Roc18 wrote:
Nic wrote:
SonderKommando wrote:
Really? Barbells are especially nice, grab ahold of those with your teeth for a little playful tug, yeaaaah buddy.
Yeah, I don't know, they are kinda middle of the road for me, alright if they are there, alright if they are not. Never went "Pierced Nips! Nice!". To bad I guess, the more things there are to get stoked on a chick the better as far as I see it.
>That feel when you're licking them and the barbell keeps knocking against your teeth.
well sir, you're just a pussy. Maybe you should use a better toothbrush. Perhaps the enamel on your teeth is weak?
Also, if you're damaging your teeth on her nipple rings you need to chill anyways.. You're engaged in foreplay, not trying to bite her fucking tits off...