A stranger in the dark

So I was looking around to find some info on what the hell this nemesis ribbon was all about; and found the info available not that clarifying. Looking around on the forum there was not that much on those Ribbons; while most medals are pretty clear on how to get them.

So I made the following small table (Chuy I used your stats images as they are more likely to stay).

Please if you could help with checking if it all seems to be correct or if you could provide the MVP / MVP 2 / MVP 3 bonus that would be cool.

RibbonDetailsHow To
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r01.pngAssault Rifle Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 7 enemies with Assault Rifles in a round.

Play as the Assault Class to unlock new and better assault rifles.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r02.pngCarbine Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 7 enemies with Carbines in one round.

Play as the Engineer Class to unlock new and better carbines.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r03.pngLight Machine Gun Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 7 enemies with Light Machine Guns in one round.

Play as the Support Class to unlock new and better Machine Guns.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r04.pngSniper Rifle Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 7 enemies with Sniper Rifles in one round.

Play as the Reckon Class to unlock new and better sniper rifles.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r05.pngHand Gun Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 4 enemies with the Handgun in a round.

Just use Handguns, try bringing the tactical light to blind your opponents, making them easier kills at close range.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r06.pngShotgun Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 7 enemies with Shotguns in one around.

Grab the Shotgun, any class can use it, and go crazy
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r07.pngPDW Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 7 enemies with any Personal Defense Arms.

Submachine Guns or Machine Pistols are used for this reward. Weapons that count are: PP-2000, UMP-45, PDW-R, P90, AS Val, MP7, MP5, PP-19.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r08.pngMelee Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 4 enemies with melee weapons in one round.

aka the knife ribbon, just knife four people in a round, close-quarters maps wil increase your chances.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r10.pngAnti Vehicle Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Destroy 3 enemy vehicles in one round.

Simple, destroy 3 enemy vehicles by any means available
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r09.pngDisable Vehicle Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Disable 4 enemy vehicles in one round.

Damage enemy vehicles above 50%.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r21.pngAnti Explosives Ribbons

200 XP Bonus.
Destroy 2 Enemy Explosives in one round.

Anti-Vehicle Mines and C4 count as enemy explosive.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r11.pngAccuracy Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Get 5 headshots in one round.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r22.pngSquad Spawn Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Get 7 Squad Spawn bonuses in one round.

You’ll get a bonus every time a squadmate uses you as a spawn point.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r23.pngSquad Wipe Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Receive 2 Squad Wipe Bonuses in one round.

Play in Squad Rush, you just need to wipe out an enemy squad twice.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r12.pngAvenger Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Complete 2 Avenger Kills in one round.

These kills are counted when you shoot down an enemy that just killed a teammate.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r13.pngSavior Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Complete 2 Savior Kills on one round.

Rescue a teammate by killing an enemy that are trying to kill him.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r14.pngNemesis Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
I a round, get 2 nemesis kills.

You are someones nemesis when you killed that person 5 times without them kill you; killing them a 6th time or an other player 5times gets you the ribbon.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r15.pngSuppression Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Get 7 Suppression Assists in one round.

Suppression Assists occur while you’re shooting at an enemy, and a teammate kills them.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r16.pngMVP Ribbon

500 XP Bonus.
In a round, be the Best Player.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r17.pngMVP 2 Ribbon

400 XP Bonus.
In a round, be the 2nd Best Player.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r18.pngMVP 3  Ribbon

300 XP Bonus.
In a round, be the 3rd Best Player.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r19.pngAce Squad Ribbon

? XP Bonus.
In a round, be part of the Best Squad.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r20.pngCombat Efficiency Ribbon 

500 XP Bonus.
Get 3 Kill Streaks in one round.

To get a streak, you need to kill 8 times in a row without dying yourself. A kill streak is counted as of 6, kill 7 gives you a second kill streak and 8 will to unlock this ribbon.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r24.pngTransport Warfare Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 4 enemies with transport vehicles in a round.

Any jeep or LAV will do.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r25.pngArmored Warfare Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 7 enemies with land vehicles in one round.

Any Tank will do and most large maps have tanks.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r27.pngAir Warfare Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 6 enemies while flying an Air Vehicle in one round.

Any kill while residing in a flying Vehicle will count, hence if you are not a pilot ace the machine gunner seat is fine as well.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r26.pngStationary Emplacement Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Kill 2 enemies with emplaced weapons in one round.

Emplaced weapons include the TOW Launcher, the Centurion C-Ram, and the Kornet Launcher.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r28.pngM-COM Attacker Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Blow-up three M-Com Stations in one round.

In the Rush game mode; as Attacker; destroythree M-Com Stations .
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r29.pngM-COM Defender Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Defend 4 M-Com Stations in one round.

