Destroy Noob Cannons
Daquing oilfields. 32. I get the bomber. first couple minutes I'm 9 and 0. goin good.. thining "hey maybe I'll get a new Kill streak.. this seems like a good round start." Fly down the runway to reload *BOOM* WTF? a helo flew right in front of me. gives me TKs. no sooner than I die, bottom of screen says "You were punished for teamkill! You were punished for teamkill!" >.<
then on the top of the screen the little console thing in green said "WARNING!! =[4TH]=SLAYTHEM FOR TEAMKILLING" if that wasn't bad enough... I go to get the bomber again and I find the two guys that flew in front of me waiting for the bomber. It's all clear to me now. if you don't know what is up, then eh.. check out your brain.

so I sit and wait for it holding E. I get in it along with one of the other guys.. I'm pilot.. taking off. idiot runs right in front of me. *KICK* *BAN* JOYUS NIGHT!

And this was a night coming back from not playing for a week. Great day it was. *sigh*
I needed to vent.
They need a method of detecting asshole plays like that, that would really piss me off.
Thats fucked up.
BF2s' little helper
I don't understand why people have to fly their choppers over runways all the time... I really don't.. people know planes come in for rearming.. still they fly there.. AND punishes.. I HATE people who punish for THEIR OWN stupidity!!!!!!!!!
I don't think I'm allowed to express my true feelings for people who stands infront of planes.. but they f***ing suck!... why oh why punish for that? its not like you get the plane for that..

This is the What happens when you own in a jet!!  Get used to the tk's people, if you want to fly.  No matter how good you are, once in a while in a jet, your gonna get tk's.  Whether it is friendlies getting out of there vehicles, and you mistakingly bombing that target.  Or smacktards who havn't been waiting in line or their turn for the jet, then they jump in front of you, you get  a tk.  Heck, Ive flown around a map with c4 stuck on my window, just waiting for it to pop and killing me and my aircraft with one hit of a switch, now that's pressure.

Should we even bring up the missiles of these jets.  Now I love to shoot down helis, I have learned NOT to use my missiles on them.  Whenever you fire a missile, well it seeks the first friendly target in the area.  Thanks EA!!

I'm venting because my clanmates tease me for my tk's, well thank you smacktards of BF2 for those.  Without you this all these tk's wouldn't be possible!!  For all of those idiots who try to jump into a J-10 Or and  f-18, when its already taking off, well, this buds for you man, thanks!! (Doesn't have a 2nd seat noob)

But on a lighter note, i do tip my hat to all those pilots who have shot me down, i'll see you all in the skies...

+1|7162|England, Uk
Those type of people are the worst some people seem to think that they are the best in a vehicle or something so they either kill you to get it or make you kill them to get it but what makes me laugh is the fact that half the time they get in the plane or whatever. Then less than a minute later they have been killed and their back doing the exact same thing to get another one.
T5 gemustert
Yeah...... i got TKed alot by one person just to see how he ramms the chopper in the ground after a few secs of flyin'.....

"well", i thought, "now it is time to do something you normally just do to enemies".... *shot*, took the chopper, flew away, he respawned to late, we won the game, everything was fine for me.

Last edited by AndrewPoison (2005-10-28 01:46:36)

i had that on a server
when you join it sais wait in line for veh/planes
so i try to get the MOC f16 and when i am in a guy spams and he snipes me out the cocpit
he fly's crashes 10 seconds later becouse he is the worst pilot i have ever seen i wait for the plane he shoots me again and takes it-> crashes it and then shoot me again for about 10 times
i knew that server has a tkban if you make 11 tk's so he got banned after the 11th time
but i just hate that guys that want to lern flying and for that shoot you out your plane if you want to lern it get an UNRANKED server and practice not a RANKED one!
i hate those fuckers

mrnatrium wrote:

i had that on a server
when you join it sais wait in line for veh/planes
so i try to get the MOC f16 and when i am in a guy spams and he snipes me out the cocpit
he fly's crashes 10 seconds later becouse he is the worst pilot i have ever seen i wait for the plane he shoots me again and takes it-> crashes it and then shoot me again for about 10 times
i knew that server has a tkban if you make 11 tk's so he got banned after the 11th time
but i just hate that guys that want to lern flying and for that shoot you out your plane if you want to lern it get an UNRANKED server and practice not a RANKED one!
i hate those fuckers
Or better yet  single player is a great place to learn how to pilot
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7162|United Kingdom
well as i generally dont fly (i know i suck) i just gun for the bomber most of the time. but i think those missiles are worse than stingers and the like. i had a lock on on an enemy tank and as i fired, the person in said tank got out and the missile changed direction to the nearest target (friendlies) and i proceeded to wipe out 4 of my teammates...

i suppose you just have to live with it and expect to get kicked / banned a couple times when you fly...
Mass Media Casualty

Yeah, dumbasses and teamkill punishing. I used to punish all the time, but thankfully I have GROWN OUT OF IT, like most people should. I know that getting out of a fast moving vehicle while it's turning, often results in me being killed by a team mate. Fair enough, but it's not their fault.
FURTHERMORE, dumbasses who REFUSE to forgive me if they run over my SOLITARY mine, in a REALLY OBVIOUS place with a big-red-bloody-skull on top of it!!!!
Kill 'em all!!

