
Is it fair to be kicked/banned for what happened here.

Yes34%34% - 83
No65%65% - 159
Total: 242

alpinestar wrote:

the funny thing is I was there and about 4 MECs couldn't handle me but only way to prevent me of beeing shot was to get in that SU and run off, but I assure you that rules do not say anything about stealing vehicles and many people can confirm that moongamers has abusive admins
First off, the base raping rule states NO FIRING from any vehicle in the base.  You fired on the APC in the plane you were stealing, so yes, it's kickable.  Had you just left with your stolen plane, you wouldn't have been kicked.  It'd be nice if retards like you read rules and grew up a little before bitching about all the free servers you play on.  It's not in the bill of rights, for you to get to do what you want where ever you go, regardless of how much your parents let you get by with.
I won't be playing there any more.  That's a bunch of bull, because those rules are contridictary. 
That's stupid that you can't bomb UAV, Arty and Sat.  And it's also bull that you can defend yourself when stealing a vehicle.

What really puzzles me is why was the SU-34 on the ground in the first place instead of killing USMC guys.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-05-20 13:18:40)


DSRTurtle wrote:

I won't be playing there any more.  That's a bunch of bull, because those rules are contridictary. 
That's stupid that you can't bomb UAV, Arty and Sat.  And it's also bull that you can defend yourself when stealing a vehicle.

What really puzzles me is why was the SU-34 on the ground in the first place instead of killing USMC guys.
That's fine.  I am sure there are plenty of other servers out there, for you to go and be unhappy about.
BTW, how much damage does bombing do to the UAV, Arty and SAT?  As for the plane being on the ground, maybe the other players were busy playing the game on the ground as infantry...  You should try it some time, it's a hoot...
The Soup Nazi
+18|6939|North Lauderdale, FL
Wow.  So you decide to resort to the high-school methodology of gossiping behind the backs of the rest of the MoonGamers community by posting a rant about them here?  And how does that make you a better BF2 player (or better person, for that matter)?

I admin on the MoonGamers Oman server and it can be a bear at times to keep it from becoming a 3 ring circus.  If one side gets all of the flags, no matter how many times we spam "Do not attack uncappable bases with vehicle weapons at ANY time", there will always be a few people who choose to ignore the warning and side-step the rule anyways causing a mass of players to be kicked for breaking the rule.  Sure, it may be an easier job to allow uncappable base raping, sit back and watch for tk'ers and smacktards, but after playing on that server almost exclusively for the past 4 months, it's the best rule to play by.

Think of all the times that you are trying to get a jet to help out your team and some pilot from the other team flies over and strafes your runway with hell from above.  You never even get a chance to get up in the air because they're too worried about competition.  This rule promotes a better gameplay experience for all and a fair chance for a team to come back and maybe even win the round. 

Sure, it seems a bit harsh that you got kicked/banned IMMEDIATELY for only firing the laser guided missile at the APC, but it's part of the server rules that are stuck on your screen for the duration of the time you're loading into the map.  If you're so worried about not getting out of the uncap alive with a stolen jet, pick a better time to steal it.

If had been a case where your team already had all the flags and they were starting to roll in with armor to the airbase wreaking havoc, I can understand where the admin was coming from.  If that sort of thing happens, it's almost pointless to spam the warnings to rule breakers because they're too caught up in getting points for kills and don't read the messages.  Hence immediate kicking/banning until the baseraping has ceased.  Assuming that this was the case, the admin probably had removed other players right around the same time as you for also breaking the rule.  If it was not the case, I think a warning would've done just fine.  But then again, I wasn't there.

Despite popular belief, the admins on the MoonGamers server aren't there to make your life miserable.  You can do whatever you want within enemy uncaps except for fire vehicle weapons at ground units, helicopters that just took off, and jets that are attempting to take off.  You can chase enemy jets through uncaps and shoot them down, but you can't fire on the AA emplacements within.  If you're too worried about getting shot by AA, stay above their range and engage your target after you pass by the uncappable. 

For the guy who said this is a game about War and anything goes, you're half-way right.  It is a game, after all, and people play it for enjoyment.  What would you rather have while playing a game?  A fighting chance or to be pummeled over and over again?  You may have the occasional round when you are the pummeler, but getting pummeled sucks.

And finally, if you have a bone to pick with a certain server, do everyone a favor and go straight to the source.  Gossiping like this may seem like the "cool" thing to do, but you're only hurting your own credibility in the end.

Last edited by The Soup Nazi (2006-05-20 14:40:08)

I salute you....
lol when im at they'Re server the admins are crap.

Klaarg wrote:

DSRTurtle wrote:

I won't be playing there any more.  That's a bunch of bull, because those rules are contridictary. 
That's stupid that you can't bomb UAV, Arty and Sat.  And it's also bull that you can defend yourself when stealing a vehicle.

