War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6868|Purplicious Wisconsin

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
Well that's their problem, I honestly don't give a shit what people think.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5512|London, England

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
He's socially inept enough that it might just be true.

War man, I really don't like picking on you because everyone else does and it's generally out of some stupid bullying spite. However, when you insert yourself into a discussion that doesn't involve you and try to sound smart with a stupid comment, I can sort of understand why you do get picked on.

Last edited by Jay (2011-10-29 10:48:51)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

War Man wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
Well that's their problem, I honestly don't give a shit what people think.
classic sperging ITT
+572|6813|BC, Canada
WTF is going on in here War Troll hijacking a troll from this elitemaphia idiot?
War Man is a troll

* War Mong
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6871|Riva, MD

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
Said it in chat already, but I myself have Asperger's and I'm pretty damn sure he has it too

I can only imagine how it fucks him up in real life

_j5689_ wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
Said it in chat already, but I myself have Asperger's and I'm pretty damn sure he has it too

I can only imagine how it fucks him up in real life
yeah, but _J, you don't seem combative or prone to start shit just to do it though . . .
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

_j5689_ wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
Said it in chat already, but I myself have Asperger's and I'm pretty damn sure he has it too

I can only imagine how it fucks him up in real life
You're fully forum functional though, so it's all good

War Man seems to just ooze aspergers from every pore
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6871|Riva, MD

13urnzz wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
Said it in chat already, but I myself have Asperger's and I'm pretty damn sure he has it too

I can only imagine how it fucks him up in real life
yeah, but _J, you don't seem combative or prone to start shit just to do it though . . .
Yeah, I've actually been formally diagnosed when I was 7 and made strides over the years so as not to come off as an overbearing retard that talks about things he doesn't actually know about.  More people with the bergers should try it

I used to be in his exact place though when I was on Gaia when I was like 13 but I grew out of it when I learned to quit pretending I knew what I was talking about

i remember when you were 'the best assault player in Maryland'.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6871|Riva, MD

13urnzz wrote:

i remember when you were 'the best assault player in Maryland'.
I think I did that in like 8th grade where I wanted to feel like I was the best at something, lol.  Middle school with Asperger's was a neverending nightmare
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

13urnzz wrote:

i remember when you were 'the best assault player in Maryland'.
I think everybody cringes at their old posts on this forum

apart from me, I look back and laugh at how fucking awesome I was.

I'm Jamesey wrote:

13urnzz wrote:

i remember when you were 'the best assault player in Maryland'.
I think everybody cringes at their old posts on this forum

apart from me, I look back and laugh at how fucking awesome I was.
i'm pretty sure the best of my drunk posting got deleted, lol
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5856|College Park, MD

13urnzz wrote:

i remember when you were 'the best assault player in Maryland'.
it was 'best damn assault player in Maryland'
Scooter Addict
So since I'm not dead what should I do tonite?

same as last nite. practice makes perfect.
Scooter Addict
eh i think ill just stick to drinking. that shit was nuts though
plundering yee booty
+510|5628|Ventura, California
Really sorry to hear about Jay-Courage, that's so sad. RIP man

What a terrible disease to die of. Poor young lad.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

elitemaphia wrote:

So since I'm not dead what should I do tonite?
auto-erotic asphyxiation

I'm Jamesey wrote:

elitemaphia wrote:

So since I'm not dead what should I do tonite?
auto-erotic asphyxiation
aka winning
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

eusgen wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

elitemaphia wrote:

So since I'm not dead what should I do tonite?
auto-erotic asphyxiation
aka winning
aka wanking
plundering yee booty
+510|5628|Ventura, California

I'm Jamesey wrote:

elitemaphia wrote:

So since I'm not dead what should I do tonite?
auto-erotic asphyxiation
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6868|Purplicious Wisconsin

I'm Jamesey wrote:

13urnzz wrote:

i remember when you were 'the best assault player in Maryland'.
I think everybody cringes at their old posts on this forum

apart from me, I look back and laugh at how fucking awesome I was.
Shows you are really just an arrogant asshole.

Jay wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

One might call another a retard- fine. But to accuse another of having aspergers syndrome must mean they really believe it's true.
He's socially inept enough that it might just be true.

War man, I really don't like picking on you because everyone else does and it's generally out of some stupid bullying spite. However, when you insert yourself into a discussion that doesn't involve you and try to sound smart with a stupid comment, I can sort of understand why you do get picked on.
Who says I'm trying to sound smart? Unless you mean sound like a smartass. Who says I'm socially inept as well? You guys don't even fucking know me, or know what I do for a living yet you judge me. Kinda hilarious.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York
ouch, aspergers... makes sense now

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