I am all that is MOD!

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."
disagree.  Virtually everyone in my AP classes were overacheiving numbskulls.  People that couldn't really think for themselves but would spend 5 hours a day on homework.  Teachers, sure, definitely more passionate about it.  Most of the students in my AP and honors classes were the most vapid, drone, boring people in my grade.


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."
disagree.  Virtually everyone in my AP classes were overacheiving numbskulls.  People that couldn't really think for themselves but would spend 5 hours a day on homework.  Teachers, sure, definitely more passionate about it.  Most of the students in my AP and honors classes were the most vapid, drone, boring people in my grade.
Were they Asian?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique wrote:

i just realised on the topic of asian kids... the guy that literally lives beneath me in this house has his own annex, but i see nothing of him. he's asian, from taiwan afaik. his parents sent him over here to eton (arguably the best posh school in the world), which is like 5 miles from where this rented property is, and he's now spending a year working full-time, for free, for a top asian investment bank in city. he's been accepted to go do philosophy at cambridge next year (the norm for eton boys) and is basically up at all hours listening to classical music and generally acting as if he was born into british aristocracy. i've seen and spoken to him about 3 times, ever, since moving in 3 months ago. he's literally socially retarded, or else just so insanely busy that he has time for nothing else. get this - as well - on saturdays he goes into london for TRAINING to be a psychoanalyst. for fun. that's what he does on weekends. this kid is 17, waiting to enter college, after just receiving his unconditional offer for a place starting next year. HOW DOES A 17 YEAR OLD HAVE THAT MUCH DRIVE? i think some kids are literally brainwashed to live for nothing but career-success. good for them. but personally i don't regret not being over-worked and driven when i was 17, at all. girls were 100x more fun then, and it hasn't ruined my life to have been distracted. i just remembered this asian anecdote, at 3am, cause i heard him playing some classical music, like right now. IS HE A MAN OR A MACHINE?
This is basically the sit with east asians and schooling right now (typical HS student): wake up at 6:30 start school at 7:30AM, finish at 5pm, head off to cram school till 9pm, get home at around 9:30pm, study till 12am.

This is a typical workweek... Don't get me started on their vacation days. school: Oh we give you 3 months of vacation, but you have to come in to school for 2 months after july coz you need to "prepare" for next semester courses.

That kid has got it "easy" compared to kids living in Asia. I usually get a lot of shit from locals for "slacking off" and "not studying hard" when talking about my education (coz i was in amerikan school lel). Well now I'm in a better uni than their kids
I've run into the products of those sweatshop schools and I was always super unimpressed. Yeah, they fucked up the curve in pure math courses, but anything outside of pure math they floundered in. Instead of learning why you need the math, they had just brute force memorized how to do the equations. When you asked them to apply it, they failed. When you are taught that you have sixteen hours a day to learn something rather than the normal 1-2 hours that people put into a subject it tends to make you slow to learn new things as well.

They're all fucking themselves over.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique wrote:

i just realised on the topic of asian kids... the guy that literally lives beneath me in this house has his own annex, but i see nothing of him. he's asian, from taiwan afaik. his parents sent him over here to eton (arguably the best posh school in the world), which is like 5 miles from where this rented property is, and he's now spending a year working full-time, for free, for a top asian investment bank in city. he's been accepted to go do philosophy at cambridge next year (the norm for eton boys) and is basically up at all hours listening to classical music and generally acting as if he was born into british aristocracy. i've seen and spoken to him about 3 times, ever, since moving in 3 months ago. he's literally socially retarded, or else just so insanely busy that he has time for nothing else. get this - as well - on saturdays he goes into london for TRAINING to be a psychoanalyst. for fun. that's what he does on weekends. this kid is 17, waiting to enter college, after just receiving his unconditional offer for a place starting next year. HOW DOES A 17 YEAR OLD HAVE THAT MUCH DRIVE? i think some kids are literally brainwashed to live for nothing but career-success. good for them. but personally i don't regret not being over-worked and driven when i was 17, at all. girls were 100x more fun then, and it hasn't ruined my life to have been distracted. i just remembered this asian anecdote, at 3am, cause i heard him playing some classical music, like right now. IS HE A MAN OR A MACHINE?
This is basically the sit with east asians and schooling right now (typical HS student): wake up at 6:30 start school at 7:30AM, finish at 5pm, head off to cram school till 9pm, get home at around 9:30pm, study till 12am.

This is a typical workweek... Don't get me started on their vacation days. school: Oh we give you 3 months of vacation, but you have to come in to school for 2 months after july coz you need to "prepare" for next semester courses.

