Jay wrote:
FEOS wrote:
The military will never be redundant. People with a modicum of intellect realize you must take an integrated, balanced approach to foreign policy, leveraging all instruments of national power. That's why Ron Paul will never get elected--he doesn't realize that.
We have nuclear weapons. You and the rest of the military has been obsolete since 1945, you just refuse to accept it.
Edit - also, the only reason for any diplomacy is to increase trade. You can't increase trade over the barrel of a gun.
Jesus. You've gotten as bad with this as Dilbert is with his anti-America/Israel shit. You must've REALLY hated your time in the Army and are now seriously hating having done it.
You don't back up diplomacy with nuclear weapons. Seriously. For you to think nuclear weapons play a role in anything other than existential defense--and if you think that is the only role for a military--you are so blinded by your hatred of a 4.5 year period of your life that you can't be objective about anything tangentially associated with it. Therapy, man. It works wonders.
For about the fifth fucking time: I'm not fucking advocating using the military to increase trade. And to clue you in: there are far more reasons for diplomacy than to increase trade. That's a big reason, but there are a lot more.
I've said here multiple times: we get more budgetary bang for the buck from the State Dept than from DoD. Always have. Emphasizing DoD over DoS in the ME is a huge mistake. Not DoD's role.
You think the military has no role in trade? Read a history book. War of 1812. Barbary Coast Pirates (USMC Hymn much?). Sea of Aden. Straits of Malacca. The Civil War. Most wars have been about trade, when you boil it down. Because economics is a key national interest that countries are willing to fight over. And those first couple of fights listed? Yeah. Those were initiated by Founding Fathers. You know? The ones your boy Ron Paul always goes on about wanting to emulate? Guess he'll send the Navy (which you think isn't needed) to defend America's trade routes in an interventionist manner, if he gets elected then, eh?