+572|6959|BC, Canada

gurdeep wrote:

special forces plz with all the same bf2 sf maps
+93|6972|Alaska, mother fucker.
Songhua Stalemate please. Most under rated map of BF2.
songhua was awesome for 8v8, terrible for pubs
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6990|Tampa Bay Florida
Why the fuck didnt they

1. include special forces stuff such as tear gas/gas masks (the fuckin Russian engineer is wearing one but apparently its useless).  They could have made the zipline a recon only unlock.

2. realize how shitty and dumbfuck their new maps were and instead revamp the old ones (while adding some new ones on top, not as replacements).  I liked Mashtuur City, I liked Songhua (they could have downsized it and it made into a Preslaguna type map).  Multiplayer maps are like friends -- make new maps but keep some of the old.  Some are silver the others are gold.  BLAAHAHAHA

-Whiteroom- wrote:

gurdeep wrote:

special forces plz with all the same bf2 sf maps
fucking this
>This map

imagine the spam in an iron gator 64 server

Roc18 wrote:

>This map


walker rape on berlin was so much fucking fun
Fission Mailed

City of the Dead tbh
cerbere landing too
Minsk Titan mode was Classic Battlefield.
ya minsk was a pretty awesome vehicle map. those hovering tanks were gay tho. walkers all day son

iceman785 wrote:

Daqing Oilfields please. Most under rated map of BF2.

pick 1
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
Dragon Valley, Daqing Oilfields, Mashtuur City & Fushe Pass

I'm sure I'm missing something, but I'd like these in bf3

want more maps

shit load more maps please
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6990|Tampa Bay Florida

gurdeep wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

>This map

Fuck yes.  The 2142 urban maps were freakin awesome.  Can't say the same for the more open ones though.
Shotgun whore
+133|6589|Pacific NW, USA
Zatar and Tampa for epic vehicle warfare.

Songhua and Daqing cuz dey all rounders

Op Smoke Screen from EF and Op Harvest from AF

Suez Canal from 2142 kept me interested, can't remember if it was actually good though.

Last edited by PigPopTart (13 years, 1 month ago)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6990|Tampa Bay Florida

Probably one of my favorite Battlefield maps of all time.  In fact I may go install 2142 again right now.... sure the vehicle combat kinda sucked but it was amazing in terms of infantry combat/ urban maps
+93|6972|Alaska, mother fucker.

mtb0minime wrote:

iceman785 wrote:

Daqing Oilfields please. Most under rated map of BF2.
Daqing was a great map, but it wasn't under rated.

Songhua was barely played, and people left the server when it came round. You'd play 1 round of songhua in like 3 hours of playing sometimes, and that's what made it special.

jsnipy wrote:

-Whiteroom- wrote:

gurdeep wrote:

special forces plz with all the same bf2 sf maps
fucking this

songhua was shit. i hate when people insist it was a good map.

13/f/taiwan wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

-Whiteroom- wrote:

fucking this

songhua was shit. i hate when people insist it was a good map.

gurdeep wrote:

songhua was awesome for 8v8, terrible for pubs
plundering yee booty
+510|5773|Ventura, California

heggs wrote:

Naturn wrote:

You can easily rack up a 1000 points for capturing 1 flag point.

- Flag Capture
- Killing Enemies
- Reviving Teamates
- Shooting at Tanks
- Repair Tanks

If you repeat that processor over and over again on different points of the map they can add up.  This is why I don't under stand why people camp for kills in this game.(As a foot soldier.)
My thoughts exactly. Also, getting the Capture Flag ribbon (can't remember the exact name) also nets you points for doing just that. One of the easiest ways to get tons of points is just running from flag to flag capping the objective. Once capped, move on to the next.

Most importantly, it helps your team win. It's really frustrating when you're one of the few running out of your base to cap flags, while everyone else is just sniping just outside of your main base's borders.
I once got 8500 points in the Katsaka helicopter on Firestorm. All I did was fly from one flag to the next capping them. I got 0 kills that round and 4 deaths.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6990|Tampa Bay Florida

gurdeep wrote:

13/f/taiwan wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

fucking this

songhua was shit. i hate when people insist it was a good map.

gurdeep wrote:

songhua was awesome for 8v8, terrible for pubs

Spearhead wrote:

I liked Songhua (they could have downsized it and it made into a Preslaguna type map).
True?  I think most people liked Songhua because it was unique.  Interspersed waterways, dense jungle/forests. Dense fog.  I enjoy variety.  If they put more effort into it it could have been as good as any of the other infantry centric BF2 maps.  Just my opinion.

Last edited by Spearhead (13 years, 1 month ago)

+572|6959|BC, Canada
More new maps. Less new guns. Also if the want to make players have more versatile kits, give us that sf stuff like grappling hooks, gas, and flash bangs, dont nerf the gun equipment and think it makes the game deeper.

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