Needs to be removed from the game, or extremely toned down. It get's extremely annoying when you have those faggots that just bunny-hop with the DAO-12 or the C4 and you just can't hit them before they kill you. It gets rediculous sometimes. They should either make it so you can't jump continuously, or make the stamina cost 60% so you can't jump repeatedly.
Pojebany Hlop
+1|7157|Sicily, Italy
you've been around for 162 hrs, you aren't used to it by now?

hopefully they will do something about it in the future patches.  i personally have no idea how they do it, if i come across a bunny i can hardly hit the bastered and die or it runs(hops) away but when i try it i die as if i never even jumped...this keeps on bothering much for "can't beat them join 'em"   

Last edited by Stasiek (2005-10-27 16:48:43)

Bunny hoppers suck, superman diving is where it's at.
+0|7165|San Francisco, California
To be honest I have no problems with Bunny Hoppers. Infact I laugh my ass off because I'm just standing still and they're jumping all over the place. I'm standing still, open fire, and he's dead soon after. Honestly, it's not difficult at all to deal with them or hit them. Then again I don't experience alot of stutters and low frame rate. That is one of the advantages over Bunny Hoppers. I also occasionally Bunny Hop when I do lag or I'm out of ammo and am low on health. And when I do Bunny Hop, I'm not really giving a shit whether or not you're going to scream until your balls fall off just because you'd rather I stand still so you can choose whether you want to Shoot me, nade me, or stab me.

Last edited by VazkoraGFL (2005-10-27 17:00:34)

All Hate
+1|7097|Northern VA
Over the past 2 days I've killed 5 hoppers, was killed by 1. The one that killed me did so because I ran out of bullets in mid-fight. Stand still, turn, watch, fire.

Last edited by Omnimalice (2005-10-27 17:03:23)

It is satisfying to snipe one in the head mid hop though
+0|7165|San Francisco, California

Snoogans84 wrote:

It is satisfying to snipe one in the head mid hop though
Imagine if you did that while you're bunny hopping haha.
I kill them all the time, I'm just saying it's god damn annoying. Especially when they use the macro so they don't have to press spacebar every damn time to start bunny hopping.
+7|7074|Boulder, CO
What do you consider bunny hopping? I mean I hop sometimes out of reflex if I get startled by some guy sitting around a corner. I don't continue jumping around like a freak but a single hop can give you an advantage if you aim straight. I don't have much problem with ppl that continue to jump around like idiots because usually they can't aim for shit, which is probably the reason they hop around, and it's always satisfying to kill one and call em a dork or something. I mean.. they have to know how stupid they look... The only time bunny hoppers really piss me off is when they just run around with noob tubes jumping out from behind corners and spamming grenades. Also satisfying to kill them..

Turtle wrote:

What do you consider bunny hopping? I mean I hop sometimes out of reflex if I get startled by some guy sitting around a corner. I don't continue jumping around like a freak but a single hop can give you an advantage if you aim straight. I don't have much problem with ppl that continue to jump around like idiots because usually they can't aim for shit, which is probably the reason they hop around, and it's always satisfying to kill one and call em a dork or something. I mean.. they have to know how stupid they look... The only time bunny hoppers really piss me off is when they just run around with noob tubes jumping out from behind corners and spamming grenades. Also satisfying to kill them..
agreed....the others that can sometimes aggravate me are the spec-ops hoppers when they toss c4 around like they're delivering newspapers.

90% of the time though, the people I see "hopping" are doing it to get out of the line of fire and don't seem to know where I'm shooting from.  Like Turtle, I'll hop reflexively to try and get out of the way of the first few shots, especially with the noob-tubing that goes on lately.  After that I'm more interested in shooting back that jumping around like Richard Simmons.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7099|The Hague, Holland
I once saw a bunnyhopper with a PKM. Now Thats funny to see.
+7|7074|Boulder, CO

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

I once saw a bunnyhopper with a PKM. Now Thats funny to see.
The funny thing is the guy probably has no skill at all and ends up getting one bullet to land that happens to be a headshot...
+0|7096|Phoenix, AZ
I love to 40mm their asses and then proclain "DEATH TO BUNNY HOPPING BITCHES!" Usually I get cheered on. Sometimes the person says "F**k you!" I don't care. He died, I didn't.
What is your definition of bunny hoping anyway :
1 jumping arround while standing up ?? i dont think that bunny hopping thats jumping and its easy to get killed that way..
but when someone is able to jump from prone potion back to prone in less then half a second so it look like if he was bouncing in prone ... but how can you do that anyway ....???seeing 1 guy do that with a pmk and had no chance with my sniper  lol
I find it odd that jumping is a defensive reaction for most people I shoot.  I'm a sniper, and if someone is running or quite a distance away I will aim for the torso and kill them on the second shot.  Immediately after that first shot most people start jumping like crazy, the smart ones run for cover or drop and go prone and start shooting back.  I reccomend going for cover though, most snipers will be able to headshot a motionless target fairly easily.
I think that repeated jumping to avoid being killed should lose u stamina the same as running.
I can't believe you people don't know what bunny-hopping is... Jesus christ.
+0|7070|Brisbane Australia
then tell us oh wise one Bravery.  and then we can pour scorn on your definition of bunnyhopping, because whatever it is that allows a M249 wielding loon to jump around and HS me from 300m is bloody irritating.
The Soup Nazi
+18|7105|North Lauderdale, FL
let them jump...  i don't care.  it's part of the game, so deal...
Like i say, if im in a sever with them, ill just do it, stuff them, but when im being fired at, i find i jump once, am i getting this disease????
Bunny hopping is just one way to exploit the game. The jump routine is not ment to be used like that. It is ment to be used TO JUMP OVER SOME OBJECT or to perform similar action. It's not ment to be used continuously...but it is used that way = poor game coding..
Theres a major difference between jumping and bunny hopping. What I've seen that's made me mad was a guy jumping like 6 feet in the air from prone position and never once left the prone position. he killed me while doing it then I was watching him later and he killed a clan member doing the samething. See me with my DAO I will jump around and good luck killing me

ReaperUK wrote:

I think that repeated jumping to avoid being killed should lose u stamina the same as running.
You actualy lose stamina when you jump, the problem is that you can still jump when your stamina is at zero....
+0|7072|Orlando, FL

seriously though, </ cry> if you can't learn to compensate you're going to have a very short bf2 career.
+0|7083|Trondheim, Norway
jeje you all moan and bitch about bunny hoppin, but the second i draw my knife everyone's all over the place.

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