sorry you feel that way

pirana6 wrote:


I'm not saying I have a snowballs chance in hell with anybody that looks like those girls BUT wiping the cheeto stains off my fingers and working off some fat and building some muscle at least builds my self esteem to the fact that in my dreams I do.
Figure out some goal for yourself. It will give you the proper motivation to keep going to the gym every week all weeks. I find it best to concentrate myself on my progress in sports and stuff, I'm pretty serious about them so working out a lot is a must.

Should try different excersises sometimes as well. Using a bodybuilder split or something like it is boring as fuck, never really makes me feel satisfied or good about myself when I'm done. Look up crossfit or something that incorporates a lot of explosive movements, that's pretty good.
inane little opines
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Been a bit of a yo-yo this year. Lost some weight, then lost a fair bit more, then gained some, then lost that and a bit more

Just trying to maintain strength and some kind of consistency, so I've moved onto a 3x5 routine whilst not eating much cals. Not sure if the set/rep ratio is ideal, but I'm primarily wanting to lose body fat, and I figure lowering the volume will make it easier to lift heavier.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Sweating my arse off in this heat and humidity. Doing 4x5 now instead of 3x5 as from what I read last night 3x5 is too low impact to be effective, 4x5 is about the minimum.
Found another good way to get some calories in. 1 cup of oats in my big 2 scoop whey-shake.

Also, as far as gaining goes, I'm pretty much back to where i was before my 4 month injury break. Not that I lost that much, but it's a small personal milestone.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I'm still losing weight, probably a bit faster than I should but meh. I'm not tooooo upset if I lose a *little* muscle as long as I can lose the fat. Once I'm lean then I'll adjust my diet and workout accordingly.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6964|Marathon, Florida Keys
deadlifted 405 today, felt good as fuck (thats 4 plates either side)
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+387|6478|New Haven, CT
How many reps?
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5856|College Park, MD
started C25K with one of my roommates. did day 2 today. feelsgoodman.jpg
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.
lost my ipod in a drunken binge last weekend (64 gb touch... $400...) and went to the gym last night without it. HOLY SHIT that sucks so much without music. They play some there but it's pop crap and doesn't get me pumped and is far too quiet anyway.

As was once said by someone here (many pages ago)

"working out without music is like having sex without a penis"

too true.
Fission Mailed

My iPhone earphones went through the washing machine a couple weeks ago and I've been too lazy to find/buy a new pair. Similar to your situation pirana, the gym I go to plays Galaxy Hitlist which is the same 30 songs over and over and over.

I swear to god if I hear Selena Gomez one more time I'm gonna go nuts.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

bugz wrote:

My iPhone earphones went through the washing machine a couple weeks ago and I've been too lazy to find/buy a new pair. Similar to your situation pirana, the gym I go to plays Galaxy Hitlist which is the same 30 songs over and over and over.

I swear to god if I hear Selena Gomez one more time I'm gonna go nuts.
I love you like a love song baby. Lol comes on a lot in my gym.
Fission Mailed

That's the exact song that plays EVERY time I'm there.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Favourite music I listen to when working out:

Nine Inch Nails
Infected Mushroom
The Mars Volta
The Prodigy
System of a Down
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.
The Offspring - Smash

among many many others
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6496|Atlanta, Georgia … amp;sr=1-7

Do you guys think this stuff is any good? Also is it worth the buy? I'm dedicated to my workout plan so i was wondering if this would help any with bulking up a little.
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.

NeXuS wrote:

Do you guys think this stuff is any good? Also is it worth the buy? I'm dedicated to my workout plan so i was wondering if this would help any with bulking up a little.
Meh, personally I think once you get into the "good" range of Protein, you're splitting hairs. I've used syntha-6 as well as optimum and a costco brand (not sure what it was atm) and if they are reputable (syntha-6 and optimum) you're gonna be fine. Both are high quality and will do the job you need.
I realize you weren't looking for a comparison but rather a review on syntha-6 specifically but I'm just trying to express that if you pick a good brand (which syntha-6 is) then you're good to go.

