Happy Hannukah! Everyone knows it's better than Christmas.

also fuck you teds the mods said it was MINE so you get coal for christmas
also fuck you teds the mods said it was MINE so you get coal for christmas
RTHKI wrote:
shit holiday
And she is a woman.Adams_BJ wrote:
our prime minister gets paid more than your president. take that
our president appears in advertisements for jacketsAdams_BJ wrote:
our prime minister gets paid more than your president. take that
Our jacketsPoseidon wrote:
our president appears in advertisements for jacketsAdams_BJ wrote:
our prime minister gets paid more than your president. take that
take that
Last edited by AussieReaper (2011-11-30 16:59:33)
yes she does. She just got a 90k per year raise. That like a whole new good job, or 2x slightly below average jobs. or 3x shit jobs.RTHKI wrote:
no she doesntAdams_BJ wrote:
our prime minister gets paid more than your president. take that