Uzique wrote:
i don't think it has anything to do with 'fashion'. if you went up to an average 20-something and said "i buy vinyl" they wouldn't be like "COOL!". it's a niche medium that's coming back to the fore because a certain fraction of music fans are not satisfied with the 'experience' of digital media. i've glutted myself for 10 years on mp3's and still feel like the strongest relationships i have to music are those i formed back before the broadband era, back when i had to make a deliberated choice as to what i was going to buy and listen to. i'm just reintroducing a little bit of quality control to my music listening (in terms of format and in terms of my listening habits). i'd say the 'coolness' of vinyl is only really there in the same circle it has always been in, without any fad or craze: dance/reggae/dub music circles. worlds where the vinyl format is a metonymic icon for everything that the musical scene stands for.
Point being, they all went out of vogue for one reason or another, then came back in for one reason or another. They all stayed popular amongst a small (niche) group for specific reasons, then became popular to a broader audience after falling out of popularity.
No need to go into a treatise on the topic, ffs.