If you need to bulk up, eat more. Lots more. But focus on protein as your intake of calories.
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.
I have an issue.

For as long as I've been working out I always did abs at the end of (some/most) my workouts. Mostly because that's when everyone says to. I was never sure why but I didn't question it...
Because of an odd circumstance, on monday I did a workout but did abs first. To nobody's surprise, my failure was a lot longer and I could go much harder. While this wasn't a shock to me because my whole body wasn't fatigued from the entire rest of the workout I wondered if it might be better over all to do abs first? I mean I gave them a much better workout by doing them first.
Why exactly are we supposed to do them at the end?
What's the disadvantage to doing them first? Especially if one can go harder on them?
I'm so much more sore than I usually am in my core because I worked them harder because I had more stamina...
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+387|6478|New Haven, CT
Because abs are used as a stabilizing muscle in important lifts like squat and deadlift, and you want the source of failure during those to be the legs (or back for deadlift), not your trunk being unable to support the weight. Also, I believe that having tired abs during deadlift is especially dangerous because it is easier to slip into bad form without them properly reinforcing your lower back.
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.
Ah yes that makes sense. But still, once I finally hit abs directly at the end of my workout, they are already fatigued and it seems I can't give them the proper workout. Even though it seems that way, since they're already tired are they getting hit hard and I just don't notice? Or should I do abs on days where I don't go to the gym so I can focus entirely on them? (this will be annoying as I don't have much gym equipment at home. doable but annoying)
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5638|Bolingbrook, Illinois
honestly, if you're doing squats, you're already doing abs.  you don't need to do extra

but anyway, you should do the exercise you consider the most important first.  when i was a sprinter, we got out onto a track and did our sprinting before our squats.  were our squats a lot worse?  yes, but it didn't matter, because we did what was most important first.

if you feel that abs and crunches are you're biggest priority, by all means do those first
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.
I would definitely say abs aren't my first priority, but it would be nice to feel like I'm not completely neglecting them. But yes, squatting and deadlifts and overhead press, (christ, even when I'm doing bench press and bicep curls I keep my body rigid and tense so I feel it in my abs... I'm not sure if that's good form or bad ) make my core a bit sore so I guess I'll just supplement with some sit-ups/crunches/leg raises/what have ye.

Thanks my forum niggas ninjas buddies!
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5638|Bolingbrook, Illinois

pirana6 wrote:

I would definitely say abs aren't my first priority, but it would be nice to feel like I'm not completely neglecting them. But yes, squatting and deadlifts and overhead press, (christ, even when I'm doing bench press and bicep curls I keep my body rigid and tense so I feel it in my abs... I'm not sure if that's good form or bad ) make my core a bit sore so I guess I'll just supplement with some sit-ups/crunches/leg raises/what have ye.

Thanks my forum niggas ninjas buddies!
no worries, keeping your abs flexed while doing an exercise ie almost always a good thing, as long as you're not using your abs themselves to try to lift.  ie bending at your abs while squatting
Fission Mailed

See Zimmer's post for a sample ab workout.

I'd avoid sit-ups though. They can cause more harm than good.
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+387|6478|New Haven, CT
You aren't neglecting them, even if you aren't targeting them directly. I haven't done anything resembling an ab routine since May 2011, but when I tried to do a set of leg raises last week, I could easily do 25 without impairing my pace. I dropped dedicated ab exercises from my workouts after I read that squats and deadlift are perfectly sufficient for gaining functional strength, because the abs are used primarily as stabilizers in both the exercises and in real-life mechanics. Dedicated ab exercises are necessary if you want the bulging definition that most shallow lifters aspire to get, but since you are concerned about strength as well, you really owe it to yourself to supplement your real workout with them, not allow them to comprise a legitimate portion thereof.

Last edited by nukchebi0 (2012-02-22 16:52:48)

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