Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

dshak wrote:

its not really worth even bringing up the first gulf war, there's no debate on motives or justifications for that one (oil or no oil)... that whole discussion goes for a walk when Iraq invades a largely defenseless Kuwait. (yeah, remember back when we actually waited for other countries to be aggressive, rather than anticipating their aggression)
thank god someone ALMOST had a grasp on modern history untainted by the massive left wing propaganda juggernaught now commonly known as "the press".....but that last line "yeah, remember back when we actually waited for other countries to be aggressive, rather than anticipating their aggression" you sort of lost it.
It's not ur fault though, u have to dig up the facts for yourself, the easiest way to start is to google the iraq war resolution. You will see a myriad of reasons, the single most important being Saddam's ignoring the terms of the original peace treaty for over a decade, we (all of the nations, not just the US)ran him back to baghdad in the 90's, at which point HE went to the UN, and asked to talk terms. He did not abide by those terms, he offered 50000 dollars to families of suicide bombers, he sent his regiment 99 to train the tsetse rebels (Mogadishu), he allowed a myriad of terror organizations to hold training camps in Iraq (not bin laden cuz they were having a tiff), he continued to exterminate the kurds in northern iraq, he constantly talked of re-establishing the Babylonian empire and owning everything from Egypt to Pakistan (Kuwait was the first step of this plan)...I could go on and on.
You'll never see any of this broadcast except a few low key productions by the few truly historically unbiased agencies like national geographic. For instance, how many times has CNN international shown the sattelite photos of the trucks and rail cars hauling ass from the suspected weapons sites while Saddam stalled the UN for the 6 months prior to the second war, how many times have you heard BBC talk of the 144 verified violations of the weapons clauses in the peace treaty, including 5 tons of uranium sitting a few miles south of baghdad, hundreds of missiles, some with warheads capable of carrying chemical and biological agents, with israel in their targetting computers, or the 1100 gallons of 15 different agents used in the creation of nerve gases and such some of which are lethal enough to be weapons in their pure form.
Never heard of this? Really? Not surprised. We live in a time when the so-called "legitimate" newscasts sound exactly like the fake ones on Saturday Night Live and The Daily Show, historically know for being havens of liberalism. The information is out there but YOU have to go find it, don't let "them" bring it to you, there are no reporters anymore, just leftist propagandist hippies disguising editorials as fact. I'm a little rusty on the subject but aside from the original Kuwaiti invasion timeline and the 2nd war's resolution a good place to start are the UN's resolutions 678, 876, and 1441. Although to be fair, the UN is a bloated, impotent, welfare recipient wasting valuable resources of nations that could be using them to advance the human legacy, instead of funding oil for food scandals. Until the UN gets a testosterone injection and lives up to it's charter it up to the US, UK, AUS, and recently (though somewhat unreliably) the former USSR to kick ass and take names. Hell even China's starting to stand up to North Korea and Iran.
To rehash the original subject, whether benevolent or oppressive, the strongest power is always the lightning rod of criticism, whether it be capitalist modern America, imperialist England of the 1700's, expansionist Spain of the 1500's. God I knew I shouldn't have started reading this thread, i think i just gave someone a good start on a thesis paper.

And no, I don't have to prove there's liberal bias in the media, Dan Rather did it for me when he ran stories degrading Bush's character based on documents he knew were forged.
The Lizzard
You do know that Tsetse rebels were fighting a government that was slaughtering innocent civilians?  And the Saddam *didn't* have WMDs, which was the key breach that the US argued allowed going to war.  And the by going to war with Iraq the US also violated the UN.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

Capt. Foley wrote:

i would send my own life over there 2 fight those wars
in nam i would of liked the MILITARY to have more control because it was politics that screwed us over in that war
along with Iraq it is all the politics
imagine if the Irag was was fought like WWII
with the press acctualy saying good things for once and not constanly showing all the shit in war

i do not think war is good but i hate how politics cause more pain suffering and death now and probably into the future

kk now everyone flame me and tell me im a dumbass lol
Amen Amen Amen brother, vietnam did not become a quagmire until LBJ let the DC beauraucrats get their fingers in it. By the time Nixon got the hot potatoe tossed in his lap there wasn't anything to be done.
The Lizzard
No, America lost Vietnam because the American army is designed to fight conventional warfare.  Against guerillas their tactics and equipment were relatively useless.  This was worsened by poor training and discipline amongst American troops.
+102|7015|New York

SlartyBartFast wrote:

Interesting opinion j-bass.  I would actually argue that reason all of Europe is not speaking German is largely due to the British, French & Russian forces and the reason Australia (and the rest of the Asia-Pacific rim) is not speaking Japanese is largely due to the US.  The battle of the Coral Sea (can't remeber if before or after Midaway) probably saved Australia from invasion.  So thanks for that!  Don't get me wrong, being from Down Under I am not in love with the Brits or the US (the Brits have used us as cannon fodder...ever heard of Gallipoli? and we usually just blindly follw the US regardless). 

