Dead Meat
Sorry JahManRed but what planet you live on? I have 23rd on my calender!!!

Sarrk wrote:

Nannananananananaananannana patch day!

Time for some serious airdrop abuse!
I hear that! We'll get to drop humvees on roofs and hopefully tanks on the carrier to help the jets raping the carrier. There are going to be tough times in BF2. Have the announced yet when 1.31 will be released to limit the new dumb addons?

spacebandit72 wrote:

Sorry JahManRed but what planet you live on? I have 23rd on my calender!!!
Fantasma Parastasie
/prepares for dissapointment

1.2 - nerfed dogfights
1.3 - nerfed solo choppers?

Looks like aviation has had it's prime time.
Why are they suddenly changing all the medal requirements? i mean people like RD volx or whatever his name is are gona feel bad about actually earning their war college ribbon...?
Sorry for my bad use of slang... Im from England and im only 18. In the army though so I should know better.
Dark times is upon us! Patch party in da house though

Last edited by McCullough (2006-05-23 04:21:13)

is e.a downloader down i cant log on
OMG look at all you peps getting bonners over a patch
EA site is back up and running now

Mr_Spork wrote:

EA site is back up and running now
It wasnt just EAs BF2 site though, it was all EA sites
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6871|Riva, MD
7:15 here in Maryland, no patch yet.

[netsas]knight wrote:

is e.a downloader down i cant log on
I can login....Try again.

_j5689_ wrote:

7:15 here in Maryland, no patch yet.
Ya, we need to be patient. If we don't get it today, we will eventually.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6871|Riva, MD
If my teacher lets us use the laptops I can see if it's out at noon like expected so that'll be good.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-05-23 04:20:58)

Chanetoy Dugali
+309|6865|Groningen / Netherlands
today its 23, is it out, no.
maybe in the afternoon we'll see, else we just wait
Jim Beam is my water...
+8|6783|Gold Coast, Australia
If the majority of people are so opposed to the patch, why are you all ranting and raving about wanting it to hurry up? doesnt make sence :S
right just to calm ur little heads on this as i am eager about the new patch, i live in the uk and i can remember the last patch coming out and that was about 7.30pm so that would be in the early afternoon in the usa so heres hoping that it will be out in 7 hrs or less
Δ > x > ¥

snoogy_beef wrote:

If the majority of people are so opposed to the patch, why are you all ranting and raving about wanting it to hurry up? doesnt make sence :S
perhaps because lots and lots of people aren't opposed to the patch?  I know I'm not.
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6758|Pickle Village
It better come out today because its my birthday.  come on EA

James-m wrote:

Why are they suddenly changing all the medal requirements? i mean people like RD volx or whatever his name is are gona feel bad about actually earning their war college ribbon...?
I think it's pure strategy. Lower the reqs a bit for each patch, so that all can get the medals and get tired of BF2 soon. And then, looki looki, all players wan't another game. Perhaps even the new BF that we have to see ads of every day we login at BF2...
RPK-74 Whore

Hyper wrote:

LordDragonclaw wrote:

Its retarded that they changed the knife badge reqs but NOT the pistol which is MUCH harder.
itsok because we know that both are fairly simple to get on a k and p server

link to full size

not that i care because you are only fooling yourself.
maybe you and ash can get together and circle jer...i mean discuss how he is going to report you
Odd I dont remember saying any of that on that saturday. Mostly because my parents werent home so I was pretty much drunk most of the morning. All I remember was getting on a K&P server to rack up some explosives and armor kills and then later getting a PM from you with screenshots that really didnt prove anything to me. The last few weeks have been very trying and I play BF2 to get away with that, I dont want to worry about someone threatening to report me in a FUCKING VIDEO GAME. Seriously, Its ONLY a game there is no need to go around stalking people and taking screenshots of them in servers that EA doesnt do anything to stop. What the hell do you mean "maybe you and ash can get together and circle jer" who are you talking about. I would seriously like to forget the whole incident because I mostly thought I was using C4 and armor though perhaps since I was drunk most of the morning I wasnt.
yeah thats true, its all about EA making more money. Ill buy AF, only because its new content... probably not very good though, Euro force wasnt very.... erm... well thought out shall we say.
i don't see where i posted i was going to report you, my name isn't ash, as far as being drunk, your 13 years old wtf are you drinking for? ( never mind, i realize that your lying to cover your ass now )
if you payed even half attention to these forums, you would know who ash is.
threatening to report you?
amusing to say the least, i dont have to report you, somone else will because there are ashes all over the world.
stalking you?
don't flatter yourself little boy, these screens weren't taken by me. they were taken by someone who hates you so much that they have decided to make fun of you, they are doing a great job IMO, but your making it a close competition ,because you make yourself look pretty uneducated in your posts.
shrugs, maybe its the homeschooling and the whole OMG I'M IN THE 3RD GRADE AND I'M 13 YEARS OLD thing.
your lying to cover your ass, you play frequently on these servers which is why you were removed from your last clan ( well that and the fact that you spew racist crap, and are generally a liability)
bottom line, you make the game unenjoyable for alot of people, and that makes you a target.

wow i see how you have problems with the pistol now....nice score ,TPB
oh and one last thing genius, these pix were not taken saturday, they were taken last week DURING the week, although i was sent some from saturday also.


Last edited by Hyper (2006-05-23 05:14:46)

RPK-74 Whore

Hyper wrote:

i don't see where i posted i was going to report you, my name isn't ash, as far as being drunk, your 13 years old wtf are you drinking for? ( never mind, i realize that your lying to cover your ass now )
if you payed even half attention to these forums, you would know who ash is.
threatening to report you?
amusing to say the least, i dont have to report you, somone else will because there are ashes all over the world.
stalking you?
don't flatter yourself little boy, these screens weren't taken by me. they were taken by someone who hates you so much that they have decided to make fun of you, they are doing a great job IMO, but your making it a close competition ,because you make yourself look pretty uneducated in your posts.
shrugs, maybe its the homeschooling and the whole OMG I'M IN THE 3RD GRADE AND I'M 13 YEARS OLD thing.
your lying to cover your ass, you play frequently on these servers which is why you were removed from your last clan ( well that and the fact that you spew racist crap, and are generally a liability)
bottom line, you make the game unenjoyable for alot of people, and that makes you a target.

wow i see how you have problems with the pistol now....nice score ,TPB
oh and one last thing genius, these pix were not taken saturday, they were taken last week DURING the week, although i was sent some from saturday also.

During the week would be pure BS. It was saturday morning I remember that much, Im 14 and my life is fucked up so what do you expect? Hmm who else hates me so much then? I dont frequently play on K&P servers that is pure bullshit buddy I dont play on K&P servers frequently or at all that was only that saturday because I was bored and drunk. I rarely use the pistol, my shit pistol kills should tell you that anyday and im not getting them on any k&p server. Again, you can check my server record (if there is one), it was only that saturday that i played on that server. Really I dont pay half attention to this forum much so I have no clue who this ash guy is.

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