id like decent controls for planes
Me too... and a good variety of them like GTA SA had. Finding the AT-whatevernumberitwas in the hangar was such an awesome moment.FFLink wrote:
I'd like planes again.
Saints Row 2 has a fully fledged university campus with populated buildings you can enter and terrorize as you feel, there are even missions involving firefights in the area which I can't remember the exact details about...Poseidon wrote:
You're crazy if you think they're going to let someone shoot up a college campus. For some reason that's always a bit taboo even for the riskiest of game developers. With the VT shootings, I just don't see it happening.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
fooled me lawl
As long as the groups are right (yuppies in Dupont, rich prepsters in Georgetown, saggers East of the Anacostia, hispanics in Columbia Heights, hipsters in H Street) that's cool too
i'll jizz my pants if they put UMD as well
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
mature multilayer in a live city
Cant stress this one enoughFFLink wrote:
I'd like planes again.

Motorcycles too! Not being able to zip across the Brooklyn Bridge on a bike was disappointing.
Or wait, were there motorcycles in IV?
Or wait, were there motorcycles in IV?
Last edited by Superior Mind (2011-10-25 19:10:15)
I feel like there aren't for the PS3 version.
There were. The PCJ-600 was fun as shit to use on stunt jumps. Then there were a lot more with TLAD.
Give me GTA:DC/PG County
If they've already been able to do this much with a DVD(360 is the weakest link in the console department as far as storage on DVDs), they should be able to do WAY more with the extra GB of space Microsoft has allotted them with the new disc format. I can't wait to see what they add now
If they've already been able to do this much with a DVD(360 is the weakest link in the console department as far as storage on DVDs), they should be able to do WAY more with the extra GB of space Microsoft has allotted them with the new disc format. I can't wait to see what they add now
I now feel like a kid waiting for christmas. C'mon Rockstar! I want this muy fast.
I now feel like a kid waiting for christmas. C'mon Rockstar! I want this muy fast.
Is this actually gonna be V or we will have the mini-series like in between III and IV?
I think TLAD and TBOGT were considered those essentially. It looks like they're trying a different approach now, so this would be V I'd imagine.bennisboy wrote:
Is this actually gonna be V or we will have the mini-series like in between III and IV?
Don't expect a release date of anything before holiday 2012 btw... and then expect it to get delayed to Q1/Q2 2013.
Nope, pretty sure this is actually V since they've bothered to put that V there unless it magically adds 'ice City II' onto itself in the trailerbennisboy wrote:
Is this actually gonna be V or we will have the mini-series like in between III and IV?
Makes me wonder if they've switched to a new engine entirely like they always do for a new #
Last edited by _j5689_ (2011-10-26 10:03:45)
Let's hope so, the IV one wasn't exactly well-optimized_j5689_ wrote:
Nope, pretty sure this is actually V since they've bothered to put that V there unless it magically adds 'ice City II' onto itself in the trailerbennisboy wrote:
Is this actually gonna be V or we will have the mini-series like in between III and IV?
Makes me wonder if they've switched to a new engine entirely like they always do for a new #
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
The physics in 4 were great, I sincerely hope there is large open, offroad areas in 5 with the same physics and car damage from 4.
oh and jets
and gangs/turf wars
oh and jets
and gangs/turf wars
A new engine I think would actually make that even less likely, it'll be just like IV was: they'll focus on the consoles first and then release another incredibly unstable PC port a few months later which will take another few months of patching to be playableFloppY_ wrote:
Let's hope so, the IV one wasn't exactly well-optimized_j5689_ wrote:
Nope, pretty sure this is actually V since they've bothered to put that V there unless it magically adds 'ice City II' onto itself in the trailerbennisboy wrote:
Is this actually gonna be V or we will have the mini-series like in between III and IV?
Makes me wonder if they've switched to a new engine entirely like they always do for a new #
I honestly don't see them using a new engine though, they've put a LOT of effort and revisions into the current engine already and it makes enough sense to just keep using it and updating it with every new title like they are. The consoles aren't ready for another engine yet anyway.
lol, it would be nice to be able to actually offroad without worrying about driving into the water as it is in GTA IV, sand has no traction at all anyway. But San Andreas was really the only city of the three that was that conducive to offroading, and from a picture that Rockstar released a year or two ago, it's hinting at Vice City this time.jord wrote:
The physics in 4 were great, I sincerely hope there is large open, offroad areas in 5 with the same physics and car damage from 4.
oh and jets
and gangs/turf wars
With an extra GB of space on the disc to use and a few more years worth of engine experience and optimizations, I'm sure they must've managed to squeeze jets in there again. GTA IV, like III was at its time, was sort of meant to be an initial experiment with the current generation of hardware with a new engine that was optimized for it, so by this point they should be re-adding things in addition to all the really cool shit they've already added. I would personally LOVE to see vehicular customization come back but I can see why they wouldn't have added it to GTA IV when the new Midnight Club release was just a few months away at the time.
I could do without gangs/turf wars tbh, I don't like the extra maintenance it adds to the game. Especially when the enemy gang tries to take one of those really small areas that you waited half an hour just to find enough of them to kill just to start a gang war to take it in the first place, which more often than not seemed to happen to me in San Andreas
Last edited by _j5689_ (2011-10-26 10:42:22)
Obviously the very small areas where it was extremely hard to find 3 gang members was a flaw. Just 25 or so decent sized areas would suffice.
So on the GTA V wiki, somebody has already matched the V logo up with the V on an 1899 5-dollar bill, although it's not a completely direct match. I hope it's unrelated, I don't really want another GTA that takes place in a different time in history now. Especially not THAT early in history, they've already done the early eras up with Red Dead and LA: Noire, time to get back to the present again.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2011-10-26 11:42:52)
flux capacitor

Yeah I have to say I'm not a fan of distant-past GTA-style games either...
Vice City was ok but I don't really want anything earlier... I liked the modern style of GTAIII / GTA:SA / GTA:IV
Vice City was ok but I don't really want anything earlier... I liked the modern style of GTAIII / GTA:SA / GTA:IV
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Yeah, a GTA with only Model Ts wouldn't make any sense at all.RTHKI wrote:
Grand Theft AUTO is a giveaway that it cant be
Admit it though, a small sidequest where for whatever reason you are dreaming youre in the 1910s and stealing model ts in black/white would be hellua fun

That would be pretty interesting, but that little taste of the 1910s will probably leave a lot of people(or even just that little niche group that's always there) wanting more, which isn't fair to the ones that want it that won't get it, or anybody who doesn't want an early 20th century based GTA that they might waste the entire next GTA on if enough people like it, lol. Although now that I think about it, it would be cool to have a Mafia-type game that was done in a REAL sandbox kind of way instead of just making a city that was perfect for that but that you can't actually do more than a handful of things in like they did for Mafia II(Probably same for Mafia I but I couldn't stomach more than the first few missions. It's called a cult classic for a reason). To my knowledge, there really isn't a true sandbox-style gansters-era game out there yet.Eagle wrote:
Admit it though, a small sidequest where for whatever reason you are dreaming youre in the 1910s and stealing model ts in black/white would be hellua fun
And it'd be pretty hard to implement a dream since sleep is associated with the savegame process, unless you got knocked out some way and dream while you're there, but that's still too deep for GTA and would make more sense in a game like Max Payne