
What's your favorite kit?

Assault33%33% - 7
Recon4%4% - 1
Support4%4% - 1
Engineer57%57% - 12
Total: 21
Moar BF3 polls!

What kit do you like using the most?

>pick one
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6806|The darkside of Denver
Engy.  I played all assualt through alpha and beta.
+1,230|6989|Alberta, Canada

Engineer and here's why:

Assault - sure you can heal and revive people, but when a tank/LAV comes around the corner, you are fucked.
Support - Infinite ammo, but if a tank/LAV comes around the corner, you are fucked again.
Recon - Boring as hell
Engineer - Get points for repair, can repair your own vehicles when the get damaged, and you can use AT mines or rockets to disable/destroy enemy vehicles. You actually stand a chance against the vehicles in the game

However, if there were no vehicles, I would likely be playing assault or support.
+1,010|6432|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Ryan wrote:

Engineer and here's why:

Assault - sure you can heal and revive people, but when a tank/LAV comes around the corner, you are fucked.
Support - Infinite ammo, but if a tank/LAV comes around the corner, you are fucked again.
Recon - Boring as hell
Engineer - Get points for repair, can repair your own vehicles when the get damaged, and you can use AT mines or rockets to disable/destroy enemy vehicles. You actually stand a chance against the vehicles in the game

However, if there were no vehicles, I would likely be playing call of duty.
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,230|6989|Alberta, Canada

FloppY_ wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Engineer and here's why:

Assault - sure you can heal and revive people, but when a tank/LAV comes around the corner, you are fucked.
Support - Infinite ammo, but if a tank/LAV comes around the corner, you are fucked again.
Recon - Boring as hell
Engineer - Get points for repair, can repair your own vehicles when the get damaged, and you can use AT mines or rockets to disable/destroy enemy vehicles. You actually stand a chance against the vehicles in the game

However, if there were no vehicles, I would likely be playing call of duty.
'Tis true lol

But since there are vehicles, then I play as engy.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Assault is good for leading a squad.
Support class is good for supporting your squad. Also C4 can be used to take out vehicles.
Engineer is exceptional. Great primary weapons, AT/AA ability. Good for defense. The EOD bot is a bit ridiculous.
Recon is good for maps that have long distance infantry battles, like Seine (sp?). But I rarely use it. I want that flying bot though.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6586|Brisbane, Australia

Infantry maps: support because everyone plays assault and I rack up ammo points (and IRNV + LMGs is ridiculous)

Big maps: 100% engineer because it is really good. Carbines are basically assault rifles and you get repairs/rockets. I do spend a lot of time in tanks on big maps though.
back to i-life

support but also engi when in vehicles

lol my accuracy is 9 %
You with the face!
I like the idea of medic/assault, but Engineer's ability to slaughter anything in the game wins out most of the time.
Little BaBy JESUS
Support on an infantry based map, engineer on vehicle based map.
I am all that is MOD!

engy on most maps, assault on heavy infantry maps

Engineer, followed by support
anything with night-vision scope. will win everytime. the rest is just fanciful whims and details.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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