Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5678|London, England

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i got a 4 on APUSH and studied for one day, also got a 780 on the US history SAT II and studied for about an hour
mah nigga!
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I am all that is MOD!

You should score no less than a 4 for a subject you spend at least 3 different school years studying.  AP classes are for overworked nerds with parents living vicariously through them. AP Euro history was the most bs class I ever took

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i got a 4 on APUSH and studied for one day, also got a 780 on the US history SAT II and studied for about an hour
well done. i fucked around on drugs for 2 years, did all my work (45,000 words) in 3 weeks, graduated top of my class, won a scholarship, won a prestigious essay prize, and fucked the prom queen.


p.s. you're a mong
p.p.s. and probably a homo

Last edited by Uzique (2011-11-29 18:25:25)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
what the fuck is an ap class and why are they so easy that even haibai is complaining about them
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
I am all that is MOD!

Uzique wrote:

what the fuck is an ap class and why are they so easy that even haibai is complaining about them
Courses for college credit you can take in high school. Boosts your gpa like an honors class, so you can brag that you have a 4.5 GPA as you wax poetic in the math club
i'd be all over that shit like a rash and i'd still be boning a cheerleader. fuck i wish i was american so i could just wave a gpa in your faces. gpa makes academic elitism so much fucking easier. simplifies the whole business right down to one neat stat. top trumps.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Ilocano wrote:

All AP Classes?

Art History
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Chinese Language and Culture
Computer Science A
English Language
English Literature
Environmental Science
European History
French Language and Culture
German Language and Culture
Comp Government & Politics
U.S. Government & Politics
Human Geography
Italian Language and Culture
Japanese Language and Culture
Latin: Vergil
Music Theory
Physics B
Physics C
Spanish Language
Spanish Literature
Studio Art
U.S. History
World History
as in, my schedule is 'all ap classes'.


'best college possible' meaning what exactly?  Maybe your mistaking perceived prestige for a good education.
unfortunately, prestige is more important than the education itself in getting a great job

Uzique wrote:

haibai, you sound a little too cocksure and confident that you're going to want to be a computer programmer for the rest of your life... but maybe you won't be. don't put all of your eggs in one basket. you may think you know it all now, but you've barely started your working life / career. shit may change.
i'm definately doing something in the field of computer science.  i don't want to be a computer programmer btw, i want to be a reverse engineer.

the only other thing i want is to attempt to startup my own company.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5678|London, England

Uzique wrote:

what the fuck is an ap class and why are they so easy that even haibai is complaining about them
AP = Advanced Placement, as in you're too awesome for normal high school classes

(or something)

free college credits
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
"startup your company" is a bit vague. what are you doing to prepare for that? buying a 'how to be rich and successful in 5 ez steps' guide from amazon? college education gives you some good know-how and resourcefulness in life, generally. some self-reliance and self-belief. don't dismiss classes that don't interest you just because they're not written explicitly on the 'required' field of a job application.

and prestige isn't always more important than a great education, either. most of it is to do with personal drive and connections/networking that you do whilst you're there. that's why i keep emphasising the social aspect; you're not shit if you don't meet the right people during your college years. there are tons of people that graduate from top colleges and end up doing nothing, or relatively obscure jobs for average pay.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6022|College Park, MD

Uzique wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

i got a 4 on APUSH and studied for one day, also got a 780 on the US history SAT II and studied for about an hour
well done. i fucked around on drugs for 2 years, did all my work (45,000 words) in 3 weeks, graduated top of my class, won a scholarship, won a prestigious essay prize, and fucked the prom queen.


p.s. you're a mong
p.p.s. and probably a homo

@KEN I took two APs and I wasn't an overworked nerd, far from it, I slacked off like nobody's business in high school
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Uzique wrote:

"startup your company" is a bit vague. what are you doing to prepare for that? buying a 'how to be rich and successful in 5 ez steps' guide from amazon? college education gives you some good know-how and resourcefulness in life, generally. some self-reliance and self-belief. don't dismiss classes that don't interest you just because they're not written explicitly on the 'required' field of a job application.
it comes with experience.  i'm going to fail and i'm going to try again.  i'm sure i'll take business classes in college, but i doubt that they'll have big implications on whether or not i succeed.

