eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom
and last nights dream was so weird im still trying peice it together
Tu Stultus Es
+3,936|6650|so randum
too many words be back later
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5508|London, England
thread sucks, change it
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom
last nights dream involved this chick https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Regina_King_2010.jpg  telling me thank you a bunch of times and i didnt know what for and then fast forward and im picking up my luggage from some where out doors next to a beach and she was in the distance talking to her friends but she didnt see me. she was telling them that i saved her life and it was dangerous but it didnt bother them then shes says hes one of those crazy niggas that just does it for the rush

Last edited by eleven bravo (2012-01-29 09:23:08)

Tu Stultus Es
n0rf c4li
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

I had a dream that I was on some academic experiment to spend the night at some old haunted building that was located on a rocky island inside of some harbor and there were a bunch of people i knew. beofre the first night sleeping over everyone had to be held down by some kind of automatic blanket machine where the blanket was held up by a wooden frame and it was attached to some kind of mechanical spring.  then the next morning i was exploring the island with this one italian girl i met last year (she was sardinian actually) and then fast forward and at night before sleep i was lifting weights and all the chicks there were impressed.  then the ghosts started showing up and and i wasnt scared and all the chicks were trying to hang around me because of that and one girl who was a swimmer was so scared she jumped in the harbor and triued swimming fr shore then it was understood she didnt make it and then i woke up.

which was weird because i never dream and this one was my second one this week.  th first one I was at a party and I saw the chick i was messing with last year (the white girl) and she and some other dude who was trying to get at her last year started walking away from the party alone together and i started getting bummed out then these two dudes i didnt get along with in high school showed up and of them tried to pick a fight with me and i declined which is unusual for me but i was bummed out cus of the girl and the dude she walked with (who was also a friend from last year so i couldnt hate on him and he was jewish too) and then one of the two guys who were trying to start shit with me came up to me to talk more shit about not getting down with his homie and then everything clicked and i told him to tell him homie to be ready cus hes gonna catch a fade and then after that i felt great and didnt give a fuck about the chick and then i woke up.
I think your first dream has to do with your post college experience. You are just finished with school and am trying to go a start on life -> the academic experiment. The experiment being living outside of academia. The haunted building represents fear and the people around you represent the things holding you down keeping you sane and helping you to keep going. The fear again being fear of the outside world out of the structure of the military and college.

The mechanical blanket is the weight of work and other things keeping your spirit down. You don't want to be held down by yourself. You want to be free with the others but work is keeping you down. Exploring the island and the weight lifting both represent the freedom and happiness you have outside of work and school. Outside of school you are exploring the world with an Italian girl. Outside of work you are using your skill to attract women and enjoy your sexuality. But then the ghost shows up. The ghost being work and the real world. It doesn't scare you. You can fight it. But it ruins your chances at getting laid. It scares off the girls and kills one. The ghost is the enemy of your dreams and life haunting you.

In a nutshell the first dream is your subconscious telling you you need to get laid more and don't get stressed out from work.

Your welcome.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5852|College Park, MD
god I fucking hate buses

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

god I fucking hate buses
You should consider catching it
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom
that actually really makes total sense.
Tu Stultus Es
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5852|College Park, MD

Macbeth wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

god I fucking hate buses
You should consider catching it
well I've only got 64 minutes to do so :S

i should have gone with my original plan of staging a car jacking when I had rented that Malibu
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,738|6887|Oxferd Ohire
when u poop in ur dreams u poop irl too

eleven bravo wrote:

that actually really makes total sense.
Your welcome. Now hit me with some ideas for my IPE paper.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,738|6887|Oxferd Ohire
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom

Macbeth wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

that actually really makes total sense.
Your welcome. Now hit me with some ideas for my IPE paper.
cant go wrong with something about globalization
Tu Stultus Es

Fuck off Rick. You're a cunt

eleven bravo wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

eleven bravo wrote:

that actually really makes total sense.
Your welcome. Now hit me with some ideas for my IPE paper.
cant go wrong with something about globalization
One of the main requirements of this course is to write an original research paper based on international political economy specifically identifying a case of “winners” and “losers” as a result of international commerce. A “case” is a specific example of international commerce that highlights principles of IPE. Examples could be the relocation of an MNC, identifying one specific beneficiary of a non-tariff barrier or trade agreement, demographic shift in a specific location as a result of commerce. All papers are due at the beginning of class on week 12. In addition, everyone must submit a paper topic, electronically by the third week of class for approval.
Trying to think of a case. Not going well.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5852|College Park, MD
united fruit company (winners) and the people they killed (losers)
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,738|6887|Oxferd Ohire
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

united fruit company (winners) and the people they killed (losers)
thats nmore history than current events
Tu Stultus Es
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5852|College Park, MD
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom
ok i got a case for you.  did this one myself.  discuss the terrible work conditions of nike in vietnam and how although, by our standards the workers there making near slave wages, by their standards nike workers there have higher wages than doctors and academics
Tu Stultus Es
eleven bravo
+1,399|5409|foggy bottom
and the fact that nike is starting to move its production to other shittier asian countries that pay less because vietnamese workers are costing too much
Tu Stultus Es

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