more like free thinker. Why would i peg myself to a platform? I don't need a label to describe myself to feel better about my position.
I bounce all over the place, it's just the simplest way to categorize my own views.
Anyway, I completely agree about decentralizing power. Doing so enables the average voter to have more direct power over how government exists within his life. Sadly, that's not the way this country operates. Every level of government is constantly striving to empower itself more at the expense of the others, as well as the citizens themselves. Personally, I like the idea of states competing with one another for population. Let Vermont go totally socialist. Let New Hampshire go totally libertarian. See what works. See what doesn't work. This is why I rail against things like Obamacare. It removes my choice to participate or not, whereas if it were done at the state level, and I disagreed with it so vehemently, I could simply pack my bags and move to a more hospitable state. FDR was the single worst thing to ever happen to this country. Before him, people looked to their state for aid or ideas. After him, the country became focused and centralized on Washington.
As for the corporate minimum tax, I agree. We do need to destroy all loopholes in every kind of taxation. However, I feel that corporate tax rates need to be lowered quite dramatically as well. 35% is obscene and it did more to drive our manufacturing and other businesses overseas than unions could've ever managed on their own.
Last, I'm with you on publicly funded elections, but like mandatory voting, it punishes people who wish to stay out of politics completely. It's something I flip flop on. I do see it cutting down on corruption, I just don't necessarily want to pay for some politicians jaunts around the country on speaking tours...