What really puzzles me is why was the SU-34 on the ground in the first place instead of killing USMC guys.
That's fine.  I am sure there are plenty of other servers out there, for you to go and be unhappy about.
BTW, how much damage does bombing do to the UAV, Arty and SAT?  As for the plane being on the ground, maybe the other players were busy playing the game on the ground as infantry...  You should try it some time, it's a hoot...
When I play Gulf of Oman, I'm on the ground capping flags 90% of the time.  The other 10% i'm either commander or flying.

The SU-34 is the equalizer for the MEC.  It should not be on the ground in a position to be stolen by the USMC.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-05-20 19:09:34)

+24|6736|in a small dark place
very gay reason for a ban

rootbeer73 wrote:

very gay reason for a ban
He broke a rule.  It's that simple...  It's clearly stated in the loading screen and it pops up repeatedly all through the game.  There are other servers he is more than welcome to play at, that don't have the uncap rule...
Aspiring Objectivist
Who freaking cares, get over it & find another server...

All of these kicked/banned from server posts piss me off, wtf...
+304|6747|New York City baby.
this post was far far from the past you musta dug that up lol, Im already unbanned and happy. Talked with a mature admin of moongamers and we came to a conclusion now you minnd not remind of this post by awakening it

A better rule for your server (or any server with similar rules) would be "do not spawn-camp uncappables at ANY time." Reasonably, it should be open season on guys sitting on AA platforms, shooting at choppers with FAV's, running and hiding in uncaps and generally being a nuisance. Servers with this rule, when I break it out of self-defense, love to kick/ban me and really don't have any argument in favor of it beyond "it just makes sense." I don't have a problem with uncaps that are far enough from combat not to matter very much, but when one is right next to a cappable flag, there can be some problems.

To be fair, I still haven't played on MoonGamers, so I can't personally whine about it.

The Soup Nazi wrote:

I admin on the MoonGamers Oman server and it can be a bear at times to keep it from becoming a 3 ring circus.  If one side gets all of the flags, no matter how many times we spam "Do not attack uncappable bases with vehicle weapons at ANY time", there will always be a few people who choose to ignore the warning and side-step the rule anyways causing a mass of players to be kicked for breaking the rule.  Sure, it may be an easier job to allow uncappable base raping, sit back and watch for tk'ers and smacktards, but after playing on that server almost exclusively for the past 4 months, it's the best rule to play by.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-21 02:41:44)

a fly
+105|6795|The netherlands

alpinestar wrote:

Here's the story:
Server : Moongamers ranked Mostly gulf of Oman
Sever rules: do not Base Rape with any equipment jets tanks etc or you will get kicked/banned

And now I'm on USMC as spec op going for their assets so I have my squad leader drive me to their base in a car
5 seconds later UAV and scanner are gone And I see SU-34 on runway so I said to my self alrite why not steal it
as I get in it I see C4 on windshield beeing dropped so I get out and politely kill the MEC with m4 I get back in it
and I see APC heading towards me on runway so I get in Passanger seat get lock on him and drop the apc with laser guided, next thing is I easily take off with stolen SU-34 and as I go to carrier to fix it up a little bit I get kicked/banned for that specific rule of the server Admin was ADMIN VRtrooper something
Now I want a honest opinion on this because I have yet another footage of this on fraps and I want to report that server because it is infact not first time I get kicked from there for doing similiar thing. Never based rape though
its not baseraping, since they had chances. however stealing from a uncap is not appreciated, in any server if its a rule or not.

you made 1 kill with the plane there, but that (like i said before) wasn't raping, but self defense, even if it wasn't it wasn't raping.  report it to bf2rankedservers and get on with your life.
Bombing the UAV, SAT, and Arty can give a team an advantage.  The SU 34 can take out all 3 arty pieces on Gulf of Oman  if the pilot lines up the bombing run correctly.  In the case of the US arty.  This is very important, because the MEC can kill their arty repeatedly by bombing and spec ops whith little fear of retaliation.  It is much easier for the MEC to defend theirs vs the USMC defending theirs.  Look at where the Arty is.  If the US loses the base closest to their Arty, It becomes much more difficult to defend and repair and keep repaired, until the US retakes that base. 

