+110|6846|United States of America
This is a little off topic but maybe not as much as you think.  Where do you people get your ideas about guns and America......Must be the movies.  There is only one movie that was even close that I can think of off hand it was called "44 minutes" I think. It was about the Bank robbery in La wher 2 guys held off the police for 44 min. with body armour and a couple of full auto AK's. Not one person died but a few cops were injured. The police went to a local gun store to grab a few AR's because their handguns would not penetrate the body armor. Execelent heroic story about the LAPD.
If you will look at Places in the U.S. that have banned guns, i.e. Chicago, NY City, Washington D.C., You will see these states or districts have some of the highest violent crime with guns than places that have concealed carry laws.

For you in Australia I cant believe you let A few Anti-Gun Orginizations take away your guns. Better go to Australia now, while you can for a vacation,  for crime is only going to get worse. 

In England Muggings and Home Intrusions with a gun has rose quite significantly since guns were banned. A new poll in the London paper showed that around 85% of people didn't feel protected by police. It is actually Illegal to defend your own home from an armed intruder with another gun or knife.  A man sits in prison in England (denied parole) because the parole board said he would be a threat to any other robbers that might break into his home.

If any other countries dont think I should have my guns then you send your armies over here to the U.S. and try to take them away and you will see one of the reasons our forfathers put the second amendment in the constitution.

Sorry just had to rant a little about the bone head frome Australia.

Way to stand up for your rights Headstone

Last edited by JG1567JG (2006-05-22 06:06:57)

Reminds me of American History X

There are people in America who are so dependant on the "poor me, I'm (insert minority)" card that they are willing to point the racist finger at the drop of the hat. Whether just to gain attention, or perhaps money from the government, it's a shameful device that only serves to generate true racist views.

I guess you can see why I got a C in my liberal civics class at high school, huh. Oh, the teacher didn't like my non-compliance, no he didn't!

Erkut: prepare for some massive -karma for that post following mine. Maybe I should pretend to be part American Indian so I can get free health and dental.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-22 07:02:01)

Here's the deal:

If you are white, and you do anything that ahs a chance of offending anyone non=white, you are a racist.

If you are white and are the victim of a racial attack, verbal or physical, you are a racist. Obviusly you did something to deserve it, white devil.

White people are the only racists apparently. 150 years and people can't scrape together enough change to send a kid to college? Handouts designed to vitually guarantee you a more than fair shot at succeeding, and you still whine. Affirmative action, equal opportunity, UNCF, etc... designed to help you get past these "great racial and economic divisions".

Polticians in the US bend over backwards to kiss your ass. Time to realize maybe you're just a fuck-up in life, and nto supposed to make it.

Last edited by Erkut.hv (2006-05-22 07:00:27)

i am not racist, in fact, i work in a large hospital with friends of every race and religion.  the part of this disscussion that irks me is that it appears only white americans can be racists.  yes white americans were slave owners, but slavery has appeared in almost every culture since the beginings of time.  and why do other countries chime in and say that the USA is so racists.  do u have no racism in your country at all??? or do you just turn a blind eye because "it couldn't happen here, right?"  i live in a land of special treatment for jobs, colleges and housing for minorities.  i live in a land where the black panthers, just as racist and violent as the kkk, were heroes in our not to distant past.  have you ever seen footage of a group of blacks rallying for a "white man's"cause, no...but i have seen plenty of white ppl marching for civil/equal rights.   but i must reitterate that i must be the racist because i am white...look in the mirror.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

nigga what?
Lmao.... ninja who?
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6937|Broadlands, VA
Cougar - from reading your original post you may be heading twords racism through anger.  Your anger is justified as it sounds like you did nothing to deserve the rants & racism aimed at you by the folks in your apartment complex.  Racism breeds racism.

