more than 3 battles) of getting into battles with maximal tier for a tank.
    Profitability, cost in credits, cost of upgrading, cost of repair, cost of modules and cost of modules upgrading are revised for most tanks. You can read more about it here.
    Spaced armor reduced shell damage according to their thickness and position (in 7.1 they just moved the shell explosion point farther and did not reduce damage).
    Armor absorption (blocking) of shell damage reduced by 20%.
    All crew skills, trained prior to 7.2, and all experience spent on the training is given to crew members as “free”. You can use free experience to learn both old and new skills.
    Added opportunity of “skill reset” available for gold (100% experience saved), credits (90% experience saved) and for free (80% experience saved).
    Parameters of all vehicles are renormed (reduced) to fit 100% crew, without notice of attributes accelerating crew skills (Commander skills, consumables, and etc.). Actual in-game parameters of tanks remain the same.
    Changed format of replay recording. Replays from version 7.1 update won’t be reproduced in version 7.2.
    Rebalanced parameters of French vehicles, introduced with 7.1.
    Front armor of the top turret for the Т-50-2 reduced from 60 to 45 mm.
    Operating range of FuG37 radio changed to 290 m (was 360 m).
    Equipment module of KV-220 “Heavy gun ramming device” is changed to “Medium gun ramming device”.
    Implemented mechanism of configuring the gun elevation angle for the front and back (deployed) turret position.
    Changed elevation angles for the following guns of French tanks:
        AMX 12t: from 4 to 12 angle degrees upgrade.
        AMX 13 75: from 6 to 9 angle degrees upgrade and from 8 to 6 angle degrees down-grade.
        AMX 13 90: from 8 to 9 angle degrees upgrade and from 9 to 6 angle degrees down-grade.
        Bat Chatillon 25t: from 9 to 6 angle degrees down-grade.
        B1: from 18 to 10 angle degrees down-grade.
        AMX 50 120: from 7 to 6 angle degrees down-grade.
        AMX 50B: from 8 to 6 angle degrees down-grade.
    One module repair or a crew member curing is now available in one-click procedure, with no need to select a module or a crew member.
    Distance to a gun marker is always displayed in a howitzer’s reticle.
    Changed the flag color on bases. Now the flag color will be always green for allied base and red for the enemy base;
    Added cooldown for  sending the fast messages with buttons ‘F4’ (‘Follow me!’) and ‘F7’ (Help!), if they were used frequently;
    Added the display of information about enemy Team Kill for ‘Fog of War’ feature in Clan Wars;
    “Non-Demountable” equipment is renamed to “Complex”.


    Reworked some effect of hitting the ground with a shell.
    Improved effects of fire on the vehicles.
    Improved ‘wave’ effects while vehicle moves in water.
    Reworked special effects for shells hitting snow and sand.
    Added different levels of graphics, based on the distance, for some special effects.
    Added birds for some old maps.


    Added platoon markers and clan tags to “wide” team view mode.
    In-battle team list background is made more transparent.
    Team list width in “wide” view mode matches the longest nickname on the list (team list width used to remain maximal).
    Added animation to changing from “wide” to “narrow” team lists appearing at a battle start.
    Added new display of teams in battle list: [Frags scored] [Vehicle name] [Tank icon].
    When you press “TAB”, a “wide” team view mode is displayed instead of a team list table.
    Button “Research”, available for an elite tank, renamed to “Transfer”. In the displayed window you can convert current tank’s earned experience to free experience.
    Changed premium account purchase window design.
    Reworked the design of “tank band” in garage. Changed filter buttons of tanks display in the “band”.
    Added extended pop-up hints for tanks in the “band”.
    Added an option of moving all the crew in the tank to the barracks in the context menu.
    Added language icon to the login window.
    Added extended tank marker adjustment in main and extended modes (at pressing “Alt” key).
    Added extended adjustment of reticle in sniper mode.
    Added indicator of shells remaining in rotating drum (cassette/cartridge) to reticle.
    Produced small changes to the reticle adjustment.
    Buttons of equipment “mount/demount” are moved to the equipment item slots.
    Attached text and voice messages for enemy detection, enemy damage at “detection, and enemy destruction at “detection”.
    Removed the display of unnecessary messages and tank markers in the mode with turned-off  userinterface (key ‘V’ per default) .
    Added ‘Help’ button in the battle menu, which will show the help page with controls after pressing.
    Fixed some points of in-battle help page (button ‘F1’ per default).
    Renamed ‘Statistics’ garage menu tab to ‘Achievements’.
    Reworked the minimap frame.
    Increased the place for text messages over Minimap to avoid the display of them with players nicknames in 3 and more lines.
    Changed the format of message about battle results during Specials (for example, after receiving the x5 XP).