I don't see the US as an agressor.  I do think that what gets up the nose of non-US people is that they see the US as a self proclaimed Judge, Jury & Executioner of the world...e.g.  Your form of Government is a dictactorship and this is wrong you should have a democracy, so we will overthrow the dictatorship and install a democratic government.  Who is to say this is right?  This is an observation not an opinion. 

Of the recent conflicts Desert Storm was required.  Saddam (sic?) had invaded Kuwait and his forces were raping and pilaging that country.  I think the mistake here was not continuing on and rolling the Tanks into Bagdad and ousting Sadam then, and then leave them to implent a new dictator.  I am sure the new dictator having seen what happended to the previous would have been very careful.  This didn't happen as this was a UN action and the UN mandate was to remove them from Kuwait

As for the recent conflict, yes Saddam is an evil, evil but did the coalition (Australia included) make the right decision in the means to remove him?  I do find it Ironic that in the Desert Storm conflict the UN mandate was followed to the letter, yet this time it was ignored (they said don't do it), but the Brits, US Australia, Spain, etc still went ahead.
In the end I am very glad to be Down Under....nicely isolated from it all and nearly everyone forgets about us!!  Very handy in the current world climate
Your out of your mind. If it wernt for the US D-Day, normandy beach, And the battle for Brittan would have been lost. Americas entry into WW2 was the turning point to victory for europe period.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

Bubbalo wrote:

You do know that Tsetse rebels were fighting a government that was slaughtering innocent civilians?  And the Saddam *didn't* have WMDs, which was the key breach that the US argued allowed going to war.  And the by going to war with Iraq the US also violated the UN. … /cron.html

Quick link to an abbreviated timeline of Somali events. Not much but it's a start, i'm not going to do all the work for you or you or you'll never absorb it. Like i said I am rusty, i could have the name of Aidid's rebels wrong, but it wasn't until his takeover that more than a quarter million Somalis died, mostly because they weren't from the right tribe. And if you would READ I said that WMD violations were ONE of a myriad of reasons in the war charter, it's the press that said it was the only reason, the UN resolutions most specifically relating to them were 678, 867 (god i know i got one of those wrong, maybe it's 876, i think they did that on purpose), and 1441. While  there was no one nuke, there *were* numerous violations, many of which i referenced and another I just remembered was several "dual use" labs that, while currently benign in nature, could easily be converted to create lethals. And by going to war the US only carried through with it's end Saddam's surrender, where he does not comply and gets his ass kicked. Therefore the COALITION of several dozen nations did not violate any UN charter, and that is why the UN has not taken any action against the US, UK, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Canada, many countries do you need.

Wait a minute, I got an idea, backup just a second.

While the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence (we have no body so there wasn't a murder), let's just say for the sake of argument that there were no WMD's. Saddam WAS going around telling everyone he had them, in fact it might be said that he was blocking weapons inspections to PREVENT his dirty secret that he had nothing from getting out. This is the equivalent of walking into a bank with a backpack full of newpapers and telling everyone it's full of explosives. Have you committed no crime? Should you be allowed to leave with all the money? The terms of the treaty specifically state that he was to allow uninhibited access to all inspections of all weapons sites, whether these sites contained nerve agents or petting zoos his blocking access was a violation of the *WMD* resolutions. What are you supposed to do, wait around a second decade while the UN sits around with their thumbs up their butts, writing letters to Saddam saying how disappointed they were and if he didn't shape up they would write him more letters? He probably had them all spun onto toilet paper rolls next to one of his gold toilets paid for with money he got from Kofi Anan's son. 

BTW the only conventional wars the US ever fought were WW1 and 2, we are a nation born of guerilla tactics, from the boston tea party to Korea, we just like to incorporate hardware once in a while now, very nice hardware. Had DC not been afraid of sparking WW3 with the USSR (what the hell was up with the cold war anyway? no, dont answer that's another thread) and allowed Vietnam to escalate into a full scale war who know's what the outcome would have been. It was basically a police action that acheived war status because it eventually spanned the better part of a decade. Try using facts. I'm looking back through the threads and you and your ilk seem to be desperately short of numbers, dates, know...facts. That's facts, not accusations made by the likes of Michael Moore or Janeane Garaffalo which in turn are only supported by more accusations.


Hell as far as I'm concerned a Boeing C-5 full of strippers and alcohol can solve any problem
The Lizzard

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Americas entry into WW2 was the turning point to victory for europe period.