I believe that your no bombing rule on those assests might be in violation of the ROE.  The no base raping is not.  But you have set it up so that if someone steals a vehicle that can't defend themselves on the way to kill your guys at cappable flags.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-05-21 04:47:20)

Aeon Supreme commander
Well, here is my story: Server rules are no base rape of un cappable bases, no TK and the like

On Sharqi Pennisula(TV station map)
Commander told me in last round to blow their arty, so this round I run and blow the arty, and a tank starts to shoot be from the wall crack. I hide, he chases me, I Kill him and steal the tank, and run in the wrong direction with my SL. At the point to turn to get to the chopper pad, my Commander drops supplies.
We then go in, we get shot by 3 rockets, I think my SL died, I blow up their chopper with my tank, ram the tank into the radar dish, plant some c4, run to the conviently waiting boat, Blow c4, kill about 5 guys, and the tank, and I'm making my great escape in the boat getting shot at then..."You have been Kick for excessive Team Killing or Successfull vote"

Is that Kick worthy?
i play on that server, u got banned for no reason

vpyroman wrote:

Well, here is my story: Server rules are no base rape of un cappable bases, no TK and the like

On Sharqi Pennisula(TV station map)
Commander told me in last round to blow their arty, so this round I run and blow the arty, and a tank starts to shoot be from the wall crack. I hide, he chases me, I Kill him and steal the tank, and run in the wrong direction with my SL. At the point to turn to get to the chopper pad, my Commander drops supplies.
We then go in, we get shot by 3 rockets, I think my SL died, I blow up their chopper with my tank, ram the tank into the radar dish, plant some c4, run to the conviently waiting boat, Blow c4, kill about 5 guys, and the tank, and I'm making my great escape in the boat getting shot at then..."You have been Kick for excessive Team Killing or Successfull vote"

Is that Kick worthy?
Self defense and following commander's orders of blowing assets up.  the fact that idiot enemy soldiers go to close to the c4 is their fault.  You shouldn't have been kicked.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Noobie1 Canoli wrote:

alpinestar wrote:

Here's the story:
Server : Moongamers ranked Mostly gulf of oman
Sever rules: do not Base Rape with any equipment jets tanks etc or you will get kicked/banned
#1 - if you are going to quote the rules at least make sure you know the rules.

The following is straight from the Oman rules:

No uncapturable base Camping:
Oman's love-it-or-leave-it rule states that you cannot attack the uncappables with a vehicle's weapons. It is simple and straight forward at its core, but here it is in more detail:

- bomb or shoot at the uncappables with planes, including people, the Anti-Aerials, the artillery, UAV and Radar
- shoot any weapons from any vehicle - be it an APC, tank or dune buggy - at anyone or anything in the uncappables, including planes, AA, UAV, radar or any other vehicles
- attack any planes or helos that are on the ground. You must attack them only when they are airborne past the limits of the uncappable and have executed a flight manoeuvre (turn left or right, for instance)
- shoot back if you are being shot at from the uncappables. You go there at your own risk and aware of the conditions and you must afford others the same protection from spawn camping that you also should enjoy on your uncappable

You MAY:
- use vehicles as transport to and out of the uncappables, including stealing vehicles from the uncappables
- use commander artillery on the uncappables
- camp to your heart's content as infantry and destroy the objectives with C4
- use vehicles to run people over (including wingclipping with jets)

Passenger Kills:
If you are a passenger or co-pilot that is flown or driven into an uncap, any kills you get in the uncappable from that vehicle will net you a kick or ban, up to a permanent ban, pending an evaluation on the next Core Advisory Board meeting to decide if it should stay or be commuted. If you were attacking or defending is irrelevant.

So, as you can see there is no "no base rape" rule on our server. All bases can be raped but the uncaps have  been afforded some protection from vehicle weapons to make the map more even for both sides and gameplay more enjoyable for all.

#2 - By your own admission you broke the rule and the admin acted on it only when you broke the rule. It doesn't matter if it was the admin or a player in that APC you attacked. The rules are the same for all. He witnessed it first hand. He did his job well and will be commended for it. Whether we warn, kick or ban, and the length of the ban, will depend on the general environment of the server at the time as well as our assessment of the player's experience in the server/knowledge of the rules. As it is also stated on the Oman Rules:

"Any rule breakers will be dealt with accordingly. Regular players, who should be more familiar with server rules and procedures, will receive harsher penalties."

I understand that in the heat of the battle shit will happen. It happened to me also...twice. One time was bad enough that I banned myself for a few hours, so try to guess how much slack I or my Admin team are going to cut you or anyone else who breaks the rules.

Now, if you enjoy the server and want to play by our rules you are welcome anytime, if not, there are plenty of servers with no rules out there. If you come back do me a big favour, though. The next time you break a rule on our server and get handed a kick or ban don't go whining about it elsewhere or quoting the rules to serve your argument. That's lame. We have our own forums where you can request that a ban be lifted if you believe it wasn't fair.

If there is a next time, please come to us and we will look into it.

Also, Moongamers Admins do not abuse their power or they won't be with us for very long. We have to follow rules in applying the server rules. Not much is left at the discretion of Admins here, so there is no abuse as much as there is pretty good, fair and consistent application of rules to the best of our abilities. Mistakes do happen. We are human, after all. But we also listen to our players and shorten or lift bans in such cases and are not above apologizing for an incorrection on our part.

