That's why I told her to fuck off when I got her. They get in the way of EVERYTHING.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I just want to know how to get her back. I hate losing NPC's in RPG's.
i have a mage type character though, my hand to hand combat sucksZimmer wrote:
Nah. Get loads of stamina potions, have the whirlwhind shout and a big fuck off hammer and just whirlwind to his feet, smack him a good one and run out of his reach. Rinse and repeat and you should get him down in a while. Just make sure you stay at his feet and don't let him to the almight big swipe that kills you in one.Winston_Churchill wrote:
giants are bamfs. i can only kill them by going to inaccessible places to them and sniping.
My only crash was when I was fighting this creepy witch creature and she yelled out "LET'S END THIS!"
Suitable, I guess.
Suitable, I guess.
Ahh yeah, I forgot the mead poisoning quest was part of the thieves guild.TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
Nope they are just repeatable money earners (the "infinite quests" from all the pre-release hype).DefCon-17 wrote:
Do those annoying 150 gold reward quests count as the questline?
Also, no matter what spell you use on someone, your companion will attack them. Wanna heal a guard after a fight with a bunch of bandits? Companion's like "NOPE."Zimmer wrote:
That's why I told her to fuck off when I got her. They get in the way of EVERYTHING.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I just want to know how to get her back. I hate losing NPC's in RPG's.
It's kinda funny. After New Vegas finally got decent companions Bethesda had to go ahead and take aggressive measures to ignore any improvements that game made.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Also, no matter what spell you use on someone, your companion will attack them. Wanna heal a guard after a fight with a bunch of bandits? Companion's like "NOPE."Zimmer wrote:
That's why I told her to fuck off when I got her. They get in the way of EVERYTHING.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I just want to know how to get her back. I hate losing NPC's in RPG's.
I take them on quests where I'm pretty sure I'll have to be killing things en masse. She sounds disappointed, but I leave her home for most small trips.
i have an idea, i had a problem like this with fallout where it was a fake fullscreen. game is still counting as "windowed"
sometimes if i move my mouse waaaaayy over to the left and click it minimizes the game.
i don't remember how i fixed this in fallout
sometimes if i move my mouse waaaaayy over to the left and click it minimizes the game.
i don't remember how i fixed this in fallout
try setting speakers to 24 bit 44100hz (studio)krazed wrote:
walking, crash
load save, crash (while corrupting save)
fast travel, crash
access inventory, crash
crouch, crash
attack, crash
pick a lock, crash
no thanks
On a side note I'm fairly unstoppable now. Level 32 with full legendary enchanted dragonplate armour and an ebony mace with over 200 attack
Got the armor.

Edit: I got 24 hours in it so far. I have no life.
Edit: I got 24 hours in it so far. I have no life.
Last edited by DefCon-17 (2011-11-13 23:07:49)
mine crashes a lot too, tried that solution and didnt work either
Thank you game for more annoyances.
Courier arrives with a letter asking to buy the 'dwarven greaves of waning fire.' I remember picking them up. I also remember recycling them at the enchanter table to learn the ability. So I craft another pair of dwarven boots for the guy and take it to the table. Lo and behold, no waning fire.
Courier arrives with a letter asking to buy the 'dwarven greaves of waning fire.' I remember picking them up. I also remember recycling them at the enchanter table to learn the ability. So I craft another pair of dwarven boots for the guy and take it to the table. Lo and behold, no waning fire.
I recently discovered the fun act of throatslitting.
Normally i would just shoot people if i had to do it in silence and in combat i never like daggers since they are weaker than swords, axes and maces.
But now that i have that perk that gives x15 damage to a dagger sneak attack, i always carry one. Its fun to see how some NPCs are just set up for a dagger strike.
A bit more challenging, but so much more rewarding than just shooting them.
Normally i would just shoot people if i had to do it in silence and in combat i never like daggers since they are weaker than swords, axes and maces.
But now that i have that perk that gives x15 damage to a dagger sneak attack, i always carry one. Its fun to see how some NPCs are just set up for a dagger strike.
A bit more challenging, but so much more rewarding than just shooting them.
You'll need to forge one and enchant it if you want to finish the quest (he just gives you some gold, not sure if it's needed to unlock the second quest he gives but I doubt it). Waning fire is 30% resist so you need a fair few perks plus a grand soul.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Thank you game for more annoyances.
Courier arrives with a letter asking to buy the 'dwarven greaves of waning fire.' I remember picking them up. I also remember recycling them at the enchanter table to learn the ability. So I craft another pair of dwarven boots for the guy and take it to the table. Lo and behold, no waning fire.
3 Hired Thugs sent to kill me. Game bugged out and now they are my companions. The only reason I knew they were trying to kill me was when I pickpocketed them and read the contract that said "Kill this guy"

It was a thief guild quest. During a cutscene it just kinda hung and the npc didnt continue his conversation with me.Aries_37 wrote:
What happened? Can you not complete the game now?Mutantbear wrote:
Quest bugged out, cant complete
demoralizing. never playing again
I messed with console commands for a while when I figured out if I enableplayercontrols and killall, when they get back up they will contrinue the cutscene
come at me bethesda

haha niceMutantbear wrote:
3 Hired Thugs sent to kill me. Game bugged out and now they are my companions. The only reason I knew they were trying to kill me was when I pickpocketed them and read the contract that said "Kill this guy"

Dayum. I'm like level 20 and haven't even gone to the Thief Guild yet. Get too distracted by long list of Miscellaneous quests.
Lydia has disappeared. She got in the way a lot in battle but she was a good pack mule.
Last edited by El Beardo (2011-11-14 07:22:17)
Oddly enough I haven't actually encountered any really noticeably bad bugs at all in this game.
Also, is Lydia the only companion?
Also, is Lydia the only companion?
I've found that as well, I've gotten to 16 now and I've barely done anything meaningful, usually I pick a random quest to do, then get distracted by 37 different things on my way there.DesertFox- wrote:
Dayum. I'm like level 20 and haven't even gone to the Thief Guild yet. Get too distracted by long list of Miscellaneous quests.
Does the thieves guild still require you morally to be a piece of shit after you actually join? Or is it only for that guy that sells the bullshit potions that wants to fuck over the Dark Elf merchant?
Me neither. Also, if an NPC disappears as I recall happening in Fallout, you were able to use the "placeatme" command to get them back again.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Oddly enough I haven't actually encountered any really noticeably bad bugs at all in this game.
Also, is Lydia the only companion?