Dilbert_X wrote:
FEOS wrote:
I can't believe you are so warped as to assume that Gingrich would go to war with Iran as soon as elected President...or that any other Republican candidate would.
Seems odd they're all calling for the bombing to start
No, they aren't. They are calling for keeping military options on the table when dealing with Iran (just as European and GCC nations are) and saying that as CINC, they would use that
as a last resort if diplomacy failed (just as European and GCC nations are). The last bit being key.
Even the "warmonger" Bush didn't do anything against Iran militarily.
He labeled them part of the 'axis of evil' when the moderates reached out the hand of peace, now you have the radicals to deal with - well done.
Rhetoric. And since the moderates weren't in power, how would their "reaching out" have made a lick of difference? That's like trying to hold the regime in Iran accountable for not doing anything about the Libertarian or Green parties "reaching out" to them from the US.
As for blaming the previous administration...it's a tactic that has worked well for the current one.
Haven't seen much of that happening TBH, which is surprising given the appalling mess Bush left.
You really need to get your hearing checked. It's been nothing but that for 3+ years.
All I hear from Gingrich is ranting about Obama, no concrete plans, just platitudes about 'small govt'.
No kidding. That's something I despise about politics (and car salesmen): tearing down the competition, rather than talking up your own brand.