Forgive me for my seemingly random rant, but I havn't done one yet, so it was about time...

Last edited by Tyferra (2005-10-28 02:05:50)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
BF2s' little helper
Hey wouldn't it be a great idea to have a punish leaderboard??? Then we could really see who the biggest and most stupid f***ers are!!!
+76|7094|Antwerp, Flanders
Yes, and the top 50 punishers should always be visible on the enemy's maps as a big red DOT and light up red in-game so they can see him from a mile away. Whoever gets to kill him 3 times in a row gets a 10 point bonus.

Last edited by Rosse_modest (2005-10-28 05:33:52)


Rosse_modest wrote:

Yes, and the top 50 punishers should always be visible on the enemy's maps as a big red DOT and light up red in-game so they can see him from a mile away. Whoever gets to kill him 3 times in a row gets a 10 point bonus.
Yeah, I'll vote for that

=[4th]=SlayThem, they're just dipshits, there's not a lot you can do . Just think how many times you've played the game and everything's been great.... they must outweigh the crap times
+0|7102|Rolling Hills of England
Oh buddy - that 'moron runs across the runway' thing happens to me all the time. Sad thing is - you can see it happening in slow mo; there's some guy on the right yellow 'Hey, I need a ride' before launching his body at your cockpit and punishing you for the teamkill. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Slam on the anchors at 200 knots *just for you*?

I feel your pain.

Last edited by Hicks (2005-10-28 05:42:34)

i know the feeling....last night im doing wake island im going very smooth in the jet having a 24-0 score no tk's 48 points. then i die so i respawn one of my own sqaud members is waiting for the jet. i would have tought m8 ur going so f*cking smooth il let u have the jet.....
maybe im just a to good person cuz he TK's me just before the jet spawns...seriously ... im out of words ......
there are to much idiots in this game....i want EA to come with a TK solution fast cuz its freaking up my gameplay
+0|7102|Rolling Hills of England
"All new from Punkbuster - the new inovative 'Cock-Repellant'!"

- I wish.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7100|The Hague, Holland
A lame ass friend of mine * I know him for so long * Kept punishing me to annoy me. Of course I wouldnt be as pissed as I normally would be cus hes my friend. What I did whas simple, I went over to his house and bashed the Page Down button out . Dont know if this has effect. Maybe EA should start using this feautre as well?
to start a sort of protest i like u all to remove your page down button and smack it in to pieces then make pic of it as proof

Last edited by cohen1976 (2005-10-28 06:25:04)

Then what should we do when Sniper(GER) on your team shoots you out of the F-15 cockpit with his brand new M95?
+0|7102|Rolling Hills of England
Ghost - are you for hire
BF2s' little helper
I really dig the "removal-of-page-down-key" idea ...

Snoogans84 wrote:

They need a method of detecting asshole plays like that, that would really piss me off.
yea i agree with that one LOL... EA seriously needs to make a " asshat has entered the server " detector

i dont put op with that crap in my server all peeps gotta do is inform me or another one of my admins and their gone for a week atleast .

i hate the fukin retards that enter a server and disrespect the server admins /owners / their team mates

like get a frickin' clue you little bastard/s and . LOL>>>>its kinda like if they knew you personaly they'd come over to your house , walk in grab your beer , and grope your woamans tits and ass  and then not leave a tip at the fukin door !...lol
+7|7075|Boulder, CO

=KHA=Pryvate_Pyle wrote:

This is the What happens when you own in a jet!!  Get used to the tk's people, if you want to fly.  No matter how good you are, once in a while in a jet, your gonna get tk's.  Whether it is friendlies getting out of there vehicles, and you mistakingly bombing that target.  Or smacktards who havn't been waiting in line or their turn for the jet, then they jump in front of you, you get  a tk.  Heck, Ive flown around a map with c4 stuck on my window, just waiting for it to pop and killing me and my aircraft with one hit of a switch, now that's pressure.

Should we even bring up the missiles of these jets.  Now I love to shoot down helis, I have learned NOT to use my missiles on them.  Whenever you fire a missile, well it seeks the first friendly target in the area.  Thanks EA!!

I'm venting because my clanmates tease me for my tk's, well thank you smacktards of BF2 for those.  Without you this all these tk's wouldn't be possible!!  For all of those idiots who try to jump into a J-10 Or and  f-18, when its already taking off, well, this buds for you man, thanks!! (Doesn't have a 2nd seat noob)

But on a lighter note, i do tip my hat to all those pilots who have shot me down, i'll see you all in the skies...

Whether it is friendlies getting out of there vehicles, and you mistakingly bombing that target
What's up with that anyway ^^ Are they planning on fixing that or what? Really annoying when you can't see the friendly names or a dot on the radar but there's a big square for you to bomb, and then boom 1-3 tk's. Do the devs even play this game?
You can spot a noob a mile away, he is usually wearing a sniper kit!!

dam snipers, who told people that sniper kits own?  seriously whenever my team loses it is because i have a bunch of noobs running around with sniper rifles?  Cmon, the only reason i have used the dam sniper kit is to get my sniper badge, thanks again EA.

Your ground pounding with friends, your killing about to take a flag, just killed like 5 people to get the flag, then boom, you get sniped by some scared little kid hidding in the grass, thanks EA.

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