See where your coming from.
You MAY be right, most cases I can think of are a treatment kinda thing, not a cure.
You MAY be right, most cases I can think of are a treatment kinda thing, not a cure.
Jaekus wrote:
So in your mother's case of being a type 2 diabetic you would consider a raw food diet to be medicine, given that it's been proven to cure type 2 diabetes as no pharmaceutical can? … n-30-days/
eleven bravo wrote:
I guess according to your definition we could count spinach and raisin bran as medicine as well
medicine [ˈmɛdɪsɪn ˈmɛdsɪn]
1. (Medicine) any drug or remedy for use in treating, preventing, or alleviating the symptoms of disease
2. (Medicine) the science of preventing, diagnosing, alleviating, or curing disease
eleven bravo wrote:
now you corrected me, as expected
Last edited by Jaekus (2012-01-20 19:43:16)
Last edited by eleven bravo (2012-01-20 19:49:01)