I cant remember the password to my trader alt or the email I used to make him D:
im fucking doing it. Im DLing the motherfucking patch. Get ready teds and irishgranndmarapingfgt (thats you IGR) to have your spaceballs (lol) blown off.
not one fuck was given about my glorious return
who the fuck are u
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
it been so long q.q
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
well they still havent replied to my petition about my last account pw and email. I should probably make a petition to get my shit out of nullsec on adams02 aswell.
yeah u be deep inside hostile territory atm bad shit
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
Just tac warp, then jump your way out of there.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
so whats the go with this TiDi shit?
before when it was laggy, some stuff never made it to the server (my guns are firing, my guns are empty, i've clicked warp etc), but it was v inconsistent. now every call to the server happens, but at a slower pace so it all happens equal for everyone
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
oh, should be interesting. Im finally getting a reply about my hauler account, I have access to my main though obviously, but I will petition to move some of my stuff out first, do some missions etc with my baddon
basically TiDi = slow down time itself to allow all calls/commands/actions whatever you want to call it, actually happen
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
both my account are back
remember the O'Toole crew teds?
remember the O'Toole crew teds?
i still have that char i think
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I just realised I did too from my email from customer support haha
check dat charon, yo
so, like when they got rid of all the learning skills, are we supposed to have some free skills to put somewhere?
You got skill points returned to distribute to any other skill you want.
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
or skills
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
maybe it happened before I left, ah well. Both accounts are upppppp
already sploded my apoc \o/
I feel so bad for you