This is why women shouldnt leave the house.
does mrs adams leave the house?

Not for long.KuSTaV wrote:
does mrs adams leave the house?
Good news everyone! Just spoke to an indian person for 75 mins and i have internet sorted. My modem arrives in three working days, so if all goes to plan its bf3 for everyone!!!!


everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
Your handwriting is love.

So, I punch and a gaphi∞ tablet from PC rape year yestereuj aflernoon.
.. It was on my porch this aftlen∞n.
..thatl's <24 hours =o
tl are you toclay, BF2sAU? <3
.. It was on my porch this aftlen∞n.
..thatl's <24 hours =o
tl are you toclay, BF2sAU? <3

That's how I read it too.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Basically what I took from that too.

everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
You write like a doctor.

It's pretty difficult writing where you're not looking. I can write much nicer on paper.
It's pretty difficult writing where you're not looking. I can write much nicer on paper.
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
Your handwriting is pretty neat, don't know what everyone is talking about. Then again mine is illegible.

posting so EU gay chats isn't the most recent posted-in thread
thanks ts

np, i just don't want angry aussies
we're all good.

stupid EU eh mate? LOL
stupid EU eh mate? LOL
bloody euros
dunno how you stand em
dunno how you stand em

isn't it late in aussieland?
isn't it late in aussieland?
aye. Its 10 to 2 in the morning. I have uni shit to do... though I deserve it for leaving it so late.

i see
that's kinda weird, i'm sat in front of a window and looking out it's sunny, not a cloud in the sky. then in aussieland it's dark and stuff OH MY GOD TIMEZONES AREN'T YOU WEIRD
that's kinda weird, i'm sat in front of a window and looking out it's sunny, not a cloud in the sky. then in aussieland it's dark and stuff OH MY GOD TIMEZONES AREN'T YOU WEIRD
10 to 3, stupid ass QLDr
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