I wonder what happened to the folks from your childhood?  I wonder if they turned into racists?  Woldn;t be ironic if those two boys were ones giving you a hard time at your new place?
+27|7029|Atlanta, GA USA
Yeah, we have had some black-on-white racism hit the news here in the Atlanta area recently:
http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/shared … te_ra.html
The black police chief in Dekalb county resigned, then a couple of weeks later, his deputy chief had to retire.  Both were caught on tape making racist and derogatory comments about whites.  The funny thing is that after the latest incident where a tape was produced with the deputy chief saying he didn't promote 9 people because 7 of them were white, the Dekalb CEO (like a mayor I guess) came out and said that the guy shouldn't have taped that!  Some people!
Horseman 77
A longer commute is in order,
+16|6904|my dads balls
in regards to the guy flaming americans, kiss my american ass.  have you ever met a normal american, that is not a tourist. because i can tell you one thing, tourists are dickheads, i hate them, they have no sense or reality.  austrailia, i spelled it wrong, who cares, i have never met a person from there, so i wont say i hate the entire counrty, but i hate the guy who said he hates all americans, you have no basis for that, you cant hate someone you have never personally met, or spoken with.  sure our country, is suposed to be fabulous, but it is most certainly not, its worse than most people could imagine.  you are basing your hatred on steriotypical veiws alone, and that is wrong.  the steriotype of aussies, is wrestling with crocs, saying down unda, and riding kangaroos to work.  i dont think you do that do you, no you dont, whatever the reason be that you hate our country, im positive you got the hatred from your parents, or from some tourist that treated you like crap for no reason, which is just as wrong as letting one little incident full your eyes with hatred for america.  so to you, good sir, i bid a large middle finger, and a kick in the ass.
Cynicism is an art, right?
+13|6989|It Rarely Rains in Seattle
What is "reverse racism"? As far as I am aware, racism does not require a specific direction from which the inimical references and statements arise, racism such as Cougar suffered is not "reverse racism", and should not be minimized in intensity because it was focused against a White individual rather than a Black or anything else. Racism is racism, there is no such thing as "reverse racism", and don't allow the weak victimized masses who spout this vitriol towards you to deplete the importance of the insufferable travesties that you have endured.

Last edited by mp30 (2006-05-22 15:24:23)

The Lizzard
Hey, I never said I hate all Americans.  I've said I hate *America*.  There's a huge difference.

And stop making fun of my kangaro, he's much more food-efficient than my emu

There's plenty of issues here relating to Aboriginals.  I'll be the first to admit it.  The difference between me and just about everyone else who's posted on this thread (apparently) is that I admit that poverty breeds poverty just the same as money breeds money, and unless action is taken to assist them they will never escape their current situation.
has joined the GOP
bubbalo, when my grandparents got married they had about 500 dollars to their name. 5-10 years later, my grandfather owned something like nine vineyards across CA, and now he owns a laundromat and an apartment complex. to say that poverty breeds poverty is like saying a retarded couple will ALWAYS have a retarded baby. come on man, just admit that your ideas are at the very least partially wrong.
+125|6836|Rochester NY USA
As someone said in another thread the whites are next to be opressed.

afrocullions wrote:

you found some ignorant people in your neighborhood ? congrats ...

no reason to hate an entire race
when its "more than just a few people" its pretty easy to. There are so many bad ones it makes the good ones look bad. Plain and simple though, every race has its trash.
+4|6945|Irving Tx
To see racial superiority all one has to do is look at Africa... While Europe Asia and America have all moved out of the stone age Africa remains... If racism is sooo bad here then why don't I see volunteers moving to Liberia? With the rest of the freed slaves? Oops forgot Liberia needed the USMC and UN peace keepers a while back...I would not want to move there either.... But why has Africa not moved out of the stone age...Is it because they are to busy killing each other to the point that neighbors have to exchange family members just to ensure their families survival? Could it be that that Africa has gotten so used to the hand outs from the UN and others that they would rather sit than work? Sam kinsison said it best... the best thing you can do for Africa is send them u-hauls that way they can fucking move from the desert nothing grows there... He had a point why do they continue to live in the parts of Africa that cant sustain life ahhh the free hand out again.... sorta like here in America...Blacks are too busy killing each other and waiting for hand outs..... I say this: fair is the weapon of the weak... If so and so cant get something then it must be unfair....What ever happened to working hard...Not every black person in America is poor how did they get ahead? how come they don't live in the ghetto? Maybe they worked hard? and smart? just an idea?...flame on.....
The Lizzard

Bubbalo wrote:

2 points:

1) I would strongly disagree that it comes down to will and personal strength

2) Even if it does, someone with the same will and personal strength born into a better situation still has it better
Apparently this post makes me racist.  Also, apparently my "pig-headedness" is the reason people dislike Americans.  And, again, the lack of a WTF smiley pains me..........