To answer someone else's comment: yes sometimes a lot of stuff slides by exactly because we want to be fair to all. We don't kick or ban on earsay. We have to witness the situation. That means we can't be everywhere at once, so if there is only one or two admins and a lot of rule breakers it's impossible to catch it all, but we do try our best.

To answer someone else's comment: to say that Oman admins have low points, that is why they get rid of players is a pretty retarded argument. If that worked we would not have low points, would we!? Maybe ghosting in the map to catch rule breakers is the real reason why even the good players see their stats drop when they join our admin team. Think about it. We don't pick people based on their gaming ability excatly because we don't want score-hungry people. We pick Admins based on personality, character and their commitment of time and effort to keep the server fun and fair for all. Our Admins go through a week of reading about all the rules before they are even allowed to use the server adminning application or wear Junior Admin tags. After a period as Junior Admins their performance is evaluated again before deciding if they don't make the cut, if the training period is extended or if they get full Admin. So, don't make up stories or get your nose bent out of shape because you don't like the rules and were kicked or banned for not following them. There are plenty of other servers where you can base rape to your heart's content. Please go be happy somewhere else. However, many have learned to love and live by our rules exactly because they make it fun and fair for all.

Visit our forums, check out our server rules, join us in Teamspeak and you will see for yourselves.

Your rules are a bunch of BS.  I voted no, "no baserape" rules are only there to protect n00bs who can't play the game and must hide behind self-made barriers.  This is a game, yes, thats why I hate cheaters.  But this is a WAR game.  Kill or be killed, if you have to have rules to protect you then stop playing the game because you suck.

    Oh, and guess what?  DICE put commander assets in uncappables.  DICE made uncappables attackable.  DICE even programed the bots to attack uncaps.
.VeNg3nCe I have to disagree with your comments.                                     Reason..........................

EA Official ranked server number 11...................................

Time roughly about 5.30 a.m UK time.

A well know squad of players who have their own server but always play together regularly.................frequented this server.

This was just after they got their own server.

32 players a side. Map was Fushe pass.

The chinese team had these players as members. One was commander the rest took the helicopters and flew straight to the US base.

Not one US player left that base..........no planes ,helis etc took off. The base was constantly raped by the Chinese.

I spawned at another flag and never saw any US players.  This occurred for two games of that map.

The third game the server emptied.

The game was no longer a game.

So there is a reason to have a rule such as no attacking an uncappable. The reason being to keep the server going with players who want at least the chance to have fun.

I do play on any server whether they have rape or no rape rules but at least I obey them.
I think it's safe to say, players who enjoy base raping are trying to make up for any of the following:

No "real" friends
no girlfriend
small genitalia(see above)
no skill
no values
no sense of fair play
not enough attention from parents
not breast fed enough as an infant
or no idea that if you keep it up long enough, the game stops being fun and people stop playing it.

It boils down to the simple fact that if your style of game play is cheating, base raping, glitching or using anything other than what's considered fair, you seriously need therapy of some kind.  You feel inferior in some way and using these methods makes you feel superior for a short time.  If you also hurt small animals or children, you have a wonderful future in the career field of being a psychopath.  At the very least, you might consider trying to fix what you can about yourself...
+304|6747|New York City baby.

Klaarg wrote:

I think it's safe to say, players who enjoy base raping are trying to make up for any of the following:

No "real" friends
no girlfriend
small genitalia(see above)
no skill
no values
no sense of fair play
not enough attention from parents
not breast fed enough as an infant
or no idea that if you keep it up long enough, the game stops being fun and people stop playing it.

It boils down to the simple fact that if your style of game play is cheating, base raping, glitching or using anything other than what's considered fair, you seriously need therapy of some kind.  You feel inferior in some way and using these methods makes you feel superior for a short time.  If you also hurt small animals or children, you have a wonderful future in the career field of being a psychopath.  At the very least, you might consider trying to fix what you can about yourself...
lol wtf!
well at least i know to stay clear of one server.
i'm glad to see you're putting a warm and friendly face on war.

don't keep air superiority by keeping all air assets grounded, wait until they've killed a few of your teammates...then attack them.
+159|6730|behind you

alpinestar wrote:

politely kill the MEC with m4
omg hahaha! thats funny
The King of Beers
Base-raping is when you park a vehicle and kill spawns!! 

Nothing wrong here
gay admins ftw imho i mean wtf you cant do this you cant do that i mean come on its a fucking war game its a faggot reason to ban ,u guys take the game way to serious .look at all the uk/usa forces in iraq can you imganine a commander saying "dont bomb our bases its capped" and the iraq's  say m'kay it isnt going to happen.carry on being fucktard admins and pissing everyone off you will be payeing a load of money for a empty ranked/wanked server.
no baserape = no baserape.

baserape = sticking around after blowing assets to kill legs & blow an APC

you got what you deserved

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