HaiBai wrote:
Adams_BJ wrote:
HaiBai wrote:
and what's frowned upon besides sticking it into another man's butt?
i understand where you're coming from if you're gay, but otherwise, you've completely lost me.
anal sex, protected sex, prostate stimulation, sex with multiple partners, sex before marriage etc etc - things seen as craven in the eyes of the lord. Dont make me spell everything out for you man, you know what is considered healthy and what is considered taboo, youre just playing devils advocate. I was merely pointing out the difference between a strong sex drive, and an exciting sex life, and the difference between those that are free from the fear of being judged over their desires to those that are god fearing and wish to ascend to heaven.
anal sex and prostate stimulation are both fine. don't know where you got those from.
obviously, protected sex, sex with anyone other than your wife, and sex before marriage are not allowed.
you can avoid pregnancy without using birth control/condoms, so that doesn't mean anything.
so basically, having sex with anyone other than your spouse is why you're saying a 'christian's' sex life is not exciting, which i already pointed out. i guess you can make that point, but your spouse is the only person you should be having sex with in the longrun, so it's honestly not that big of a problem.
Never said they were sins, now youre taking it out of context
Every priest/father/padre/nun/sister whatever I have ever asked (would be close to 100, all across australia and other countries and online) has frowned (not condemned) upon anything other than vaginal intercourse,. Ofcourse that will flow onto their followers as something that should also be frowned upon, and then many/most of the HARDCORE theists (again that I have talked to, which is numerous) will refuse to do it, not just because of this reason alone, but that flows onto the next point as well. And when your entire community frowns upon it or sees it as dirty, once again you are afraid of being judged.
Having sex at certain periods to avoid pregnancy could be seen as bad, same with oral or anal intercourse. You are spilling the seed in vain, which among jewish communities is a sin, and in christian, catholic is in the grey, and again frowned upon, after all if it wasn't, protected sex wouldn't be disallowed, as it is essentially the same thing. and besides, way to FURTHER restrict your sex life. woo!
and I never said cheating on your partner was part of the fun, but having multiple sex partners, and exploring and discovering the world of sex and your body IS. Most of all, it is NATURAL.
So again, you seem to think I am saying that church goers avoid it because of sins, but I don't. many things that are fun in sex ARE sins, however most are simply socially...taboo I guess, within the hardcore community, and many will not do it because of that. Most of what many non-church goers do can be done by the church community too, but they don't for fear of being judged by their peers, their up-bringing, and their idea of what is proper and what is not. So from a technical standpoint you are correct, but from a REAL standpoint, not so correct. Social idealogy has a big pull on what you can or can't do, whether it is technically "allowed" or not.
and besides, half the joy of sex is not being restricted.