In the Rush game mode; as Defender; Defend an M-Com Station by killing an enemy while they’re trying to activate the bomb.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r35.pngRush Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Complete one round of Rush.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r30.pngRush Winner Ribbon

500 XP Bonus.
Win one round of Rush.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r36.pngConquest Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Complete one round of Conquest.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r31.pngConquest Winner Ribbon

500 XP Bonus.
Win one round of Conquest.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r37.pngTeam Deathmatch Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
 Complete one round of Team Deathmatch.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r32.pngTDM Winner Ribbon

500 XP Bonus.
Win a Team Deathmatch round.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r38.pngSquad Rush Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Complete one round of Squad Rush.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r33.pngSquad Rush Winner Ribbon

500 XP Bonus.
Win one round of Squad Rush.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r39.pngSquad Deathmatch Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Complete one round of Squad Deathmatch.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r34.pngSquad Deathmatch Winner Ribbon

500 XP Bonus.
Win one round of Squad Deathmatch.

https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r40.pngFlag Attacker Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Capture 4 flags in one round.

In the Conquest game mode. You only need to capture theflags, not defend them.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r41.pngFlag Defender Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Defend the flag 5 times in one round.

In the Conquest game mode; Kill five enemies while they are trying to overtake your flag.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r42.pngResupply Efficiency Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Ressuply 7 times in one round.

Via the Support Class – resupply 7 times.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r43.pngMaintenance Efficiency Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Repair 7 times in one round.

Use the Repair Tool from the   Engineer Class 7 times, and repair some vehicles
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r44.pngMedical Efficiency Ribbon 

200 XP Bonus.
Complete 5 revives in one round.

First unlock the Defibrillator via the Assault Class, then revive teammembers.
https://bf3s.com/img/awards_r45.pngSurveillance Efficiency Ribbon

200 XP Bonus.
Get 5 Motion Sensor Assists in one round.

First unlock the MAV, unlockable through the Recon Class. Than motion Senso Detect targets that get eliminated

edit: adjusted bonus points, amount of kills for the hand gun, kill streak, and nemesis ribbon

I'm not sure the Nemesis ribbon is entirely correct. You start getting bonus points for killing the same person repeatedly (bonus resets after you die?), and it says Nemesis Kill. I've also managed to get the ribbon multiple times in a round by dominating the same few players. I think you're the one who has to get the 5 kills on the player, not have someone get 5 kills on you and then finally kill them.
+118|6529|Cox Convention Center, OK
For the Hand Gun Ribbon, it should be "Kill 4 enemies with the Handgun in a round." Not 5 enemies as you have it. Got that from looking at my ribbons in battlelog.

Last edited by TravisC555 (2011-12-30 09:25:42)

Anouk, Slayers little bitch

MVP 1= 500xp
MVP 2= 400xp
MVP 3= 300 xp

ace squad = 500 xp
A stranger in the dark

mtb0minime wrote:

I'm not sure the Nemesis ribbon is entirely correct. You start getting bonus points for killing the same person repeatedly (bonus resets after you die?), and it says Nemesis Kill. I've also managed to get the ribbon multiple times in a round by dominating the same few players. I think you're the one who has to get the 5 kills on the player, not have someone get 5 kills on you and then finally kill them.
hmm, not certain; it seems more logic the way you put it; could you share a source or some proof that it is that way? I am happy to adjust it, but this is what I found from a few places.


All I have is my own personal experience and anecdotal evidence

Anyone here on BF2/3s wanna join the empty server later and try this out?
grandmaster league revivalist

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

I'm not sure the Nemesis ribbon is entirely correct. You start getting bonus points for killing the same person repeatedly (bonus resets after you die?), and it says Nemesis Kill. I've also managed to get the ribbon multiple times in a round by dominating the same few players. I think you're the one who has to get the 5 kills on the player, not have someone get 5 kills on you and then finally kill them.
hmm, not certain; it seems more logic the way you put it; could you share a source or some proof that it is that way? I am happy to adjust it, but this is what I found from a few places.

I too belive its like matty said. Only got personal experience to back it up though.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6932|Little Bentcock

mtb0minime wrote:

I'm not sure the Nemesis ribbon is entirely correct. You start getting bonus points for killing the same person repeatedly (bonus resets after you die?), and it says Nemesis Kill. I've also managed to get the ribbon multiple times in a round by dominating the same few players. I think you're the one who has to get the 5 kills on the player, not have someone get 5 kills on you and then finally kill them.
pretty sure it is this.

also, im not sure about the combat efficiency ribbon either.

To get a streak, you need to kill 8 times in a row without dying yourself. Get 3 Kill Streaks of 8 to unlock this ribbon.
Im pretty sure its just an 8 kill streak, not 3x8 kill streaks. I know I have gone a few rounds ~30-x and gotten 2 or 3 combat efficiency medals, which I couldnt have done if it was 3x8kill streaks. Actually I know for a fact that it can't be 3x8kill streaks, because I have gotten more than 1 in a round, and I don't think I have ever gone 48 kills in a round while only dieing 3 times.