Kraker: I was thinking tutsi's.  Apologies.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-05-23 19:55:01)

You with the face!

Bubbalo wrote:

No, America lost Vietnam because the American army is designed to fight conventional warfare.  Against guerillas their tactics and equipment were relatively useless.  This was worsened by poor training and discipline amongst American troops.
Maybe LBJ personally picking targets for air strikes each day had something to do with it.  US aircraft were severely restricted as to what they could attack.  This was the kind of BS that the military had to put up with.  I am not saying that your points do not have some merit, but your statement was ignoring several key problems in Vietnam.

Lend-Lease sure helped Stalin now didn't it?
I would also say that US supplies to Britain helped keep them going, which tied down part of the German military.  That, in turn, helped the USSR greatly.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-05-23 21:09:03)

+102|7015|New York

Bubbalo wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Americas entry into WW2 was the turning point to victory for europe period.

Kraker: I was thinking tutsi's.  Apologies.
*cough* We were busy cleanning up the rest of europe. We would have whiped them out also if we wernt fighting on 4 fronts at the same time while beating back the japs navy. Go figure eah? Please remember your not talking to an uneducated kid. Seeing Most of my still living relatives were there I think i can speak from experiance.

Thanks for trying anyways.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Americas entry into WW2 was the turning point to victory for europe period.

Kraker: I was thinking tutsi's.  Apologies.
*cough* We were busy cleanning up the rest of europe. We would have whiped them out also if we wernt fighting on 4 fronts at the same time while beating back the japs navy. Go figure eah? Please remember your not talking to an uneducated kid. Seeing Most of my still living relatives were there I think i can speak from experiance.

Thanks for trying anyways.
I seriously doubt, that you can speak from experience, since you haven't been there yourself. Also, memories of participants tend to be narrow and biased. Fact is, that the Battle of Britain was already lost to Germany before they went to war with the USSR.

Apart from that.... Germany concentrated on the East Front even after D-Day.... but still, Soviet troops halted at the Elbe River to wait for the western allies to arrive (that river was actually the demarkation line agreed upon during the Jalta conference). Hadn't the soviets stopped there, they would have overrun Germany before the US and UK would have even gotten to the German border.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

Bubbalo wrote:

Kraker: I was thinking tutsi's.  Apologies.
HA! and i just remembered that tsetse's are the flies that carry the african sleeping sickness, at least we corrected ourselves
The Lizzard

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

*cough* We were busy cleanning up the rest of europe.
The rest of Europe?  There were only two sides, Russia had East, America had West.  The Eastern Front was bigger.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

We would have whiped them out also if we wernt fighting on 4 fronts at the same time while beating back the japs navy. .
Four fronts?  You were fighting against Japan and in Western Europe, and North Africa.  That's three fronts, and before the War was over the Soviets were moving troops towards Japan.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Please remember your not talking to an uneducated kid.
With your grammar, I don't think it.  The only people I've yet read who I think that of are Horseman, Gunslinger, and jonnykill

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Seeing Most of my still living relatives were there I think i can speak from experiance.
No, you can't.  They could.  By your logic I can because both my grandfathers and most of their relatives fought.  But I can't.
Horseman 77
you forgot Italy you moron.
Horseman 77

Bubbalo wrote:

With your grammar, I don't think it.  The only people I've yet read who I think that of are Horseman, Gunslinger, and jonnykill.
You are out of your depth. Get of your mom's computer.
The Lizzard
Italy replaced Africa.  And actually, my mum did pay for this computer.  What's your point?
Horseman 77

Bubbalo wrote:

Italy replaced Africa.  And actually, my mum did pay for this computer.  What's your point?
You made my point for me, thanks. You better make your millions while you still know everything.
Get back to us when you start paying taxes.

Till then will you please refrain? You can not compare the USSR's efforts (while important and Heroic) to the Tasks that the US armed forces accomplished in over  17 time Zones around the globe. the distances, the Variety of Terrain, and tactics, The Different Theaters, The Different environments, The opponents, The logistics we faced. Not to mention the USA cared for the people and Refugees in lands it operated in. The USA spent more money caring for Displaced Europeans than it did On Macarthur's entire Pacific campaign.  Did the USSR do anything but Rape their European refugees ? so please!

The USSR had lost all its All Weather Ports The Allies opened up a port with Ice Breakers and kept it open With the Murmansk Run Convoys, The Murmansk Run kept the USSR Fed, Armed, and supplied. That is the only reason they could keep fighting. Not to mention the USSR held back over 30,000 US POWs it liberated from the Germans after the war Ended to use as a bargaining chip. Only to have them become an embarrassment to Stalin When the USA Treated him Fairly after VE Day. The US personnel were emulsified. All common knowledge now.