Uzique wrote:

and prestige isn't always more important than a great education, either. most of it is to do with personal drive and connections/networking that you do whilst you're there. that's why i keep emphasising the social aspect; you're not shit if you don't meet the right people during your college years. there are tons of people that graduate from top colleges and end up doing nothing, or relatively obscure jobs for average pay.
i don't need college to prepare myself for my industry.  everything about programming and reverse engineering is already on the internet and in books.  i could easily teach myself way more useful (for my industry) things in my own time.  the 'educational' part of college is basically a joke (in terms of what i learn that benefits me towards my industry.  i know there's tons of shit i learn there that i will need later in life, which is why i'm going.  not to mention it's fun).

making connections is definately a huge part of college.
how are you going to afford to fail and then fail again, exactly? business ventures require lots of investment. how are you going to persuade a first-time investor to get onboard? "look i know we're going to fail and lose a lot of money but if we try enough, possibly, probably, sometime we'll start making money". yeah they'll be throwing the low-interest low-risk loans at you!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
btw all science, math and english is on the internet too. all college material is on the internet. saying you "don't need college" because the instructional information is out there is... massively missing the point. the professor's expertise and guidance is valuable. the overall experience of the work, research, and self-sufficiency is valuable. there's a reason people still go to college even though nowadays we have the internet, wikipedia, and amazon's book library.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
i just realised on the topic of asian kids... the guy that literally lives beneath me in this house has his own annex, but i see nothing of him. he's asian, from taiwan afaik. his parents sent him over here to eton (arguably the best posh school in the world), which is like 5 miles from where this rented property is, and he's now spending a year working full-time, for free, for a top asian investment bank in city. he's been accepted to go do philosophy at cambridge next year (the norm for eton boys) and is basically up at all hours listening to classical music and generally acting as if he was born into british aristocracy. i've seen and spoken to him about 3 times, ever, since moving in 3 months ago. he's literally socially retarded, or else just so insanely busy that he has time for nothing else. get this - as well - on saturdays he goes into london for TRAINING to be a psychoanalyst. for fun. that's what he does on weekends. this kid is 17, waiting to enter college, after just receiving his unconditional offer for a place starting next year. HOW DOES A 17 YEAR OLD HAVE THAT MUCH DRIVE? i think some kids are literally brainwashed to live for nothing but career-success. good for them. but personally i don't regret not being over-worked and driven when i was 17, at all. girls were 100x more fun then, and it hasn't ruined my life to have been distracted. i just remembered this asian anecdote, at 3am, cause i heard him playing some classical music, like right now. IS HE A MAN OR A MACHINE?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Uzique wrote:

how are you going to afford to fail and then fail again, exactly? business ventures require lots of investment. how are you going to persuade a first-time investor to get onboard? "look i know we're going to fail and lose a lot of money but if we try enough, possibly, probably, sometime we'll start making money". yeah they'll be throwing the low-interest low-risk loans at you!
the same way all the others did it?  i don't necessarily need a gigantic investment to make any money.  if i have a proof of concept and i'm making money, i'm sure i can get someone to invest and risk his money in my business.  it's not like i'll be like, "hey, i have this great idea.  give me 100k so we can try it out!"

Uzique wrote:

btw all science, math and english is on the internet too. all college material is on the internet. saying you "don't need college" because the instructional information is out there is... massively missing the point. the professor's expertise and guidance is valuable. the overall experience of the work, research, and self-sufficiency is valuable. there's a reason people still go to college even though nowadays we have the internet, wikipedia, and amazon's book library.
from what i heard, professors barely care about their students.
well i dunno where you heard from but jesus, you sure just disproved the experience of millions of people! thanks for letting me know that college is a farce and my professors don't care. dude wtf are you even talking about. some of my professors have basically been like second-parents. i don't know how much more guidance or value someone could want from a teacher tbh. maybe just don't go to a shitty college? perhaps one with a decent student:staff ratio?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6995|Canberra, AUS
find a better college.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Uzique wrote:

i just realised on the topic of asian kids... the guy that literally lives beneath me in this house has his own annex, but i see nothing of him. he's asian, from taiwan afaik. his parents sent him over here to eton (arguably the best posh school in the world), which is like 5 miles from where this rented property is, and he's now spending a year working full-time, for free, for a top asian investment bank in city. he's been accepted to go do philosophy at cambridge next year (the norm for eton boys) and is basically up at all hours listening to classical music and generally acting as if he was born into british aristocracy. i've seen and spoken to him about 3 times, ever, since moving in 3 months ago. he's literally socially retarded, or else just so insanely busy that he has time for nothing else. get this - as well - on saturdays he goes into london for TRAINING to be a psychoanalyst. for fun. that's what he does on weekends. this kid is 17, waiting to enter college, after just receiving his unconditional offer for a place starting next year. HOW DOES A 17 YEAR OLD HAVE THAT MUCH DRIVE? i think some kids are literally brainwashed to live for nothing but career-success. good for them. but personally i don't regret not being over-worked and driven when i was 17, at all. girls were 100x more fun then, and it hasn't ruined my life to have been distracted. i just remembered this asian anecdote, at 3am, cause i heard him playing some classical music, like right now. IS HE A MAN OR A MACHINE?
This is basically the sit with east asians and schooling right now (typical HS student): wake up at 6:30 start school at 7:30AM, finish at 5pm, head off to cram school till 9pm, get home at around 9:30pm, study till 12am.

This is a typical workweek... Don't get me started on their vacation days. school: Oh we give you 3 months of vacation, but you have to come in to school for 2 months after july coz you need to "prepare" for next semester courses.

That kid has got it "easy" compared to kids living in Asia. I usually get a lot of shit from locals for "slacking off" and "not studying hard" when talking about my education (coz i was in amerikan school lel). Well now I'm in a better uni than their kids
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Uzique wrote:

well i dunno where you heard from but jesus, you sure just disproved the experience of millions of people! thanks for letting me know that college is a farce and my professors don't care. dude wtf are you even talking about. some of my professors have basically been like second-parents. i don't know how much more guidance or value someone could want from a teacher tbh. maybe just don't go to a shitty college? perhaps one with a decent student:staff ratio?
well, there are other reasons for going to college.  parties, prestige, job requirements, etc.  people don't necessarily go for life-lessons, and i haven't heard anyone talk about their professors that way unless they went to a small college.  i hope i'm wrong

HaiBai wrote:

people don't necessarily go for life-lessons,
every waking moment, and some of those spent sleeping, should be a "life-lesson". go to college to attain knowledge. i am going back to school, even though i've worked for 30 years of my life.

HaiBai wrote:

Uzique wrote:

well i dunno where you heard from but jesus, you sure just disproved the experience of millions of people! thanks for letting me know that college is a farce and my professors don't care. dude wtf are you even talking about. some of my professors have basically been like second-parents. i don't know how much more guidance or value someone could want from a teacher tbh. maybe just don't go to a shitty college? perhaps one with a decent student:staff ratio?
well, there are other reasons for going to college.  parties, prestige, job requirements, etc.  people don't necessarily go for life-lessons, and i haven't heard anyone talk about their professors that way unless they went to a small college.  i hope i'm wrong
at my uni they have "pitstop" programs that anyone can join if they are struggling with the course content. Most important thing in uni is who you become friends with and get that connection.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|6022|College Park, MD
you gotta put in the effort too though, you're not gonna have a bond with a professor like a second parent unless you talk to them.

Almost all of my profs have been great so far. Wouldn't say any are like second parents, but then I haven't put the effort into any such relationship with 'em. One wrote me a great letter of recommendation though. And this is at a big state school, I can only imagine how it is at smaller schools.

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

you gotta put in the effort too though, you're not gonna have a bond with a professor like a second parent unless you talk to them.

Almost all of my profs have been great so far. Wouldn't say any are like second parents, but then I haven't put the effort into any such relationship with 'em. One wrote me a great letter of recommendation though. And this is at a big state school, I can only imagine how it is at smaller schools.
eh most profs would write a good one anyway even if they don't know you (assuming you have pretty decent grades).

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AP classes sound a lot more difficult than they really are. In fact, I enjoyed them more because fellow students and the teachers on average seemed to genuinely care about the stuff more.

They should rename them, but AP probably sounds more official than "it's-on-now-motherfucker world history."
word. I loved APUSH, really fun course to do. I was pissed that I got a 3 on the AP exam but then again could be my messy handwriting coz I got a 3 on AP lang but in class test I scored an uber five (test out of 150, anything pass 100 is a 5, i scored 122). Still not a bad score for someone who did fuck all during the semester coz it was self study xD

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