get off my plane rick !!!!
waat no way, go play some Mdubya3
Last edited by loubot (2011-11-15 20:51:07)
lol mechwarrior was the best
ok I am off - nn
G'night BF2/3s <3
이야 작은아빠랑 작은엄마가 사주신 귀한 꼬까옷 입고 인증샷 찍었네^^ 잠도 잘 오겠네^^
pv, bugs
Get up for 8 o'clock class. Ready to step out the door when I get an e-mail saying class is canceled.
that's ok bugz, enjoy the morning
I got up at 10, had breakfast and a giant shit, and started wasting time on here by 11:30. meant to be booking accommodation and checking out course material...
fucking scotland
hi phin
hi phin
hi fin
Toilet Sex wrote:
hi fin
this guy is giving a 3 hour lecture and q&a session here tonight in one of our main lecture-theatres. cannot wait. gonna be a real session.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
he is gonna get mobbed. should be interesting, though.Controversies at university debating societies
On 2 November 2006, The Times reported that Galloway was in a fracas at the Oxford Union. He was there to discuss his book. (Galloway, George (2006). Fidel Castro Handbook. MQ Publications. ISBN 1-84072-688-1.) In his speech to the Union, Galloway claimed "that democracy in Cuba is more “free” than in the UK", and when questioned on this, he mentioned "that Oxford students are too privileged to understand what he was talking about".[132] Three former state school students who met him afterwards and disputed this description, allege that Galloway said: "I don’t represent anyone’s views. I represent me. I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks."[132] and: "You are confusing me with someone who gives a fuck". When the students tried to get Galloway to apologise, he asked for them to be removed from the room, but they left of their own accord. His assistant, Kevin Ovenden, alleged that the students Galloway swore at carried offensive placards, which was the cause of his behaviour, although the students denied this.[132] His comments were criticised by several MPs, including Boris Johnson, who said: "there’s no need to swear" and Stephen Pound said: "If he wishes to be respected by anyone other than Fidel Castro he should apologise."[132] A response to the incident can be found on the Oxford Student website
"you're confusing me for someone who gives a fuck" is possibly the most badass thing ever said
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I want my hat back.
that book is cute huh
Burnnzzzzz, Ultra.
morning, PV, Kimmm, Uzique