That kid has got it "easy" compared to kids living in Asia. I usually get a lot of shit from locals for "slacking off" and "not studying hard" when talking about my education (coz i was in amerikan school lel). Well now I'm in a better uni than their kids
I've run into the products of those sweatshop schools and I was always super unimpressed. Yeah, they fucked up the curve in pure math courses, but anything outside of pure math they floundered in. Instead of learning why you need the math, they had just brute force memorized how to do the equations. When you asked them to apply it, they failed. When you are taught that you have sixteen hours a day to learn something rather than the normal 1-2 hours that people put into a subject it tends to make you slow to learn new things as well.

They're all fucking themselves over.
Speaking of math, funny thing was in most of the algebra problems in my HS was word problems, most new kids to our school got fucked in the ass pretty bad because they didn't know how to apply the equations, same goes for chemistry and physics which made our teachers go "wtf you get A+ on math but B on physics?"

Asians also never heard of something called law of diminishing marginal returns... 16 hour school days fuck me. Hate to be all racialists but Asians do well in exams like the SAT's only because its a test you can study for, even though you can't write an essay to save your life.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England
Oh, and don't even get me started on the cheating...
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

Oh, and don't even get me started on the cheating...
You mean, sharing information with your fellow classmate because theyre from a very "communal" society Must copy from a great master in order to be one xD. But yeah azns plagiarize like fucking crazy and pay off teachers who give them shit grades.


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."
disagree.  Virtually everyone in my AP classes were overacheiving numbskulls.  People that couldn't really think for themselves but would spend 5 hours a day on homework.  Teachers, sure, definitely more passionate about it.  Most of the students in my AP and honors classes were the most vapid, drone, boring people in my grade.
you get the same kids over here, and they even get into the top unis like oxbridge because on paper they're 'gifted' (at least the crappier colleges, anyway). but they cannot think for themselves. and they're socially retarded. and they normally lack any real culture or interest in anything that can't be explained/expressed in an exam paper. a lot of education nowadays, which comes part and parcel with this whole "hyper-qualified" mentality, is just a matter of 'learning to be good at passing the exam', rather than 'learning to be smart and intelligent'. that's why entry into top-level universities is always reserved for the fee-paying middle-class schools: they are far better equipped and far more conscious of how to train their kids to pass the exams and look good numerically, on paper. but they aren't necessarily the strongest candidates. shame that only the super-fussy top universities here bother with an interview.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
i love this movie / scene

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
hahahaha so fucking good
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."
disagree.  Virtually everyone in my AP classes were overacheiving numbskulls.  People that couldn't really think for themselves but would spend 5 hours a day on homework.  Teachers, sure, definitely more passionate about it.  Most of the students in my AP and honors classes were the most vapid, drone, boring people in my grade.
you get the same kids over here, and they even get into the top unis like oxbridge because on paper they're 'gifted' (at least the crappier colleges, anyway). but they cannot think for themselves. and they're socially retarded. and they normally lack any real culture or interest in anything that can't be explained/expressed in an exam paper. a lot of education nowadays, which comes part and parcel with this whole "hyper-qualified" mentality, is just a matter of 'learning to be good at passing the exam', rather than 'learning to be smart and intelligent'. that's why entry into top-level universities is always reserved for the fee-paying middle-class schools: they are far better equipped and far more conscious of how to train their kids to pass the exams and look good numerically, on paper. but they aren't necessarily the strongest candidates. shame that only the super-fussy top universities here bother with an interview.
Top uni's in the US have interviews, especially Ivy league schools and they also look at a lot of extra curricular activities.
yes and so do our unis in our version of the ivy league. but like 85% of universities are not in that group and just go on blind grade requirements.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

yes and so do our unis in our version of the ivy league. but like 85% of universities are not in that group and just go on blind grade requirements.
And that's why a lot of schools end up with a ton of azn students Whats really fucked in Australia is that there are high school ESL students who get into law... like wtf.


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."
disagree.  Virtually everyone in my AP classes were overacheiving numbskulls.  People that couldn't really think for themselves but would spend 5 hours a day on homework.  Teachers, sure, definitely more passionate about it.  Most of the students in my AP and honors classes were the most vapid, drone, boring people in my grade.
Wow, things must have changed since I was in HS.  The popular kids, the cheerleaders, the drum majors, student council, head of celebrations, prom king/queen, etc, were the one's in Honors and AP courses.  And, most of them were Asian.  The highest academically achieving girl was head "Flaggies", not just a regular cheerleader, but the "varsity" of cheerleaders.  Yeah, I had a thing for her.  She was from a relatively wealthy family, and went on to Stanford.

