+581|6696|New York
Ottawa, not atawta
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
+572|6967|BC, Canada

Mutantbear wrote:

Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD
+572|6967|BC, Canada
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Mutantbear wrote:

mmmf mmmf mmmf
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD
I am In the airports, on the airplanes and on the mass transit system yesterday coming home from vacation, surrounded by saggers at the gates and on the airplanes and on the trains. No one was crippled or mentally lacking, everyone was strong and healthy, basically a CHOICE not an oppression. This left me to wonder how and why am I supposed to entertain this bullshit with "understanding", and "open mindedness", and of course pay for their short comings in life by financing their life style choices through all of your beloved social programs.

This sagging bullshit has gotta stop and I can not believe they let these fools on the planes or even in the airport.

Now to satisfy my hypocrisy of living by a ideology that you should be free to do as you wish as long as it does not interfere with another persons right to life liberty and happiness. They are allowed to sag all they want as long as not 1 cent of my taxpayer money goes into their pockets in any form.

I do not like it, there is nothing positive that comes from it and it does not lead to responsible choices in life. However as it is their choice to act and dress as they wish, it should be my choice as to whether I want to fund this behavior. They wanna be all gangsta, then fine, let them find their way to prison and they can act all the gangsta they want, this is the only way I would choose to fund this shit.

Oh and by the way, before anyone in the liberal brain trust on this forum dismisses this simply by calling me a racist, first, I did not mention a race and second if I were to mention races I would be mentioning both black and white. It seems the white kids also enjoy wearing their pants below their asses and holding them up by grabbing onto their dicks.

ATG you wonder why our country is collapsing, I offer bullshit like this and its acceptance by the rest of us, as a sample of part of the larger problem, the decline of morality and responsibility in America. We have given up control of everything positive and productive, though complacency, to our govt. and the negative influences in our society.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
no matter how hard you try youll never be white
Tu Stultus Es
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD
i think my favorite part of that rant was that lowing said "you should be free to do as you wish as long as it does not interfere with another persons [sic] right to life liberty and happiness" and then in the same paragraph says they should not get any tax money for "sagging" as if it actually affects him
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD

eleven bravo wrote:

no matter how hard you try youll never be white
i'm like george zimmerman
Scarlets go level 15 mins left

fat and cuban?
fuk u on bout brah
Edinburgh just took the lead again >:­(
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD
we didn't land on plymouth rock, plymouth rock landed on us!
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom

Sturgeon wrote:

Edinburgh just took the lead again >:­(
Tu Stultus Es
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
This is the first time I have ever posted on any forum of any kind. To be honest I always read these threads with amusement and a head shake. Until now!

I am an American, The bashing of America and Bush never bothered me, after all freedom of speech is at the core of what America is about. The only time it bothers me is when it comes from someone in a country that needed help from around the world to regain their own freedom TWICE in 1 century, yeah I mean countries like France. The hypocrisy of their words is staggering. Their country is home of thousands of American graves who fought and died for THEM. Once France was liberated, did we keep it and make it an American territory, or British territory, in either war? NO! We gave it back to them and asked only 1 thing in return, a "place to bury our dead" (paraphrased from a Colin Powell comment).

I also take offense from comments from Germany. Since Germany has been the root cause for so much death and destruction around the world in the last century; I figure you have earned the right to say nothing. After the billions of lives that were lost and disrupted battling your foolishness, you have no right to bash any country that is fighting and dying to help those that can't help themselves. Not when your govt. was the great oppressor of the 20th century. So sit in the corner facing the wall. You should (still) be ashamed of yourselves.

Now, my take on the Bush bashing: The 8 years before Bush came to office, we were NOT in Iraq, nor Afghanistan. Yet, American interests were targeted for terrorism. The first WTC in 93 I think it was, various American embassies, our warship the USS Cole. We weren't in the Middle East when 9-11 occurred!! So America musters and goes to war. More people were killed on 9-11 than on 12-7-1941.