    Fixed incorrect display of ISU-152 armor parameters in interface.
    Fixed discrepancy of sound for 75mm SA32 gun of AMX 40.
    Fixed shooting effects of guns of several tanks.
    Fixed partial tank non-penetration at gun hit after spaced armor penetration (gun mask or gun armor).
    Fixed “detection” of a tank in a destroyed tank’s after-battle statistics window.
    Reworked colours and geometry of several German camouflages for a better conformity to actual historical camouflages.
    Fixed ‘twitching’ during the battle replay.
    Fixed mistiming of the reticle , when the replay is on ‘Paused’.
    Fixed the message, when removing equipment for gold.
    Fixed the  work of ‘Postmortem mode’ post-effect on Low Quality setting of graphics.
    Fixed the activation of Camouflage net and Binocular Telescope icons before and after the battle.
    Fixed collisions of tanks with buildings and some other objects.
    Fixed the error of the standard ammunition load  during the purchase and with the tick enabled in the checkbox for the vehicles with the auto-loader device.
    Fixed the display of the message for recruiting new crew members.
    Fixed the not matching of the sum of battles played on all vehicles and the common result in the ‘Battle’ tabs, if player participated in non-finished battles (for example, battles, which were interrupted by the unscheduled server maintenance).
    Fixed small interface errors in the camouflages window.
    Fixed the error of the text display ‘Last battle’ with the year 1970 in the player profile, if he has no battles played.
    Fixed the description of ‘Sharpshooter’, ‘Master Gunner’, ‘Confederate’, ‘Reaper’, ‘Invader’, ‘Kamikaze’, ‘Survivor’, ‘Invincible’ achievements.
    Fixed the description of Billotte’s Medal and Burda’s Medal.
    Fixed errors in text message for some actions with equipment.
    Tuned the volume for the destruction sound of some objects.
    Removed the de-tracking sound reproduction while switching on the de-tracked vehicle in ‘Postmortem Mode’.
    Fixed rare issue with incorrect display ( moved horizontally and vertically) of vehicle on long distance.
    Fixed some errors in dynamic shadows algorithm.
7.2 also brings some important changes to the game's economy: … s-changes/
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
I finally made it to the World of Warplanes Alpha test, I applied three weeks ago though so don't give up hope if you applied a while ago.  About to try it out right now

_j5689_ wrote:

I finally made it to the World of Warplanes Alpha test, I applied three weeks ago though so don't give up hope if you applied a while ago.  About to try it out right now
Speaking of beta tests, I signed up for:
World of Warplanes
PlanetSide 2
Nothing yet...

Also, 7.2 is coming out tomorrow.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Wow, they really wanted to at least make that "March at the very latest" deadline

And btw, you're not really missing out on anything in WoP unless planes are your thing
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
What exactly is the point of fighters and ground attack aircraft when fighters would perform better?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Unfortunately thanks to the new patch, everybody and their brother is jerking off in their new high-tier impenetrable tank.  And MM has also decided to keep throwing me into meat-grinder maps most of the time.  Including that new shitty one with all the buildings and the cliffs and shit where you can barely move between other tanks
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7025|Purplicious Wisconsin
Fuck, too many damn skills to choose from. Fuck it, not returning to this.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

_j5689_ wrote:

Unfortunately thanks to the new patch, everybody and their brother is jerking off in their new high-tier impenetrable tank.  And MM has also decided to keep throwing me into meat-grinder maps most of the time.  Including that new shitty one with all the buildings and the cliffs and shit where you can barely move between other tanks
Think about what you just said.  American tanks and impenetrable, lol.
T110 - shoot the huge ass cupola
M103 - sides and rear
T34 - shoot it pretty much anywhere except the gun mantlet.  That tank got nerfed to hell with regards to turret traverse speed, rate of fire, etc.

War Man wrote:

Fuck, too many damn skills to choose from. Fuck it, not returning to this.
Hm, after reading this: … ld-skills/
I think I'll probably stick to repair and camo...
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
People don't seem to realize, those new skills are meant to be dessert after you get whichever older core skills you want first.  While the new stuff may seem immediately more useful, the old stuff is just so much more fundamentally important than the new skills.  Everybody who re-assigned their skills to new ones in 7.2 are now pissed when they see how much longer it takes to repair modules when hit.

Get repair and/or camo as needed and then move onto the newer skills.  Don't just rush right into them.  But I guess it's also a little bit different if you want to see what they're like and didn't get to test them worry-free on the 7.2 test server.
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

War Man wrote:

Fuck, too many damn skills to choose from. Fuck it, not returning to this.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7091|Great Brown North

coke wrote:

War Man wrote:

Fuck, too many damn skills to choose from. Fuck it, not returning to this.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5699|Fuck this.
.... fucks sake
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
They're celebrating the 1 year anniversary till the 16th so x5 every day and there's also a code for a free day of bonus on their website: … onus-code/

Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-04-13 08:08:22)

Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke
5x xp with the free premium, has resulted in me getting a round of over 7000 xp in my PZIV and over 5000 in my Tiger 2
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Damn, I had no idea it could multiply so high, might have to try that tomorrow
Vroom Vroom

I had a shitty game with my AMX38 yesterday and made over 2500, and I didn't do much in that game. So yea it adds really fast.  Made 4800 with my M10 also on a so/so game.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7091|Great Brown North
lol holy shit free xp from elite tanks
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7028|Riva, MD
Yeah, that multiplier stuff is some serious shit, btw I got 12 kills today in my Stug for x5:

Battle: Murovanka Saturday, April 14, 2012 2:48:53 PM
Vehicle: StuG III
Experience received: 7,790 (x5 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 38,404
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker, Boelter's Medal, Top Gun
Aye up duck!
+440|7020|England. Stoke

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