"Another day chillin 2/ Flyboys for the win"
The BF2s squads hang around in the HQ. They are missing some of their mates

Mister superfly_cox isnt very happy with his two new aprentices, could you imagine why?

ah, for shure... Those flyboys... damn it

after they felt the wrath of superfly, they went off for some other things...

...as goldman give em a call about a new toy?! Cross your fingers its not a plane!!!

mister enemy boat spotted should give them a ride back to HQ

some of the other guys wonder about that toy

meanwhile in the armor column

HellHead haves some other things to worry about

as you can see

ToRRo and Mike give some cover for superflys tanks

while the boys in HQ prepare for takeoff

the flying drunkboy for sweden brings them to battle

Superfly is checking the situation and give green lights, while RunDje is wondering...

BF2s ready for action, but still somethings missing

Echo and the humvees arent there!!!

ok, Echo has moved to the wrong targetarea

but the humvees got some serious issues

RunDje in trust of his one hit kill abilitys

meanwhile goldman is asking for the situation of the humvees

humvees are ready for the move again

and finally they reach HQ to deliver the passengers

HellHead still in trouble...

and also the squads have some huge.... erm... problems or else

Flyboys got their new toy and prepare to move out

Also HellHead found a solution... (sidenotice: I know its a cobra now!, so dont be a smartass!!)

The squads are spreading out, but Echo is still missing

Echo heading for somethin completly diffrent, damn weed!

Flyboy coming in. As usual slayer got some questions about the colour of this own team
"Are you guys the one with the red helmets?!?!?!"

Squads leave the targetarea... because if they stay there some more -score will occure

"I got lock on them"

Darth Vader is also on the battlefield


the squads leave heading for their homebase

Echo prepared a welcomehome party for the boys

and finally Slayer gets what he deserves

Last edited by fon|sl4y3r (18 years, 10 months ago)