Ender2309 wrote:

bubbalo, when my grandparents got married they had about 500 dollars to their name. 5-10 years later, my grandfather owned something like nine vineyards across CA, and now he owns a laundromat and an apartment complex. to say that poverty breeds poverty is like saying a retarded couple will ALWAYS have a retarded baby. come on man, just admit that your ideas are at the very least partially wrong.
It is possible to escape the poverty trap, but very difficult.  Few people seem to understand this in this thread.

Orion:  That is the most racist, dumbest piece of crap I've ever heard.  Look into the history of Africa, and then tell me the West *isn't* the only reason it's fucked up.  And besides, if poeple have lived in a country for generations they are generally reluctant to move.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-05-22 17:26:31)

+488|6828|Portland, OR, USA
we're all humans, skin color has nothing to do with anything, society made it that way...
U.S. > Iran
Well to be fair...I hate the crocodile hunter, so does that mean i hate all Australians?  I need an answer damn it!!!  Someone tell me how to think and live my life. lol

I personally dont think cougars thoughts are a problem.  I live in a town of about 15-20,000, and probably 95% of my town is white.  My town is a suburb of Indianapolis, but there are few blacks here.  When I was in highschool, i think there were maybe 6 blacks at the school.  Sorry if its offensive that Im not saying African American...but IMO, African American is not someone whos family for the past 100 years has lived here.  African American to me, is where your parents are from Africa, and migrated here, hence making you African-American, but back to what i was saying.  I grew up with a family that tought me to be open to people with different skin colors, not to think of them differently, or treat them differently.  My parents overcame the typical rural town thoughts of a black person, to teach me to see them as the same.  I have some good friends that are black.  And I say cougars thoughts arent a problem, because its like someone else said, racism creates racism.  He is developing racism, or even more of a prejudice, towards those specific guys, which carries over to making him think like that towards all black people.  If people werent ignorant about life, and werent living daily thinking "the white man is against me" all the time, things wouldt be this way.  If you were to ask an older black man/woman, who was around during the "equal rights" period, they will probably tell you its a disgrace to see current generations of blacks ruining what they worked so hard for.  And they are 100% right. 

My girlfriends school is an example of this.  When she was in school, she had friends that were black.  But there were some, who thought they had the right to walk down the hall and everyone else had to move out of their way because they were black.  Thats bullshit.

And I was glad to see whoever it was quote Mayor Nagin about rebuilding a "chocolate New Orleans".  I hate to say it, but its things like that, that are the reason weve yet to have a black president.  Not to mention, the hopeful candidates who ive ever heard of mentioning it, havnt been real winners anyway.

CommieChipmunk is pretty much right.  Specific people make their problems, not every white man is against them because they are black...regardless of what they think.
Did anyone else see the interview with Bill Cosby on CNN.  I think he said it best when he said "People have lost their damn minds".  He was talking about how the black culture was pretty much ruining the reputations of other blacks and other minorities likewise.  He said that he watched Get Rich or Die Trying and Hustle and Flow and said something to the effect of:

"I watched this movie about a damn pimp and how his life was so rough and how he made a career out of singing about pimping and going to prison and the other one about how this guys was so smart because he could count money and lived through being shot 9 times.  People have lost their damn minds, this is 'our' culture?  Not my culture."
+102|6960|New York
Black on Black Racism is far more out of control than white on black could get. they even Kill there own because there skin is too light. In africa, In some countries, This happens alot also. In some countries in africa, they even Kill female children because it is taught that only a real man produces male children. Women are even killed for delivering a female child. racism none the less right?

I have to strongly dissagree with the guy who thinks the west is the cause of africas demise, I hate to break this to you, but most of the white colonies that were and some remain, are mostly British and of other european foundings.

Africa has the most natural resources in the world, if they would stop spreading aids(because it is offensive to wear a condom to most of them) then maybe they can take control of there poverty and rise up against the tyrants that run the countries and make a better life for themselves. Sorry, but most countries have done just that and come out just fine.
Read the book::
To kill a Mockingbird
You sound like you are just in a really bad environment.  Not all black people are like that, just like not all white people are KKK racist rednecks.  You just need a change of environment to cheer ya up and make you look at black people in a different light.
One of my lecturers a few years ago was a black guy who had moved over here from the USA.  He gave a number of reasons for leaving but said by far that the two biggest were that UoC offered him tenure, and the other was the racism, in San Francisco.  The only other black american I've met sells meth for a living, but apart from that is quite a decent guy and funny as hell to hit the piss with.

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