Our nation in WW2 rallied and came together, despite our differences, for the common good, preservation of freedom for America and all countries who embrace it. There was no opposition to America "sticking its nose in other countries business" back then. Nope none at all, and why?? Because back then it was all these America and Bush bashing countries deprived of freedom. Thank God America did stick its nose into your business 60 years ago. Or you would ALL be speaking German right now or Japanese. Now that America and its allies has secured freedom for you, you should join the ranks of those that liberated you and help the others that our in need of it. You should be ashamed to let others fight and die for your freedom, and not help when you are needed and wanted.

As far as the WMDs, let me say this, because I am sick of this as well, the WMDs that we looked for was NOT a warehouse full of weapons. It was a weapon where 1 grain could kill 100,000 people!! We know he had it because he used it on his own people. In this case it was better to be proven wrong by going in and finding out, than it would have been to be proven right by 1,000,000 people dead. In that scenario I am sure you all would be screaming " WHY DIDN'T AMERICA DO SOMETHING???!!!"

The reason we are in Iraq: Oil huh?? If America REALLY wanted their oil, what stopped us 60 years ago form taking it? Hell, what stopped us 15 years ago from taking it? We left Kuwait and Iraq and its oil to its people.

The reason we went back to Iraq was because it was proven that; first, Iraqis govt. had ties to terrorism. Second, the UN imposed resolutions that were agreed upon by Iraq were being violated.  Third intelligence at the time showed WMD in that country. Intel, by the way, that was agreed upon by the leaders of most of your countries.

In the past 13 years or so, America has been the target of multiple terrorist attacks, not to mention the ones that were intercepted. Europe has had a bigger history of terrorist attacks than America has. My question is this: How on earth could you be against us in this war? How can you sit there and criticize America on this issue? Do you not get it?? WE ARE FIGHTING FOR ALL WHO WANT TO LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT THIS THREAT!!

Bush isn't a perfect president, there are things that he could have done better, but at this moment, terrorism and these radical Muslims is our presidents first priority and he should have our support on that issue

Now for another undeniable fact: Since 9-11 and because of our president’s efforts, there has not been a single attack on our soil. America has taken the fight to the terrorist, and I am ever so proud, and grateful of our military and their families for their sacrifices to us and to YOU. Sad, you don't join me, for they fight and die for YOUR freedom to call Bush a terrorist. SHAME ON YOU.

Funny, I thought I would feel better after ranting, but I am still sick to my stomache.
Tu Stultus Es
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
Why is EVERYTHING considered whoring when it is a playing style that YOU don't like???.....So far everyone has been airplane whoring, helicopter whoring, GL whoring, C4 whoring, tank whoring, APC whoring, sniper whoring, ( heard that 1 today, someone mad cuz he was getting "sniper whored" at main base). claymore whoring, nade whoring, flashbang whoring, med pack whoring, revival whoring, ammo whoring,etc.......

So i guess, in order for us ALL to have fun,and not offend anybody, we all need to be assult, stay out of vehicles, use nothing except M16, or G36C and for god sake, nobody try and move or evade when you are spotted, cuz we don't want any bunny hoppers or dolphin divers to play either........feel free to add to this list of DON'TS ...........see you all in church!!! LOL
Tu Stultus Es
Da Blooze
You smokin wet GS?
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD
I also take offense from comments from Germany. Since Germany has been the root cause for so much death and destruction around the world in the last century; I figure you have earned the right to say nothing. After the billions of lives that were lost and disrupted battling your foolishness, you have no right to bash any country that is fighting and dying to help those that can't help themselves. Not when your govt. was the great oppressor of the 20th century. So sit in the corner facing the wall. You should (still) be ashamed of yourselves.
I am all that is MOD!

these have to be the first posts from a certain member who left
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6009|College Park, MD
dennis is just writing in stream of consciousness
lowing I assume
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6272|London, England

it is lowing
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