Half the people in here are trolling. If the F2000 or AEK didn't exist then there would be hate on whatever was incrementally more OP compared to everything else. I can pick up an M16 or G3 and do work with those guns. AEK is just incrementally better than those "other" guns that bad players get mad at other people for using.

Last edited by Roc18 (2011-12-07 12:19:16)

+2,382|6987|The North, beyond the wall.
no shit sherlock

jord wrote:

no shit sherlock
then shut the fuck up lol
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6097|Catherine Black
no you're wrong roc, the f2k and the aek are so much better than the other guns, it's stupid to choose anything else, and so everyone uses them and racks up lots of kills with little effort

most other guns are pretty well balanced, I can't think of any that stick out as being OP.
+2,382|6987|The North, beyond the wall.
well people moan about the m4 as well

but people moan about anything they get killed by so...
M16 > F2000

F2000 doesn't beat the M16 at range. All it has is close range stopping power. G3 Pre-Patch also could rival the F2000 and AEK.

Roc18 wrote:

jord wrote:

tips for infantry:

start playing it, you aren't going to learn anything by reading shit here
unlock frag rounds for usas
play on seine.

aka tips on how to play like a noob.
well there is no way to play like a pro in bf3, the gameplay/gunplay/movement disallows it by design. so the only way to play and be entertained is to play like a noob.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6931|Little Bentcock
there is nothing wrong with the character movement -_-

I dunno about you but I'm constantly getting stuck on rubble and it feels like my new-ish keyboard randomly gives out on me.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6274|London, England

if its anything like bc2 then there is
The movement in BF3 is like it was in Battlefield 2142.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6931|Little Bentcock

mtb0minime wrote:

I dunno about you but I'm constantly getting stuck on rubble and it feels like my new-ish keyboard randomly gives out on me.
getting stuck on rubble isnt a movement issue, it's a clipping (?) issue
Protips for Infantry:
1) Dont use the IRNV. It will make you a worse rather than better, because you won't be able to spot anything that isn't bright orange.
2) Headshots are the fastest way to kill someone with any gun. Aim high.
3) Keep your crosshairs up at all times, don't look at the ground -- ever.
4) This is battlefield not CS or CoD or whatever; meaning you should always have a medpack or ammobox by your teammates, revive them if you think you'll survive trying, as engineer try to repair things when you get a chance, try to blow up vehicles with the rpg, etc etc. Use all your tools effectively not just the gun.
5) Try out different guns. Try to get "X" kills with all the guns in your favorite class (you decide on X, be it 50 or 100 or 200) before you decide on a favorite
6) If you use a laser or flashlight, know the button that turns it on and off, and only turn it on when you think you should use it. They both give away your position.
7) SPOT! SPOT! SPOT! SPOT!!! That's the "Q" button, btw. If you don't kill it, it better be spotted. Or you fail.
8) Tweak your mouse sensitivity to your liking don't just accept the default.
9) Use cover when being shot at, reloading, re-arming an RPG/SMAW/etc. If there is no cover, at least go prone. A smaller target is harder to hit.
10) Always aim to stay alive. Don't just say "fuck it" and charge in or let a tank kill your or whatever. Always make the enemy work to get points from you.
11) Aim down the sights as much as you possibly can. Hip firing may work, but it's a crutch and you're not going to get any better that way.
12) You are more accurate when not moving, crouching, and proneing.

Source: 12+ years of FPSing

Last edited by Tripulaci0n (2011-12-07 14:55:05)

It's A State Of Mind
+399|6900|Your attic
As nice as that list is the truth is anyone who reads this sort of site (or has played any BF2 or any other fps for that matter) almost certainly knows that kind of thing and if they don't they're most likely clinically retarded anyway so there's no use in helping them.

mtb0minime wrote:

I dunno about you but I'm constantly getting stuck on rubble and it feels like my new-ish keyboard randomly gives out on me.
stop being a mong. the fact is the movement has no finesse or anything to 'master'. there's no tact or art to it. with good fps games you get a feel of the 'flow' of the game and the rhythm and your movement (consciously or not) becomes a highly refined technique that boosts your performance. think of movement with the scout/solly/demo in team fortress 2, or moving around a map in unreal tournament/quake. in bf2 it took the form more often than not of 'dolphin diving', sure, but it was still at least a special technique that gave the game a unique sense of flow. in bf3 the movement is just "run around, see enemy, right-scope and hold down mouse". it's completely unsatisfying. don't you remember all the times you'd crouch-duck or strafe a wall in bf2, firing from the hip with the ak, killing entire squads? you can't do that in bf3 cause the movement is simplified - you're too bulky and your strafing/ducking will just get you killed very easily. likewise with proning and generally changing stance - stupid ass fucking animations slow it down pointlessly and take control out of your hands. the overall effect is the movement feels more 'realistic' (gee whizz! so fucking great to feel like an actual soldier carrying a shit-ton of weight with great difficulty!!!) and doesn't offer any learning curve.

therefore, inf sucks.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6931|Little Bentcock
They've gone from floating around CS style, to making you feel like you have some weight. It means the tiniest change in play style. Getting up from a rez sucks though.

