Does anybody watch these? They're super interesting. Some are straight science, others are just: 'holy shit that was cool'.
Essentially, somebody who is an 'expert' in something comes and talks to people about that. Anything from Nintendo Wii's to wingsuit flying to geckos.
Johnny Lee: Wii Remote Hacks (5 min)
Sir Ken Robinson: Schools kills creativity (20 min)
Bobby McFerrin: music-brain hacks (3 min)
Theo Jansen: Walking wooden creatures (8 min)
Brian Greene: String theory (20 min)
Juan Enriquez: Economy and new science (18 min)
David Blaine: 17 minute breath-hold (20 min)
Ueli Gegenschatz: Wingsuit flying (12 min)
Robert Full: Learning from the gecko's tail (12 min)
Eric Giler: Wireless electricity (10 min)
Michael Pritchard: Water filters (9 min)