AP and Honors classes were much easier that regular classes to me, since they kept the morons out that slowed everyone else down.
ilo do you have yellow fever or something you keep talking about asians in every thread as if they're some 21st century aryan master race

asian students over here are classless mongs with vulgar taste
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

ilo do you have yellow fever or something you keep talking about asians in every thread as if they're some 21st century aryan master race

asian students over here are classless mongs with vulgar taste
Americanized Asians are different from Asian Asians.

Ilocano wrote:

Uzique wrote:

ilo do you have yellow fever or something you keep talking about asians in every thread as if they're some 21st century aryan master race

asian students over here are classless mongs with vulgar taste
Americanized Asians are different from Asian Asians.
you should just call them banana's

yeah banana's are very very different from 1st gen daddy is so rich so they send me overseas asian.

banana's usually have that asian drive mixed in with partying like white people.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6633|New Haven, CT

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique wrote:


disagree.  Virtually everyone in my AP classes were overacheiving numbskulls.  People that couldn't really think for themselves but would spend 5 hours a day on homework.  Teachers, sure, definitely more passionate about it.  Most of the students in my AP and honors classes were the most vapid, drone, boring people in my grade.
you get the same kids over here, and they even get into the top unis like oxbridge because on paper they're 'gifted' (at least the crappier colleges, anyway). but they cannot think for themselves. and they're socially retarded. and they normally lack any real culture or interest in anything that can't be explained/expressed in an exam paper. a lot of education nowadays, which comes part and parcel with this whole "hyper-qualified" mentality, is just a matter of 'learning to be good at passing the exam', rather than 'learning to be smart and intelligent'. that's why entry into top-level universities is always reserved for the fee-paying middle-class schools: they are far better equipped and far more conscious of how to train their kids to pass the exams and look good numerically, on paper. but they aren't necessarily the strongest candidates. shame that only the super-fussy top universities here bother with an interview.
Top uni's in the US have interviews, especially Ivy league schools and they also look at a lot of extra curricular activities.
Interviews are a very minimal component of the Ivy League admissions equation, because they are conducted offsite by an enthusiastic alumni, not on campus by the admissions committee. My Princeton interviewer was enamored with me but I didn't even get waitlisted; my Yale interview was slightly worse (I came off more nervous), yet I got accepted. Meanwhile, my Dartmouth interview was the worst of the three, and not only did I get in, I got an early notification letter that I was "likely" to be admitted on the decision day. Ivy League colleges tend to rely on the essays to determine the personality of a candidate and their ability to think critically and express themselves articulately.

(You can save yourself the time criticizing my unedited and hastily written prose on bf2s since it's a pointless tangent.)
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

what the fuck is an ap class and why are they so easy that even haibai is complaining about them
AP = Advanced Placement, as in you're too awesome for normal high school classes

(or something)

free college credits
(think I posted this earlier)

Buddy's kid took AP classes in HS. In his first year at Georgia Tech. Transferred enough AP credits that he will finish his first year of college with 46 credits. Will probably graduate in 4 years with a MS if he keeps his grades up. That's a definite bennie.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."
disagree.  Virtually everyone in my AP classes were overacheiving numbskulls.  People that couldn't really think for themselves but would spend 5 hours a day on homework.  Teachers, sure, definitely more passionate about it.  Most of the students in my AP and honors classes were the most vapid, drone, boring people in my grade.
The experience, like most anything else, is subjective. The only bad "AP" class I had was an English one where people mostly sat around on beanbags pretending to be smart while playing Gameboy. What a waste of time that one was.

All the other ones were great, and the AFJROTC program was top-notch.
you have classes where people get to sit on beanbags and play gameboy?

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5667|London, England

Uzique wrote:

you have classes where people get to sit on beanbags and play gameboy?

david beckham studies
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Chardee MacDennis
Green Man
+130|4863|Always Sunny in Philadelphia
What is your Spaghetti Policy Here?

What A Long Strange Trip It's Been

Jay wrote:

Uzique wrote:

you have classes where people get to sit on beanbags and play gameboy?

david beckham studies
at one university in the 100-something rank, launched solely to get publicity for said university? yeah i'm sure no single college in america has ever launched a gimmick course or a joke taught masters in anything to attract attention or niche $$$. you make it sound as if there's a whole bunch of people applying to universities across the board in this discipline. lol.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
That Professor Mathieu Deflem, the academic introducing the module – entitled Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame – at the University of South Carolina
oops, wait, american colleges are doing it too! for publicity! shock horror.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Chardee MacDennis
Green Man
+130|4863|Always Sunny in Philadelphia
jesus christ here we go
What is your Spaghetti Policy Here?

What A Long Strange Trip It's Been

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