Towelly wrote:

As nice as that list is the truth is anyone who reads this sort of site (or has played any BF2 or any other fps for that matter) almost certainly knows that kind of thing and if they don't they're most likely clinically retarded anyway so there's no use in helping them.
I'd disagree.

BF3 just came out and there are (hopefully) at least a few people reading this site that didn't play BF2.

Second, I have watched friends play (while sitting next to them) and just cringed at how bad they were, the n00b mistakes they make...even after thousands of kills.

So just because it seems like common sense to you doesn't mean it is to everyone.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6633|Graz, Austria
The thing with modern FPS games is, that they add way too many bobbing, swaying and inertia animations to the movement.
This is in fact unrealistic, since a human's heavy head and flexible neck would act like a steady-cam, with your view being relatively stable, except for heavy concussion or jumping.
Our eyes aren't glued to the gun that we're holding. (In BC2 I really go the feeling that my point of view was detached from my body with about half a meter distance in front of me.)

Back in the days, you controlled your avatar like a hockey puck on ice. Today, you have to live with walking animations.
which adds literally nothing to the gameplay experience. it makes it 'immersive' on your first 5 hours or so of play, sure, ups the 'wow!' hollywood movie factor. but when you want to get down to the meat of the game and actually play it... it's a huge hindrance.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6633|Graz, Austria

Uzique wrote:

which adds literally nothing to the gameplay experience. it makes it 'immersive' on your first 5 hours or so of play, sure, ups the 'wow!' hollywood movie factor. but when you want to get down to the meat of the game and actually play it... it's a huge hindrance.
In the last few years, it has been increased more and more.
Sure, the very minimalistic weapon bobbing in the early days wasn't the best either, but I rather have clean, steady movement, instead of a body simulator.
i never thought when i was executing movement and finesse in games like TFC "hmm wouldn't this be all so much better if the game actually reflected how heavy this shoulder-slung rocket launcher must be... and how difficult it must be to go from crouching to standing whilst wearing all this body armour...". it's bullshit. just part of this drive to make FPS games like hollywood movie experiences. i don't want a fucking movie, i want a game!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

not much different than "chess would be so much better if the pieces talked"
Boat sig is not there anymore

jsnipy wrote:

when is the time to use the flechette round?
I find flechettes work best in the auto shotguns. They only do about 2/3 the damage of the buckshot at close range, so while they're still perfectly capable of killing in a single blast you don't want to have to risk cycling the 870/MASS while the enemy is engaging you. And the penetrative capabilities aren't much use in a pump-action anyhow - if you're shooting someone through cover, you're going to want to rapidly put a lot of metal through it in order to ensure you hit the target, something the pumps aren't capable of. As for punching through enemy soldiers, chances are the enemies aren't going to be right behind one another so any hits will just wing them and they'll need a second blast to put them down.
Auto shotguns, on the other hand, usually require a 2nd/3rd shot to kill anyways due to their massive spread, meaning the lower damage per projectile isn't such a big issue. And the amount of metal you're putting in the air makes better use of it's penetrative power.

And on the subject of shotguns, does anyone else use the MASS at all? I think it's pretty handy even at the cost of giving up the medkit. The ability to instantly kill someone at close range is very good for clearing buildings - they're dead before they can get a single shot off.
+7|4964|North Carolina

Finray wrote:

no you're wrong roc, the f2k and the aek are so much better than the other guns, it's stupid to choose anything else, and so everyone uses them and racks up lots of kills with little effort

most other guns are pretty well balanced, I can't think of any that stick out as being OP.
I prefer the m16 over the aek and the f2000 is only good for close range.
plundering yee booty
+510|5783|Ventura, California
M16A4 is fine, shoots just as fast as the A3 but on burst instead, which I prefer even though I can manually burst on the A3. AK74M is probably my favorite though.
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