So, let me see if I understand the arguments and assumptions here, Uzique.
A) You fully and truly seem to believe in a marxist progression of history.
B) You think we are in a "stage of capitalism" where military threats from nation-states are almost non-existent.
C) You believe either the stage in B will last for a long time, or the next stage will have an equally non-existent threat of war.
To a guy with a degree in military history, some of those assumptions are rather tenuous, and some rather dangerous to bet a nation on.
D) You support nuclear deterrence. (Do you understand the shortcomings of such extreme measures?)
E) You think conventional military forces are mostly workfare.
F) You hold those in the conventional military in low regard (slackers, unemployable, unprincipled, and unable to meet standards)
Personally, I think your assumptions are not sound enough get rid of conventional military forces. I also think you underestimate the ability and contributions of many nations with small "peace-keeping" military forces. Most of those nations send their forces as a show of moral support rather than an effective use of power. Many of them wind up being well-armed security. Several nations have such prestigious duties as guarding part of their coalition base. That is not an effective military, if you consider force projection a valid role.
Heck, the UK was depleting their Tomahawk missile supply in Libya (after 2-3 weeks?!), and had to do a fast qualification course in ordnance delivery for some of their pilots. That doesn't sound very good to me. (They weren't the first, the entire US Far-East stockpile of AT weapons in 1950 could not stop a single North Korean tank advance.)
Last edited by RAIMIUS (2011-12-05 11:45:43)