Adams is correct, it's a killing streak of 8, not 3x8
A stranger in the dark

Adams_BJ wrote:

To get a streak, you need to kill 8 times in a row without dying yourself. Get 3 Kill Streaks of 8 to unlock this ribbon.
Im pretty sure its just an 8 kill streak, not 3x8 kill streaks. I know I have gone a few rounds ~30-x and gotten 2 or 3 combat efficiency medals, which I couldnt have done if it was 3x8kill streaks. Actually I know for a fact that it can't be 3x8kill streaks, because I have gotten more than 1 in a round, and I don't think I have ever gone 48 kills in a round while only dieing 3 times.
indeed; adjusted, thanks
A stranger in the dark

mtb0minime wrote:

I'm not sure the Nemesis ribbon is entirely correct. You start getting bonus points for killing the same person repeatedly (bonus resets after you die?), and it says Nemesis Kill. I've also managed to get the ribbon multiple times in a round by dominating the same few players. I think you're the one who has to get the 5 kills on the player, not have someone get 5 kills on you and then finally kill them.
I digged a little further and indeed my first source (it was one and the other getting it from the same place) was wrong; corrected above.


Not to pick on you or anything
but I think it's ok if the other person kills you, too. I think you'll get the Nemesis ribbon by killing someone 5 times in a round, regardless of how much they've killed you.

I'm not as sure about this bit though.
grandmaster league revivalist

mtb0minime wrote:

Not to pick on you or anything
but I think it's ok if the other person kills you, too. I think you'll get the Nemesis ribbon by killing someone 5 times in a round, regardless of how much they've killed you.

I'm not as sure about this bit though.
AFAIK, you cannot get killed by that person inbewteen the 5 times you have to kill him, other wise it resets the counter. But if he manages to get you after you got him 5 times its coolio.
u can get squad wipe on any game mode
American Hillbilly
+12|7108|Long Beach, CA
At least these all seem realistic to get....the BF2 ones were like work sometimes.  i remember just trying for days and weeks to get certain ribbons and medals and i didn't even get them all.  Of course the toughness made it fun at the same time too i guess.

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

At least these all seem realistic to get....the BF2 ones were like work sometimes.  i remember just trying for days and weeks to get certain ribbons and medals and i didn't even get them all.  Of course the toughness made it fun at the same time too i guess.
MCom defender and Suppression ribbons are going to be a lot of work and a lot of luck
grandmaster league revivalist

mtb0minime wrote:

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

At least these all seem realistic to get....the BF2 ones were like work sometimes.  i remember just trying for days and weeks to get certain ribbons and medals and i didn't even get them all.  Of course the toughness made it fun at the same time too i guess.
MCom defender and Suppression ribbons are going to be a lot of work and a lot of luck
Suppression are easy, but MCOM defender is nigh impossible. The only one I´m missing.
+572|6968|BC, Canada

Sisco wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

At least these all seem realistic to get....the BF2 ones were like work sometimes.  i remember just trying for days and weeks to get certain ribbons and medals and i didn't even get them all.  Of course the toughness made it fun at the same time too i guess.
MCom defender and Suppression ribbons are going to be a lot of work and a lot of luck
Suppression are easy, but MCOM defender is nigh impossible. The only one I´m missing.
Yeah, I've been trying for MCOM defender, you have to camp the mcom and wait till they start setting the charge, weird that diffusing it doesn't count. Still have trouble with suppression unless I'm in spamfest like metro.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6274|London, England

Thanks for the list

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
grandmaster league revivalist

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Sisco wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

MCom defender and Suppression ribbons are going to be a lot of work and a lot of luck
Suppression are easy, but MCOM defender is nigh impossible. The only one I´m missing.
Yeah, I've been trying for MCOM defender, you have to camp the mcom and wait till they start setting the charge, weird that diffusing it doesn't count. Still have trouble with suppression unless I'm in spamfest like metro.
Problem is, that in most maps the spots where you can camp your own mcom to shoot those dudes are easily targeted by the enemy. I think I managed 1 kill while he was arming per round. Damavand after the jump seemed to be the best so far, but still.

Guess we'll just have to boost/pad on the BF3s server right?????!?!!!??????!??? Everyone's already a Col. anyway. Rank and points don't matter.

Sisco wrote:

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Sisco wrote:

Suppression are easy, but MCOM defender is nigh impossible. The only one I´m missing.
Yeah, I've been trying for MCOM defender, you have to camp the mcom and wait till they start setting the charge, weird that diffusing it doesn't count. Still have trouble with suppression unless I'm in spamfest like metro.
Problem is, that in most maps the spots where you can camp your own mcom to shoot those dudes are easily targeted by the enemy. I think I managed 1 kill while he was arming per round. Damavand after the jump seemed to be the best so far, but still.
they dont have to be arming, just near it
who plays rush anyways?
grandmaster league revivalist

gurdeep wrote:

Sisco wrote:

-Whiteroom- wrote:

Yeah, I've been trying for MCOM defender, you have to camp the mcom and wait till they start setting the charge, weird that diffusing it doesn't count. Still have trouble with suppression unless I'm in spamfest like metro.
Problem is, that in most maps the spots where you can camp your own mcom to shoot those dudes are easily targeted by the enemy. I think I managed 1 kill while he was arming per round. Damavand after the jump seemed to be the best so far, but still.
they dont have to be arming, just near it
Are you sure, because I always heard otherwise. Plus I´ve blown enough people near the mcom to hell with C4 without getting a ribbon.
yeah im 100% sure

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