workin form home, drinkin club soda, enjoying the weather
today is a good day
10:50am and no more work to be done
Kicking back on the couch feeling utter bollocks.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
how's the life cammy
time to play bf3bugz wrote:
10:50am and no more work to be done
that makes one of usjsnipy wrote:
workin form home, drinkin club soda, enjoying the weather
Read my big post a page back I'm not very well.Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:
how's the life cammy
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
I poured some on the ground for my homies in the west.13urnzz wrote:
that makes one of usjsnipy wrote:
workin form home, drinkin club soda, enjoying the weather
It does not stain so I'm confident it will just dry and I would never know I spilled it.
Can't (at work). The machines here are beyond shit so no gaming here.Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:
time to play bf3bugz wrote:
10:50am and no more work to be done
Wow apparently internships at the American Red Cross can pay up to 880 a week

i was about to rant that they're all for seniors. fuckin bullshit manRTHKI wrote:
Thats for useful people

Go yell Maaaatloooock and tell 'em jazz is devil music. They'll hire you fo sho.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
i was about to rant that they're all for seniors. fuckin bullshit manRTHKI wrote:
Thats for useful people
Ive had QUINSY before now which is like tonsilitus un-treated. It got so bad in the end that when I drank it came out my nose, 'fair enough' I'll go to the doctors. They sat me in a dentists chair told me to close my eyes and lanced my tonsils with the biggest needle I have ever seen. (I didnt close my eyes but wish I did). Now I just get tonsilitus, amoxacillin 500mg's and Im good to go in a day or two.Camm wrote:
In addition to my buggered back, I started getting a sore throat last. 'no problem' I thought, 'take some strepsils, lemsip and get a good nights kip and I'll be right as rain'.
Except I woke up at 4am not able to breath with what felt like a massive ball of phlegm in the back of my throat but is actually my tonsils about 3 or 4 times the normal size.
Jacqui phoned NHS 24 because was absolutely shitting myself cause y'know not being able to breathe is pretty scary.
We went up to the health centre where I got some penicillin.
Jacqui says I sound like Adam sandler in the waterboy.
Tl;dr woke up at 4am with a constricted throat and had to go to a health centre for penicillin.
Good luck Camm
Awww yea. Someone offered 200 american pesos on my hockey jerseys on ebay. Nine days left of the auction. Gotta hope the price goes up up up!
but i'll say the jazz is still less devilish than the newfangled rockin' and rollin' music the kids listen to in the malt shoppeUltrafunkula wrote:
Go yell Maaaatloooock and tell 'em jazz is devil music. They'll hire you fo sho.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
i was about to rant that they're all for seniors. fuckin bullshit manRTHKI wrote:
Thats for useful people

yeah it will prolly in the last 30 min ultra
oh girl your silhouette make me wanna light a cigarette
Orly?Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:
yeah it will prolly in the last 30 min ultra
why do we have to do group projects?

I don't, what do you mean?