So please, Stay current, this has been hashed over again and again and it is becoming frustrating to have to educate people so late in the argument.

Please ?

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-24 07:19:29)

The Lizzard
Your point was there were only ever 3 fronts at a time?
Horseman 77

dshak wrote:

its not really worth even bringing up the first gulf war, there's no debate on motives or justifications for that one (oil or no oil)... that whole discussion goes for a walk when Iraq invades a largely defenseless Kuwait. (yeah, remember back when we actually waited for other countries to be aggressive, rather than anticipating their aggression)
Why am I the only one who can remember the FBI agents executed in Pakistan in the First weeks of 1992

The Kandahar Marine Barracks, The USS Cole, TWA flt 800, WTC93 attack (that almost dropped the Tower),
Our Embassies in Kenya  and Tanzia Etc. and on and on.

8 years seemed like to long a wait for my taste and it cost us 3000 lives in 20 mins.

Why did we let Hitler become " aggressive  " ?

How many lives would have been spared if we acted earlier in a less popular manner ?

I can handle a few dirty looks from a disgruntled leftist who feels snubbed by progress.

Protect our people first.
+102|7015|New York

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:


Kraker: I was thinking tutsi's.  Apologies.
*cough* We were busy cleanning up the rest of europe. We would have whiped them out also if we wernt fighting on 4 fronts at the same time while beating back the japs navy. Go figure eah? Please remember your not talking to an uneducated kid. Seeing Most of my still living relatives were there I think i can speak from experiance.

Thanks for trying anyways.
I seriously doubt, that you can speak from experience, since you haven't been there yourself. Also, memories of participants tend to be narrow and biased. Fact is, that the Battle of Britain was already lost to Germany before they went to war with the USSR.

Apart from that.... Germany concentrated on the East Front even after D-Day.... but still, Soviet troops halted at the Elbe River to wait for the western allies to arrive (that river was actually the demarkation line agreed upon during the Jalta conference). Hadn't the soviets stopped there, they would have overrun Germany before the US and UK would have even gotten to the German border.
Wounded in 1992 In Kewait during desert storm, Since the injury and honorable disscharge i have since broken my back and neck. I have endured 9 shoulder, neck and back surgeries as a result! Dont you fucking sit and judge me, i served my country and am suffering every fucking day for it. I cant even play with my goddam kids moron! Go USAF!! The boys from syracuse fly true!!
The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

Why am I the only one who can remember the FBI agents executed in Pakistan in the First weeks of 1992
The Kandahar Marine Barracks, The USS Cole, TWA flt 800, WTC93 attack (that almost dropped the Tower),
Our Embassies in Kenya  and Tanzia Etc. and on and on.
Which relate to Iraq how?

Horseman 77 wrote:

Why did we let Hitler become " aggressive  " ?

How many lives would have been spared if we acted earlier in a less popular manner ?
Or you could have gone to war when he first invaded a non-aggressive neighbour.  Or, y'know, stopped Germany from going into the economic collapse that caused Hitler to be able to gain power

Horseman 77 wrote:

Protect our people first.
So, it's not reall about how many lives, but *whose* lives then?

Don't get up the the high horse, you're real bad at it.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-05-25 04:21:27)

+102|7015|New York
Anyone have the numbers of dead and wounded for WW2 before we got involved? Just interested in Knowing. I think the totals for the whole war was somewhere around 50,000,000?
The Lizzard
I don't know, but for Australia it wasn't quite so destructive (in terms of soldiers killed, or percentage of soldiers killed, or percentage of population killed or something) as WWI I think.  I credit that to many of our troops *not* being under the command of British generals, and the British generals being of a generally higher calibre than WWI.
The Argument: US has been the greatest military aggressors of the last century

Although the US have been an agressive nation, especially of late, I think the title of 'greatest' aggressor of the last century safely goes to the Germans. The US were a little more subtle with their operations throughout Latin America and South America. Vietnam and Iraq not so subtle. Combining all of those wars together doesn't even nearly come close to the impact that the Axis (Germany-Japan-Italy) had on the world.

Maybe we should be asking: Will the US be the greatest military aggressor of the current century? Worryingly, it seems they might become just that.
The Lizzard
I disagree.  WWII was a direct result of WWI, which wasn't their fault.

Bubbalo wrote:

I disagree.  WWII was a direct result of WWI, which wasn't their fault.
I agree. WW2 was caused coz hitler had hate for jews and the nations that was against germany in ww2, so he started ww2. but america was the reason that the allies won the war, battle of britain would be lost if americans didnt help send their pilots and supplies.

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